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Everything posted by WildCard

  1. So I got a virus and when I fall asleep I dream of being caught in an endless LoL match, getting sick everytime someone pushes my lane. This is how I imagine what hell is like :S

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WildCard


      Yeah I am glad that I am back, I was really busy with the preparations for a half-marathon I ran(and really exhausted afterwards) :)

    3. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      I missed you bro /)

    4. WildCard


      Thanks, I missed you too /)

  2. Wildcard was interrupted and completely confused by the pink pony's reaction. "Uhm...I was just talking with Twi and I don't think it's the right time for a party, Pinkie? But I am sure we can celebrate once this adventure is over." The pegasus laughed a bit and looked first at Pinkie, then at Twilight
  3. Wildcard looks at the sad mare and answers, trying to sound optimistic. "Listen Twi, I don't know how powerful the princess is, but I am sure she will be able to rule this place wisely for a long time. I am just thinking that she might depend on your help a bit more often." The pegasus puts an hoof on her shoulder and smiles "But I am sure her faithful student will be able to deal with that."
  4. Hey Ya...Obadiah Parker. Scrubs showed me that song and it is very beautiful in my opinion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ejeEBlDESc Hallelujah....Jeff Buckley. Very depressing and emotional. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIF4_Sm-rgQ Brendan's Death Song...Red Hot Chili Peppers. There are many emotional songs by that band but this is the song that I listen the most lately. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxJncigqdGk Disenchanted...My Chemical Romance. I loved the Black Parade and also Three Cheers and it was a pretty hard decision to choose a song of these Albums. Early Sunsets over Monroeville would probably be close second when it comes to feels for me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJZhYpXlFls
  5. Wildcard turns to Twilight and smiled "So were up against something magical? Then I am optimistic with a good mage like you by my side. I know you are worrying because Celestia was overwhelmed...but to be honest". The colt looks around and continues whispering "It seems as if Celestia has become weaker over the last years and that your powers might even have surpassed hers. Have you ever thought about that?"
  6. Am I the only Bond-Fan who enjoys Roger Moore in the role? I miss the "lighthearted" old bond films :S

  7. Effin Steam Sale. Bought stuff for 40$ and all I got are tomb raider trading cards.(now I have 5 of them :'( )

  8. Yeah, of course, Twi" Wildcard answers and follows the unicorn. "Never thought that I would meet the prince, I mean...your brother" the pegasus says with excitement. Once they have reached Shining Armor, Wildcard greets him with a little salute. "Hello Captain...er...my name is Wildcard....and..." the pegasus feels nervous for a moment and pauses his sentence. Wildcard has heard a lot of stories about Shining Armor and talking to the prince of the Crystal Empire and Captain of the Royal Guards feels somewhat unreal. He swallows down his nervousity and continues to introduce himself. "I am a friend of Twilight and will try to help her with this mission."
  9. "That's nice" Wildcard smiled. "It's lovely to see two princesses just being themselves" he added. Though their dance may look a bit "silly" at first glance it was really heartwarming to look at, he thought. Then the pegasus turned to Cadence and introduced himself.
  10. "Thank you Twilight." Wildcard answered and felt a bit calmer. Then he smiled and added "It sure helps a lot to have a good friend by my side" When they entered the crystal empire the colt was stunned by just how beautiful everything around them was. The buildings shimmered in the sunlight and ponies made of chrystal trotted cheerfully around the streets.
  11. Wildcards thoughts immediately snapped back to reality as he heard Twilights voice. He looked confused for a moment, then he answered. "Yeah...everythings fine, I was just thinking" he paused for a second "It's just...I am really not used to adventures and I not knowing what lays ahead made me reflect upon my life a bit. Things weren't great lately and this here is a chance to get away from it...never the less I am scared when I try to figure out what will happen. I am no element of harmony, mercenary, whatever and I haven't saved the world yet. I wonder if I am ready..."
  12. Wildcard listened to the converstion as his thoughts began to drift away. He hoped instantly that there would not be a battle and shuddered at the thought of being impaled. He was a hothead sometimes and had been in a few brawls but he was no warrior. He would rather leave this adventure alive than to die for his country. Altough, if this was the end of the world, it came at a damn fine time. The pegasus thought, that it wouldn't matter if he survives or dies, he wouldn't have to care about money or fame anymore either way.
  13. I think it's stupid that meme sites are often against mlp stuff while promoting other cartoons as awesome. Either you are totally against it, or at least give mlp some credit.

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    2. Jadefire


      Reminds me of this old image I found: http://derpibooru.org/110234

    3. Jadefire


      But yeah, when it comes to nerdiness, people are often hypocritical without even realizing it. Their brain automatically makes an exception for their own interests when they're criticizing others.

