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Everything posted by ReGen

  1. I'd rather much eat alone. I feel an odd pressure when eating around others.
  2. Jeez, i'm on a posting massacre, someone stop me. :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ReGen
    3. Zygen
    4. galaxysquid


      Were you trying to put me as your favorite member? X3


      I am honored.

  3. My cow-licked ridden hair, bushier-than-Bush eyebrows, pitch black eyes and my nose that would make Cyrano De Bergerac say "daaaang!".
  4. I just put on some J Dilla and meditate the thoughts away, mang. :comeatus:
  5. The Colonials. And our colors are green and white.
  6. What kind of person is it that you believe yourself to be at the current moment in time? The one who strives to seek knowledge and wisdom, and prefers to think differently. What kind of person is it that you truly wish you could be? The one who uses their knowledge and wisdom to benefit their fellow humans. What are your strengths and what are your flaws in terms of your personality and character? I guess that my strength is how friendly I am to others. A flaw would have to be how open-minded I can be, and I mean that in the sense that I don't think for myself that much.
  7. It's all relative, really. @Jeric's example is a good one. And @RainbowMau, please read and consider this before you make another topic about "the joys of young love".
  8. Name: Austin Age: I could be 28, I could be 42. Gender: Male State: New York Likes: Math, Science, Philosophy, discussions, learning, people... Dislikes: Ignorance Hobbies: Learning about things i'm interested in, attempting to make music, relaxing... Other Info: I may or may not exist Are you me?
  9. As of now, I really enjoy school! Ninth grade has to have been my favorite year so far, due in part to the teachers and the fact that i'm actually interested in learning these subjects, as uneccesary as some may be. I do wish that it's improved on, as it could use some work.
  10. I have a dog named Missy, who is pretty much the sweetest elderly woman you have ever met.
  11. It's less of a crush, and more of a, uh... desire to want to hang around them more often? It's not a romantic thing, I just think she's pretty rad is all. You must love those Maud Pie emotes, huh?
  12. My favorite reigon of Pokemon? Myself, obviously. My absolute favorite would have to be Hoenn. It's mostly nostalgia, as Emerald has always been my favorite game in the series.
  13. Oh, I could go on all day about how silly this "article" is, but I won't, because I don't feel like it. This is your answer here. Besides, "womanfriend" and "manfriend" just sound weird.
  14. Thinking is hard.

  15. Rain can be a bit depressing, but then again, it's very calming. How's everyone this morning?

    1. Guest90210


      Oddly decent, although I have yet to fall asleep. I may try to just stay up

  16. Darude - Sandstorm Oh, this again. I'll just leave this here as it's congruent with my take on this certain subject. (Btw, I don't like how black and white your polls are. I think you should add more options. )
  17. I use a Series 3 Samsung Chromebook. It's alright, but not enough for what I want to do. The processor is clocked at 1.7Ghz, but apparently, it uses the ARM architecture, which doesn't seem to have much support anymore.
  18. Sounds cool! I really dig the solos, especially the bass! I don't know anything about power metal, but I just wish the drums had a bit more punch, and the vocals are... meh. But again, I don't know anything about metal, so I could be totally wrong! Very nice work, keep them coming!
  19. I confess that I do enjoy watching original Sci-Fi movies. I'm sorry, everyone. :C
  20. My original copy of CTR doesn't work anymore! :(

  21. Source: Wikipedia So it isn't necessarily something you can catch that easily if you live in the U.S., unlike the flu and other airborne diseases. I figure the reason it spread so much in Africa is because, well... that place isn't exactly the cleanest (it's not their fault, however).
  22. Morning everybody!

    1. galaxysquid
    2. ReGen


      Oh yeah, this morning is pretty gangsta. Yo.

    3. galaxysquid
  23. Armored Core: Master Of Arena for three bucks? Lucky...
  24. Here's some stupid pictures of me 'cause why not? Enjoy.
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