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Everything posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. Discord, the Lord of all Chaos and Disharmony had let his guard down for just that slight moment to enjoy his drink when -SLASH- right across his face. He was knocked back INTO Nova and crashed into the cave wall. He vanished and a loud growling could be heard. "No more games. Lets get REAL" The disembodied voice started to laugh as the cotton candy clouds turned to sticky tar that floated in mid air. The chocolate rain stopped all together and instead turned to frozen Ice shards that rain UP instead of down. Lightning flashed and the very landscap began to change as trees uprooted and a huge vortex opened up in the sky in a funnel shape. Dragons loved the heat but lets see how they loved the land of the arctic north! Else where, anypony up north would notice the sky splitting as the other end of the vortex formed. The wind picked up in the caves as Tar, Razor sharp Ice shards and Vortex winds began to suck just about everything up that wasn't under the umbrella. Those under the umbrella were safe such as Nova, her crew and Pinkie Pie. The Lord of Chaos appeared as large as a Dragon itself in a hazy image, one of his eyes missing and a large gash along his face. "Enjoy your trip little lizards. Do send a post card!" His dark laughter continued as he reined down chaos like no other.
  2. Yeah....ain't it cool....I actually like shows that impower females and show them as more then just 2nd in commond or prissy little princesses.
  3. Fun fact I noticed after watching the episode again. Prince Blueblood is not an Alicorn. I found that interesting. I guess it means that not all royalty have to be Alicorns. I wonder if it works both ways that not all Alicorns have to be royalty.
  4. The bucket of water landed on his head and as it dripped down his mouth it changed to berry punch. His long tongue licked it off his face and he laughed. "You are darling Pinkie Pie but it seems if you don't want to play the game, I have to take you out of the equation" As he did with fluttershy he touched pinkie on the top of the head and sent gray energies through her. He then looked up in time to see a huge ball of fire coming right for him and the others. "Oh this is ironic. I have to play savior to the bad guys." With a snap of his fingers, storm clouds formed above them, encircling the the air space. They were of course, icky, sticky cotton candy which he figured would not play nice with their wings. Raising his arms he called about a Rain storm of Chocolate Milk. The fire sizzled and evaperated and boiled a lot of it to which Discord provided a huge umbrella and placed it over the heads of Nova and company. He then changed some rocks into marshmellows and filled a cup with the now Hot Chocolate and dumped the marshmellows in. "Mmmmm, Delicious!"
  5. Obsidian nodded respectfully to Draco. "I'm doing better thank you" She finally noticed Spark over in the slight distance and smiled. She liked what she knew of him during their brief interaction. "Excuse me Nightfall, I'm goign to grab some food." She nodded politely to each pony she past and intentionally walked by Eris and every so slightly brushed her tail against his flank without looking back or saying a word. She continued on and ordered her food, then waited patiently for it to be prepared.
  6. I don't think the show will ever hit on that. But then again the show deals with things indirectly with more of the serious issues. People can take from it what they want. I think its more of a "haters gonna hate" thing. Again I want to point out that I am not saying these are MY opinions, but just some stuff I read and wanted to get feedback from the community. I personally feel that IF RD ever had time for romance it would be with who ever she damn well wanted, Stallion or Mare. Shes just that awesome
  7. Obsidian took a quick look around at those present and socializing, memorizing them as best she could, picking up names when they were said, making mental notation of quirks and obvious personality traits. It was a very interesting group but there seemed to be an unseen tension, like there was some serious drama that had transpired between some of them here. It made her uneasy and pricked the slightest tip of her dark side.
  8. My whole thing with it is WHO CARES?! It just seems like another way for people to attack the show. In total honestly, I don't think you would really have that problem in Equestria. I think the ponies there would rise above that and figure love is love, regardless who its with.
  9. *twitch...twitch* "Nice to meet you too...I'm Obsidian Winter." She watched poor Nightfall get tackled by the hyperactive mare and took a few steps back. Happy energy just wasn't her thing. "So you two usually end up together at the end of the night do you?" She threw a smirk at Nightfall.
