Radiant Hope (AU Sombra)
1 -
Last visited
Loud Opinion
Crystal Pony -
39 -
Male -
Crystal Empire Palace -
Tyrant and Necromancer -
Character Images
Cutie Mark Image
Radiant Hope was born to rule The Crystal Empire. Literally, its his birthright. As he grew into his birthright, a young filly by the name Sombra had struck his heart. Radiant Hope saw the mare was austricised because of her cutie mark and took it upon himself to take care of her. What started as a colt trying his best to protect a filly grew into a mutual respect as Sombra continually impressed him with her remarkable stewardship.
Radiant, despite being born to rule, was nothing spectacular, at least in public. He let Sombra handle most statecraft. In privet, he was curious why the dark arts were shunned to the degree they were. He would study them whenever his duties or wife didn't demand him.
Key Moments
One day a mare was 'lost to sleep'. The mare had been concussed while expecting. Her husband had gotten desparet as the day of delivery could strike without warning. He came to Radiant in hopes of finding a solution to this unconventional problem. The novelty of the situation inspired Radiant to test what he had learned about the dark arts.
Radiant used a curse to force the mare into a waking sleep. This proved successful. The mare and her husband then lived happily.
Seeing the good that a curse in the right place can do, Radiant was emboldened and validated in his studies. So, focused on 'dark life' --or necromancy as it would come to be known as. One day, Sombra, Radiant's wife passed before her time. Radiant was distraught and heart-broken. So, he pored himself into his study of 'dark life' and found a solution. Radiant would trap Sombra's soul to her body so her doctor could properly recover her.
Eventually, as families go, a filly was born. However, Sombra did not have enough life to give. While the filly was healthy, she would grow up without magic, and her mother would wither away.
It didn't take long for Sombra to weaken and grow sickly. Eventually, Sombra would become bedridden and unable to perform her duties as steward and so the kingdom suffered. Radiant was poring himself into his dark studies. Eventually, he stubbed upon a secret. He concluded, that he was missing an ingredient for the curse he put on Sombra's soul. He was missing the core of self preservation, the driver for continued existence: Fear.
Radiant Hope is mostly architipical, as a consequence of his upbringing. He has a mental image of a protector and a savior. He feels complete when he is helping others. Even dark magic fits this schema, as he sees it as misunderstood and in need of nurturing.
Dark magic, seeing his subjects wellbeing, and family. There is not much room in his heart for much else. -
Pain, bad things, harm, negativity, being killed, not living, being locked in prison, being stolen from, burning his dinner, losing his senses, being injured... -
Magic Spells
Incomplete temporal stasis, wakening curse, and unlife curse. -
breathing, being alive, walking, speaking... -
*cricket chirps* -
*more crickets*
Other Characters by this Player
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