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About This Club

Welcome to the Spanish Club! Our club is a vibrant community where we celebrate and explore the Spanish language and the rich diversity of Spanish-speaking cultures. Whether you're just starting out or you're already fluent, we welcome speakers of all levels to join us in conversations, cultural activities, and social events. Our mission is to foster a love for the language and its cultures while creating connections between different communities through mutual understanding and friendship.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Thanks Count for starting this, I appreciate it! I've been meaning to make one of these for both of the clubs I'm the owner of, but I keep getting sidetracked XD ---------------------- Hola todos! Me llamo Estrella! Soy un alicornio de los cosmos. Me encanta la musica clasica, rock, y jazz. Yo creo que la musica en general esta bonita. Yo puedo hablar y leer espanol tambien, pero todavia estoy tratando mejorar mis habilidades.
  3. Cool! This is a very good idea! ------------------- ¡Hola! Me llamo Power Chord. Soy un poni terrestre rockero. Me encanta la música (especialmente el Rock Duro) y tocar la guitarra. ¡Yo ya sé Español, pero os ayudaré a aprenderlo!
  4. One of the goals of this club is practice of Spanish language and this topic is nice place to start. Introducing yourself is the most native way to start using any language. I guess, It's my turn. -------- Buenas, ponis. Mi nombre es Crypty. Soy un unicornio viajero. Me gustaría aprender español para viajar y visitar más países. Profesores @Arrlong28, @Starlight Serenade, corrígeme si es necesario por favor.
  5. Lección 1 – Vocales / Lesson 1 – Vowels Hi! Arrlong28 here. This is the first lesson about learning Spanish! Remember that if you have any questions you can contact me! Keep in mind that I’m a native Spain “Castillian” Spanish speaker and I’m not a professional teacher… But I wish this lessons can be a starter point to see how you feel about learning this language. I’m going to add some video, vocabulary and a song, so you can practice and “grasp” the sounds and make them yours. My personal advice: when I’m learning a language I put a lot of attention to the vocabulary ‘cause vocabulary gives you the capacity to know what they’re talking about. And then, the Grammar comes to your mind more naturally. This is my way to learn a language, maybe this can works for you. ---------------------------------------------------------- Vocales (Vowels) There are only 5 vowels in Spanish. A E I O U a e i o u When I’m learning languages I like to think of Vowels as notes of a musical scale. In this case, a scale with five notes. Listen to this song, it's a good way to start. Easy! Those vowels always sound the same. VOCABULARY! AMIGO / AMIGA (Friend / Female Friend) ABEJA (Bee) ABUELA (Grandmother) ELEFANTE (Elephant) ESPEJO (Mirror) ESCOBA (broom) ISLA (Island) OSO (bear) OVEJA (sheep) UNIVERSIDAD (University) UNICORNIO (unicorn) UVAS (Grapes) Optional: Listen this song. Iv'e written the lyrics in Spanish so you can follow the song and get the ear used to listen Spanish. Así que tienes magia, y no es tan genial es el destino cuando te encuentra se que te puede asustar pero vas a alucinar así que llénate de magia ¡Haz que forme parte de ti! Toma un poco de esta magia y se encenderá Mezcla cosas y verás como empezará La historia cambiará Un momento bastará Porque te llenarás de magia ¡Esto es lo mejor que hay! Te has de llenar de magia! Suélatala no la has de guardar Has de tomar la magia Y aprender lo que podrá hacer cuando sea parte de tu ser. Pisando fuerte tu camino trazarás tu sueño al fin podrás hacerlo realidad como has podido ver no tienes que temer porque la magia te va a proteger Así que tienes magia y no es tan genial es el destino cuando te encuentra Un nuevo amigo harás solo has de escuchar Y juntos podréis conseguirlo. Te has de llenar de magia! Suélatala no la has de guardar Has de tomar la magia Y aprender lo que podrá hacer cuando sea parte de tu ser. ¡Cuando sea parte de tu ser! ¡Cuando sea parte de tu ser! Cuando sea parte de tu ser...
  6. ¡Bienvenidos cadetes! (sorry for my broken English but for now this is the best I can do!) My name’s Arrlong28. This is my first post about learning Spanish, where we are going to learn the History and Evolution of the Spanish language! Spanish (like other romance languages like French or Italian) is a more complex, passionate and poetic language than English. For most people it’s a language difficult to learn. We are not most people: we are Bronies and Pegasisters! We have the resources, the will to make this lessons count! Also, there’s 1.000 Million Spanish Speakers in the world. If they can, you can! THE EVOLUTION OF SPANISH LANGUAGE: The Spanish language have it’s origins in the common or vulgar Latin spoken in the Roman Empire but with the passing of the years has evolved fast and in a very special ways. One of the theories I support is that the Spanish language come from Basque People speaking Latin. Basque people are a matriarchal society, in the north of Spain with a VERY unique language and culture. Like the Basque language, Spanish has 5 spoken and written vowels. A E I O U And some words are influenced by Basque like “Zulo” (A quind of hole) or “Ardilla” (Squirrel). Then the Visigoth, Suebi and other Germanic tribes arrived at the Iberian peninsula as leaders and conquerors. That means that the population that spoke latin with Basque influences received Germanic influences. For example, the words “Yelmo” (Helm) or “Guardar” (to guard). After the Germanic peoples arrived, the Arabs and Berbers conquered almost all the Iberian Peninsula, and stayed there for 700 years… wich is a lot of time. So Spanish has a LOT of arabic influences, for example in words like: “Alcalde” (Mayor) Al’qadi, “Cafre” (a brutal person) Kaffir. And in the Grammar, but those are more complex to write here. From here, Castillian Spanish arrived to the Americas by the conquistadors around 1500’s when the language was evolving, we add the influences of native American words such as "Chocolate" or "Tomate" (Tomato). Almost all conquistadors came from Extremadura and Andalucía regions, when the ruling of the Arabs ended. That’s why Spanish is today widely spoken in Central and South America. In the North of Spain we have different languages than spanish: Galician, Basque, Catalan, Valencian… (Even for me, a Catalan, I don’t think of me about being a Spanish speaker, but a Castillian Speaker because Spanish is not native to our lands even most of us speak Spanish and Catalan as natives). Passionate language? There’s like a LOT of words about love and the intensity of that love. Poetic? The name’s of the parts of a guitar are a good example. Neck, Mástil (mast). Truss-rod, Alma (Soul). Fingerboard, Diapasón (Tunning ¿Fork?), Pick guard, Golpeador (Hitter). Etc… Etc… Are you ready to learn Spanish?
  7. Oooh I'm going to check these out soon! I have to check out the Spanish dub for MLP as well!
  8. Ok! Those are my favorite MLP Songs in Spanish. I don't listen Spanish songs usually.
  9. Hello everyone! One way I’ve been improving my Spanish listening and speaking skills is by immersing myself in the language through music. I wanted to share some MLP songs in Spanish that you can enjoy: [Feel free to share any of your favorite songs either MLP or non-MLP related in Spanish here!]

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