  10. OKay, this has to have come up and I'm only just now reading on it. Anytime people see anything "Rainbow" they seem to always think about the LGBT community. But as its been put in articles I read, Rainbow Dash being a Tomboy, having a more boyish, etc etc yada yada some how makes RD a Lesbian or at the very least an nod to the LGBT community. This brings back flash backs of the "gay" teletubby. Frankly, I don't care one way or the other. RD hasn't had really any romantic interest or attraction. I think the only one that has is Rarity with Prince Blueblood. I don't think any of them have a special somepony so I think its a bit far to single out RD just because she has a Rainbow Mane. More so, I think RD is a shoutout to those girls who are Tomboys and like more boyish interests. I mean Applejack is just as much a Tomboy as RD but I haven't read near as much about her as I have RD. Thoughts? Obsidian
  11. "Oh, well I don't think thats a problem. She can flirit with you all she wants. I have no claim to you so it would be improper to get jealous. As for this Eris, as I said last night...I don't lift my tail for just any Stallion or Mare. I doubt he even has the good to impress me. Don't worry." She tried to offer him a reasurring smile but something told her there was some kind of bad history between these two. In fact, she wondered if this Eris would be so low to try and use her to hurt Nightfall. There was something so....fragile about Nightfall....but strong...enduring. He marched on even knowing hell might break lose, or maybe he just sadly thought it was his place in this world to be others whipping post. She didn't know, but curiousity wanted her to find out.
  12. I was thinking the same thing. Her brother is the Prince of the Crystal Empire so that has to make her something. Frankly I figured she was being groomed for something big because of what Celestia said Luna in S3 E1 about knowing shes ready for the next step. She would NEED her friends for their advice and such but when push comes to shove, she gets it done. I would follow a Princess Twilight Sparkle.
  13. "Not yet. I haven't been accepted yet I guess. But its okay, I have you as my guide." She was about to go into a very public place which hadn't happened since ponyville. Her single, long strand of quartz beads that attached from her mane to her tail hummed with all the control enchantments she had placed in every single bead. Of course the hum wasn't something she heard, it was something she felt. Most ponies just thought it was a very impressive piece of body jewelry. She was nervous but she knew if nothing else her refusal to humiliate herself again would prevent her from running away regardless of who they ran into.
  14. Honestly I think its more of people hate change and hate whats different. I read one article where the writer thought that since grown men watched a show for little girls, they secretly were wanting to Molest those same little girls the show was targeting. I mean what the F*CK?! Thats a pretty big damn conclusion to make. Frankly, I am sick and tired of the "Manly man" Stereotype of guys. I would rather have a guy that was as big as a house, was a lumberjack and wrestled bears in the wild for fun but then game home and was just a little snuggle bunny I could watch MLP with then some ass hat who let his "manliness" forbid him from showing compassion, caring, remorse, fear or any emotion that didn't involve him hitting me on the head with a club and dragging me to his man cave for his pleasure. Basically, thats how guys are portrayed.....Hardasses that are sex driven and never cry. Well damn it, I want to see some damn emotion. I don't want you getting all blubbery over spilled milk but its OKAY to be a hardass protector type AND have a soft side.....This reminds me of a Randy Travis song..: "A man ain't made of stone. A man ain't made of steel. The way I feel right now I thought I'd never feel. Sometimes all it takes is facing a night alone. Thats when you know, a man ain't made of stone."
  15. She walked out of the Deans office and approached Nightfall. "They said the will need about half a day to "process and verify what they were looking at" whatever that means. So, I guess I have some time on my hooves. I don't suppose you have a place to eat close by? I'm starving. Least i can do is buy you breakfast."
  16. She smiled and hugged him tightly. "Wait right here!" She ran passed him and then walked gracefully into the Deans office where she was for several minutes, giving him time to reply to a certain text message he got that he really should get around to replying too ((~.^))
  17. "Well Pinkie Pie, I have a problem." He leaned in close so only she could hear. "You see this Nova pony? She wants to take over all of Equestria. She THINKS she can do it by taking all the power form the Harmony stones, but I know better. Take yours for example. I bet if you just pulled a few of those DARLING pranks you could light it right back up again! You and I Pinkie are very much the same. We love a good laugh. Now you know if I wanted to I could corrupt you all over again but you and I are past that. Instead I want to play a game with you!" He suddenly felt the rumble of the earth and the flapping of an untold number of wings. A smile formed across his face. "The game is this...Dragons are coming Pinkie. Mooooore then enoughDragons to have a little fun with. Now I could deal with them all myself but wheres the fun in that?! How would YOU like to have the power to play tricks on them and get a little payback for what they did to your poor pal Spike? If you like the power I give you to play tricks and games, you can keep it.....in exchange, you give -me- your Element of Laughter...as a token if you will. If you don't, well then I guess I misjudged you and you just aren't the Queen of laughter and pranks and practical jokes I thought you were........and I'll have you let go, to return to your friends....." He leaned in closer to her then before and lowered his sunglasses, giving her a rather dorky look "Whatda say?"