    4. WildCard


      That's right, yeah^^

  14. (OOC: I think Pinkie means the stuff Quick Shot has, not mine^^) Wildcard looks at Pinkie Pie who is playing with Quick Shot's equiptment and tilts his head a bit. Ticking off the mercenary in the group is certainly not the best way to start their adventure. "WIll you please put that thing away?" he asked with a friendly but assertive voice before adding "I can't tell you what exactly that is, but I am quite sure that it can be dangerous and therefore only belongs into the hooves of somepony who knows how to use it."
  15. " I think I got everything so yes, I will come with you, Twi. I can't wait to visit the Crystal Empire, never been there before" the pegasus answers smiling. "Well of course, that is if nopony who goes to Ponyville needs any help from me." Wildcard adds after thinking for a moment.
  16. "What if we split up the group into the ones who need to go to Ponyville and the ones who meet Cadance in the Crystal Kingdom?" Wildcard asked "Afterwards we could meet in Canterlot again. A train ride to either of these cities takes a while and going to both directions would cost us some time for sure."
  17. "I'm ready! One last question though...In which direction are we heading?" asked Wildcard. "Oh...and how long will our estimated journey be?" The pegasus has already packed his saddlepacks with what he thought would be necessary for a few days. If the journey would last longer, he would need to improvise.
  18. "Hey Applejack, my name's Wildcard. Nice to meet ya!" Wildcard said cheerful and with a little salute. Then he trotted up to Twilight. "Hi Twilight...yes, I did indeed. I was already close to the castle...which I suppose you know already because the letter" the pegasus answered smiling. "Anyways...how can I help you guys out?"
  19. Wildcard slowly opened his eyes and found himself in a cheap hotel in Canterlot. Yesterday he competed in a short race not far from the hotel and when he tried to move most of his muscles were still aching. He went to the bathroom and stared at the mirror for a few minutes. His mane and feathers looked battered from the race and he lost a few pounds over the last days, making him look skinnier and taller than he already was. The pegasus took a short, warm shower, carefully cleaning his coat and his mane. When he came out of the shower and was just about to brush his teeth, the receptionist knocked on the door telling Wildcard that a letter has arrived. The letter itself had a royal insignia on it and Wildcard opened it carefully. "A royal letter adressed to me? That must be some kind of mistake." he thought and began reading. "Princess Celestia, and all of Equestria is in trouble. The Princess told me that there was a great danger coming our way and that she tried to fight it, but she lost the fight, and used the last of her energy to teleport herself back to her castle. She is healing, but has suffered from amnesia, and cannot remember what the danger is, or how it will effect us. She is in watch by Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence is keeping a watchful eye on her in the Crystal Empire. She has asked me, and all my friends to travel Equestria, and find this danger.It could be anywhere, but with our skills combined, I know we can win this! -Twilight Sparkle" "Oh, totally forgot Twi is a princess now..." he thought after reading it twice. "Though I am not exactly the right pony for saving the world, I can't let my friends down." Wildcard dashed towards the castle, went through the security checks and finally came to the throne room where he saw another pony knocking on the door. He decided to wait patently behind him.
  20. Okay, I will keep that in mind *smiles* Oh, and no need to be nervous when your friends are around, Twi.
  21. No wonder you lose that scrolls often, when you throw them around like that" *smiles* Also you are very bad at hiding things, your highness. *fakes being serious and looks Twilights in the eyes* I have read through these scrolls..... *lightens up and laughs* Hahaha, no off course I haven't, Twi. Sorry for teasing you, but your reaction was hilarious *gives her a hug*
  22. *hugs Twilight back* No problem, that's what friends are for *smiles* What is written on these scrolls?
  23. Okay....I have cleaned the library and found some scrolls....anything else that I should do or am I finished for today
  24. I think I have AD(H)D. Did some research on that and it is quite fitting unfortunately :/

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    2. WildCard


      A friend of mine has asperger's too, so I kinda know about it


      And I am quite sure I have ADH but the inattentive type. I procrastinate everything, have no time management and cant't organise myself. Also I am daydreaming a lot.

      I just hope it isn't a handicap when it comes to sport and driving :/

    3. Sazama Ichida

      Sazama Ichida

      I've DEFINITELY got a handicap for sports and driving...I am unquestionably the very worst sports player you will ever see...>.> And that goes for pretty much everything else as well...I also can't play videogames for crap.

    4. WildCard


      I am really good at both. Driving as long as the track is closed, because I can't focus on the traffic for too long.

      Socially I am not really handicapped in any way, I just tend to forget a lot of things, get distracted, etc

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