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For all hunters hunting for game's challenges.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. How did I miss this topic? In Mad Max there's an achievement for completing all non-repeating challenges, and one of them requires obtaining enough scrap through a stronghold upgrade that needs internet connection to work. It's unobtainable now, since servers went down. I didn't know about it until I was almost finished with the achievements. Fortunately, I found a fully completed save file somewhere on the internet, so I was able to 100% it. I only used it when everything else was done, so it wasn't cheating.
  3. I'm trying for the left 4 dead 2 achievement: bridge over trebled water and even on easy mode I keep running into tanks, hunters, etc that keep slowing.me down. any good tips on how to try to get past it as fast as possible? also, I'm playing with bots alone if you're wondering.
  4. Not so much impossible but just difficult is my trying to get the Richter achievement in Castlevania sotn. He is such a glass canon it's HARD trying to get through the inverted castle part. Every little hit does so much damage it's absurd.
  5. Certainly was onine trophies that weren't too bad to get, but I was busy with other games. And now servers are closed. Like WipEout HD for example. And some DLC that aren't sold anymore.
  6. Whether it's due to online features gone a game dlc no longer available, or broken game/glitches have you ever had an achievement you really wanted but failed to get before it was permanently locked out of possibility? For myself it was telltales game of thrones I didn't have the money for the extra chapter and by the time I did it was gone so I only have chapter 1 achievements on my 360. And now the game is literally impossible to get.

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