  18. She kept her composure and walked toward him, meeting him half way. As she did a single tear drop rolled down her face, which she noticed and quickly blinked it free from her eye. When they met, she lowered her head to him and spoke quietly. "I'm so so sorry Nightfall....this was all my fault. I paniced. I embarrassed you in front of your friend. She must think I'm totally nuts. You did nothing...NOTHING wrong. You opened your home to me and I ran because of my own issues." She smiled sadly "Listen, I'm here at the school because I need to learn to control my magic. Because I have control issues and I hurt ponies badly when I lose that control. I have too much power and not near the dicipline or knowledge to weild it wisely. So when I feel paniced, I run. Its safer that way for everyone. I don't know where my power comes from or really any of my history. I know I'm tired of pain following me whereever I go. Yet, I hurt the one pony who reached out to me the first day. I understand if you can't forgive me...." She took the cloak and threw it around her with her magic and just stood there awaiting his judgement
  19. After receiving no answer at Nightfalls Dorm room she went to the Deans office hoping that MAYBE....he was there waiting for her. It was a sad hope. He had no reason to do that after how she acted, but she had to hope at least her cloak had maybe been left there. She looked around for is on her way to the office and found nothing. She sighed as she reached the final turn in the hallway. Would he be there? No...of course not. No one ever has been. They either have been too afraid or too busy with their REAL friends to bother with her. She was an a member of a disgraced family that was disgraced so long ago no one even remembered why. Of course no one would no that here but stiil....All she knew was her time in the Hollow and the outskirts of the Crystal Mountains. Her mind was still going over things as she turned the corner and stopped dead in her tracks............... "Nightfall...."
  20. She finally made it back to the Dorms that attached to Admin offices. First thing was first. She realized along the way she HAD to find Nightfall and see if he had her cloak. The scroll would be in there and without that, all this had been pointless. She made her way up to the hallway where she vanished. No cloak there. She then went to Nightfalls room and knocked a few times on the door. She didn't know he was waiting at the office already. She stood there at his door replaying how things should have gone over and over as she waited to see if he would answer.
  21. It didn't take long for her to find the clinic and it was early enough that the wait wasn't long either. She had been told she was lucky. It was just a bad sprain. He wrapped up her sides -which she adored because her wings were hidden again...kinda-. She nodded her thanks, paid the clinic almost all the bits she had left, which wasn't much to start with and headed back toward the Admin Offices. Maybe she would see Vinyl or Nightfall and apoligize.
  22. She awoke a several hours later. She must have fallen asleep while arguing with Draco over leaving her alone. She looked around and didn't see him anywhere and breathed a sigh of relief. It felt cold to her. He only wanted to help but she was just in no mood for him. As she tried to stand and stretch she thought back on last night and all the mistakes she made. She made a fool of herself in front of Vinyl and most likely hurt Nightfalls feelings all over insecurities. She could have made some allies,,,,,maybe even friends. She kicked herself for being so stupid. Her wing had swelled and hurt terrible. she would need to get it fixed before visiting the dean office. She made herself presentable as possible and began walking the campus, searching for the Clinic.
  23. This is a really good start guys. Thank you. I knew a few more to really get going but thus far I'm really happy with my selection of folks.
  24. These need to be pony personas, like how you would be if you were a pony. I want to hit the realism with out so i want to base the characters of real bronies
  25. Well, its 6am and I can't sleep. Its been an emotional evening for me. In my boredom I just happen to decide to check out the other side of things and do some research on why Bronies are hated so much. I saw everything from mutilated and tortured drawings of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to totally ignorant arguments with little more then guessing as their facts. Out of this disgust, it got me thinking about where we are now and where we could be in the future. My story takes places decades in the future and MLP has played a huge roll in establishing peace between most places on earth. Of course all this came at a price. My Fan Fic is all about how we get from how things are now, to how the world has managed to change in this made up future. Heres the kicker. I don't want to just do a random story with made up names. I want people who are actually apart of the community to have a part in this story. I am looking for peoples pony personas to play the roles in this fanfic. This will require some back and forth communication so I can be sure I get your character right. Harm may come to some of the bronies in the fanfic because usually great change requires great Sacrifice. Anywho, anypony interested just replay to this thread and mention why you would like to be in this Fanfic. The Fanfic is Called "Road to Equestria". Obsidian
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