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Console Dream

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  • Species

    Pegasus Pony
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  • Physical Description

    Console is an orange pegasus with a blue and yellow mane that was very long on her right side but quite short on her left side. Her left eye is a bright blue while her right eye is a dark yellow however on her left eye is a scar that goes across her eye. Her tail is very scruffy and is half blue and yellow. Finally, her cutiemark consists of a gamer controllers with head phones on top of the console.

    Picture drawn by @MidnightFire1222 (commission them! they're lovely!)

  • Backstory

    Growing up in a very competitive city full of corrupt ponies isn't somewhere any pony would want to raise their children but that is where the story starts. Fillydelphia. Console Dream was born on February 17th in the heart of Fillydelphia and raised there for the majority of her childhood. She was brought up by three important figures of her life: Her mother, Gentle Step, owned and ran her own dance studio in town; Her father, Quick Fix, who a hard working carpenter and finally her older brother by two years, Dynamo Pad, who she had looked up to and loved to spend the majority of her time with.

    Console was always a bit of a brat between her classmates and acted very tomboy despite having a long mane and tail. Then again most of her classmates were from very snobby families, big companies or those who proclaim themselves "royalty" because of their ancestry. She found it hard to befriend most of the girls because they were trying to act very mature for their age and wouldn't exactly invite her to play during recess. However, she found it a little easier to befriend the guys and became very close friends with a guy whose father owned a well known company across Fillydelphia. It was even implied that Console started to like him more than just friends. But the girls did not like this not one bit.

    Because of the developing friendship between the two ponies were growing closer than any of the girls were, all of them decide to give Console a bit of a "makeover" to prove their point. On Console's 7th birthday, the girls invited Console over to sit down on an ordinary chair and tricked her to think she was going to play pretend hairdressers with them. But something didn't feel right. The girls kept making her hair extremely uneven at sides, even making parts of her head bald and pretending she was looking beautiful. Console could hear the snickering from them and glanced over to a side mirror outside to see her actual appearance. This made her extremely upset once she saw the state of her hair. One of the girls was going for her bangs but Console tried to grab the scissors out of her grasp. Unfortunately, the blade was right next to her left eye and... let's just say most of the girls got expelled from her school.

    Thankfully, she got back to life after a little bit of surgery, a few months of hair regrowth and three trips to the hairdresser's. After her parents forced out of school for homeschooling because of the previous events, Console would find herself mostly bored and have nothing much to do but to do her schoolwork, bond with her brother and watch videos for the past few years of her life. At the age of 10, Console was doing her usual browsing and watching videos when one of the videos she was watching mention the words: 'Streaming'. She didn't understand at that age what streaming was but this didn't stop the mare from finding out. A while later, Console found the main 'origin' of streaming on a platform called Buzz. (The equivalent to Twitch) where she found all of these people playing games live from their homes with a strange chat bar on the side showing thousands of users commentating on the streamer or the game itself. Everything felt so new, so original, so inspiring... the young filly wanted to be just like those streamers and play games for fun. Unfortunately she couldn't make an account at the time because she wasn't old enough and it required the user to be over 14 years of age.

    But that didn't stop the filly from getting prepared for when the time comes. She would spend hours on end playing games on her other consoles, researching streaming equipment, saving up money for those equipment and eagerly anticipate both christmas and her birthdays. She would even ask Dynamo from time to time to stream games on his computer so she could fit in some practice. However, despite all this time, the filly remained a blank flank through her hard work and dedication to become a streamer she dreamed to be. From what she accomplished, she had achieved 60 bits and a few checks from their grandparents worth 50 bits. This cycle kept repeating onwards until a special day occurred for the family. Her older brother achieved his cutie mark! The family rejoiced in celebration towards his successful achievement and even Console was proud of him. But she couldn't help but be jealous of getting a cutie mark before she did and felt left out of the family. Isolated. Alone. Cold. It didn't felt fair for the mare for him to get a cutie mark even though she was determined to get a cutie mark at the same time as him. So much for expectations.

    After some time of waiting and saving up money, the now 14 year old was old enough to start her own account and get her streaming adventure started. Firstly, she created an entire account to herself and called her official name off her gamertag: "Console_Split17". The computer she was using to stream her games wasn't so flash, unlike her brother's, but it ran the game perfectly without any issues. She had the software for the custom popup chats running and notifications that would display a little heart whenever someone has followed her account on Buzz. Her microphone was her standard earphone mic that would cost around 10 to 20 bits at most and finally, she didn't have a proper working camera to show her face on screen but her views weren't anything of her concerns. All she wanted was to play her game. With a slight shiver down her spine, she started her very first stream. The girl nervously started to play the game of her choice, which was World of Ponycraft at the time, and kept looking back at her stream to see who was watching. Surprisingly enough, two people started watching her play the game and commentating on her skills/gameplay. They both really like her content and wanted to see more. Console felt really excited, really pleased she could entertain at least a small crowd. As she kept progressing through the game, more and more people came to watch her stream. Some subscribed to her, some kept recommending her tricks with the game and some even gave her money with positive feedback! Around two hours in, Console checked the viewer numbers and her eyes went to the size of peas. It was over 500 people! For the first time in pony history, Console felt like she had accomplished so much entertaining everyone with her skills. Because of this amazing accomplishment, Console got her cutie mark on the 24th of September.

    Ever since then, she moved out of Fillydelphia with Dynamo at the age of 16 and got herself comfortable in a small town called Ponyville. To this day, Console is constantly making streams and is following on a fully operational schedule where everything works out for both family and games. Her highest viewer rates these days is very close to 10,000.

  • Personality

    Console is a very kind yet stubborn mare who would do anything for the sake of both new equipment for her streams and food. When meeting a new person, she gets a little suspicious of them because she doesn't know if they're a trustworthy person or just someone in disguise to try fool her into doing something traumatic to her. She would also get a bit defensive over what the person would say to her just in case she thinks they're trying to catch her off guard, which also causes her to be a little bit irritable when things don't go according to plan.

    Once she has warmed up to the person, she would slightly lower her defensive side and be more casual towards said person. Sometimes if she's in the mood, she can be very random and humour the person the best she can. Because of her tomboy side, she's not afraid to get a bit dirty when getting playful. Nothing too harmful where the person might end up crying but just playful tackles and weak punches.

    Despite all this, she does have a soft side that she lets out around people she trusts a lot. With that side, she can be the most caring person in the world (not to mention very protective). If someone she loved was hurt, she would first comfort them then secondly go after the person who made their loved one feel insecure or terrible about themselves.

    Finally, with her streaming side, she acts very casual and tomboy towards her viewers and makes sure they're both having a good time and following the rules.

  • Likes

    Streaming, playing games, sleeping, eating food, being around her family members, late-night marathons
  • Dislikes

    Bad haircuts, bullying, cockroaches, seeing others being picked on for what they love, snobby/elite families, disorganised schedules.
  • Friends

    Depends on roleplay!, Dynamo Pad (brother)
  • Rivals

    Cosmic Clown

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