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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Fender

  1. I *used* to hate VinylxOctavia....then I read University Days... OhmyGodit'sbeautiful.
  2. @@Astral Blitzen, I see no harm. Everything here, even if you're not in tune with all the "mlg illuminati" stuff, can be pretty lelworthy. I think most all absurd things have a comedic value to them. Even incongruence has a depth to it.
  3. Believe it or not, I find the background to be the most attractive thing about the image, but the pony is pretty good, too - long-necked or not.
  4. @@Stancet, I'm no expert. For good video games, though, I would refer you to Men of War: Assault Squad or Assault Squad 2, or Company of Heroes 1 or 2. They are RTS games, and really quite fun.
  5. It's okay, sometimes I'm pregnant.
  6. I'm gonna undermine this post entirely by not only stating what I crave in food, but in other things. I want more Meatball Hot Pockets, a Glock 21, and WW2 Table Top games.
  7. So let's evaluate: There is an ex-PC gamer turned Console gamer - nothing wrong here. Console gamer doesn't like PC gaming now - is reasonable. Reasons for disliking PC gaming completely trivial and barely explained - Not looking good. Trying to convince others in your half-plotted rant that they are wrong for liking PC gaming for their reasons, failing to do so, and then acting as if you've proven a point - lol get out captain elitist.
  8. Also, that might suggest you are contradicting your original post.
  9. All of the Fallout games are on Steam, The Elder Scrolls games, the Civilization series has great singleplayer. I'm not fond of CoD but damn, their singleplayers are fun to me.
  10. This is ancient...but... Kothen: Cause thats kind of Kothen: GAY Kothen: HAHAHAHAHAHAH Just Fingers: LOSDFLSDOFLSD Just Fingers: F Just Fingers: AHAJHAHDA} Just Fingers: Fas Just Fingers: g Just Fingers: sdf Just Fingers: A"S Just Fingers: fsjdgasd Just Fingers: I am gay, aren't I? Kothen: You are gaygay gay Just Fingers: *hangs self-* Kothen: you like long big Kothen: NO! Just Fingers: *-by feet* Kothen: -Shoots rope Just Fingers: *falls on head* Kothen: Oh Just Fingers: FUCK Kothen: U fucking wat m10 Kothen: SORRY Just Fingers: I'm literally cracking up right now Just Fingers: xD
  11. I love them to no end and respect them, but I don't love or respect everything about them. Most of the time, they piss me off to no end as well. None of this changes the fact that I would give my life so that theirs may continue. That is how much I love them.
  12. @@(MARVEL) Blue Blood, Marvel's better anyway.
  13. So, I just did this... Tfw I forgot to cover up the last picture of myself.
  14. I tend to pick up bits and pieces of any language I can. c: Sie haben einen gut morgen, fraulein. :3
  15. @@Mint Drop, Playing Cards Against Humanity The question was "What is the new fad diet?" Minty's answer- "Granny Panties." ARE YOU WOT.
  16. "My dad works for internet.com!" - Kothen
  17. Why is no one else posting now? It's making me sad. @-@
  18. Here's another for you guys. So this happened.
  19. @, Heartwarming story doesn't scream clopfic to me
  20. @@Mint Drop, Also, tfw I forgot to sensor "shit" Also tfw I mispell "censor" And tfw I misspell "misspell."
  21. @@Samurai Equine, Marble Falls, Texas has people that are either really, really southern sounding, or not southern sounding at all. lol
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