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  1. yeah. it kinda feels unique and original. and a bit nice that its just a simple earth pony. i would like to the the different special talents of crystal ponies. they seem to have generic crystal pony cutie marks, but we did see spa ponies, so maybe its the same? idk
  2. hey, so i was just looking at a gorgeaous commision of someone's OC when i started to think about mine and im sure while we've all thought about our own oc, normally we cjoose between pagasis and unicorn, and rarely you see any earth pony OCs. this is understandable as if you get the opportunnity to have some new special ability, why choose nothing, right? but i actually feel that way. for whatever reason, i like the idea of not have a pegasis or unicorn, and definitely not alicorn. btu an earth pony isnt completely unappealing to me. if not an earth pony, then maybe a crystal pony. i think that it sounds cool. anyway, just wondering if those kind of thoughts crossed anyone else's mind.
  3. actually, google plus is very popular outside of YT. its something around the 6th top SNS. theyre still behind myspace, though.
  4. no. i already started a new song. so following the rules of the game we will stay with it and im going to pretend that you said the next line of the song so.. they run around, out of control ps. i think we already did raise this barn
  5. thanks for the tips on the comics, and everything but that doesnt actually have anything to do with the original topic posted. thank you for the feedback but i feel like this post was just a gateway to the start of an argument, the way it was stated. i dont really know what to say other than, maybe try to keep the posts more positive. i made sure that when i was disagreeing with someone i didnt outright say that they were wrong, but i said that I didnt think that what they said would work and why. maybe you werent trying to be, it just seemed a tiny bit hostile.
  6. well if you like them then i would definitely recommend watching some videos by digibrony. i have only recently found these analysis videos myself but love watch such detailed reviews on the show.
  7. but you never see her at the same time as chrysalis. did you notice that? you see celestia in the same room as fake cadence during the day, and since luna wouldnt be performing her nightly duties during the day, then where is she? beats me. i know that this theory isn't canon, but still... also, i would suggest watching the video starting at 19:41 where they start complaining about the whereabouts of luna. thank you
  8. thank you! i also found it weird how so many people were going on about how sombra was not at all scary. but HELLO!?!?! how is he not scary?? after all the things he did to the crystal ponies. he tormented them so much that even the mention of him sent chills down their spines. and not to mention that it was made evident at the end of that two-parter that they are very powerful already, ad yet this pony still managed to come in and take control. if that isnt badass (am i allowed to say that?) then i dont know what is.
  9. i am sorry but i do not know what comic you are talking about. you mind posting a link or expanding your post to clarify as to "what" comic? no, i dont discord would work at all. not only would that destroy the lesson learned through discord, but it wouldnt be like hime. right now discord is my favourite villain because he is mischievous (there is another mlp review by bronycurious who talks about the discord two-parter that explains his character in a way that i really appreciate.) discord isnt outright evil. he never was and he never was. he was always one to use others to be "evil" for him. but was never really evil. i mean, he made it rain chocolate, cotton candy clouds.... the only thing evil was how miserable he made everyone. that would be truly amazing a secret villain who was always there. those are my favourite villains because it ties everything together so perfectly. even episodes that you dont like suddenly seem ingenious once put into perspective by this master villian! she was only there at night, remember how she tells celestia how she will watch the night (like she always does). well what happens during he day?
  10. okay, before i say anything i suggest you watch this video. so that we are all on the same page *note: if you dont want to watch the whole video then you can skip to about 27:37 and start watching from there. Now, I'm not sure if I truly believe that Luna can actually be evil, but to be honest the idea never crossed my mind before now; and I have to say that i love this theory. it is most definitely the best head cannon I've ever heard. My mind has been blown. Now, to think that a children's show (no matter how brilliant of a kid's show it may be) would be this well structured is ridiculous, but here in the fandom that does not matter. An evil Luna? Absolutely brilliant! To think that whatever possessed her to becoming nightmare moon (if anything did at all) is still there, just biding its time.... Would be amazing. Also, if you have the time, i would highly recommend watching the entire video because some good points are made and it is fairly entertaining. What do you guys think?
  11. im also curious about headcannons that explain what corrupted luna. am i the only ine who has wondered about some mysterious force that came and plagued her mind and drove her jealousy into hyperdrive? i saw one story on deviantart with that theory (id need to find it though) and then there is a video by BronyCurious on YT that has a really cool explanation centred around what made sombra so powerful is the same thing that happened to luna. he makes a lot of great points (and i know i cant do him justice so you can go check it out yourself) anyway, my favourite theory has to be that discord came first and that he isnt the only spirit and some mysterious force affected luna turning her into NMM. i really would love to see some expansions on this "spirit-thingy" anyone else wonder if there are more?
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