National Hug A Pony Day Let a pony know that you care today.
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Fluttershy February!
cover photo credit FLUTTERSHY FEBRUARY Celebrating the month of Kindness and Love. Whether that love be for that of a friendship, pet, family member or hobby - this is the month to show appreciation and love of all kinds! Let us welcome Spring, warmth and things that makes us feel as fuzzy as the pink color in Fluttershy's hair! Our Events Team will be cooking up some ideas i
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International Derpy Day
WARNING: Season 2, Episode 14 SPOILERS! In today's episode, Rainbow Dash called Derpy by name, rendering her previously fanon name official. Derpy then went on to have a full speaking role for a good minute or so in which she destroyed part of Ponyville's town hall, much to Rainbow Dash's frustration.
Fluttershy February!
cover photo credit FLUTTERSHY FEBRUARY Celebrating the month of Kindness and Love. Whether that love be for that of a friendship, pet, family member or hobby - this is the month to show appreciation and love of all kinds! Let us welcome Spring, warmth and things that makes us feel as fuzzy as the pink color in Fluttershy's hair! Our Events Team will be cooking up some ideas i
Huggo de Buggo Day - Thorax Day
Do you like changelings? Of course you do, that was rhetorical. Buggos are cute. Buggos also crave love and your biggest of hugs. How fantastic! Ever since Thorax's debut in The Times They are a Changeling, he has been one of the warmest, friendliest and cutest characters on the entire show - that's right, Fluttershy, you have serious competition as Top Cinnamon Roll. Thorax is as lovin
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