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Everything posted by WildCard

  1. Big Macintosh should get his own episode.~Eeeeyup
  2. As much as I would like to answer Rainbow Dash, Twilight would probably a better Roommate for me. Iam a bit lazy and mess up the apartment myself, so living with Dashie would probably make it worse. Altough she's the only pony who would probably enjoy the same things as I do(Sports, Gaming, Biking...). But Twilight would look after the house and me for sure. She would encourage and help me with studying (which is really needed after I've already lost 2 semesters at university by doing way to less and doing things I don't like) and I really love her personality. I guess she would almost never annoy me and I am a bit of a bookworm myself so we would not get bored that fast. Also I guess she is a pony who really listens to you and with whom you can talk about everything
  3. Hmm can't decide... I guess I'll takeTwilight or AJ. Wildcard x Applejack!
  4. As I wrote elsewhere: "it always cheers me up and since I became a brony, I never felt extremely sad or depressive again, no matter what happened. I used to be a very shy and often pessimist person, but watching mlp:fim made me pretty optimistic. In difficult situations Pinkie, Twi, Dashie, AJ, Rarity and Fluttershy are showing in front of my inner eye and help me find a solution or make me feel more confident. Iam really amazed what strong positive influence this show can have on the viewer." Also it helped me to understand my friends a bit better and I think I began to appreciate them more. The lessons that mlp teaches may seem kinda obvious, but it's a very good reminder and you can learn a lot of the Ponies and the situations they get in
  5. If RainbowDash would be right here right now, I imagine it would be like this: "IS IT REEEEALLLY YOU?!"*glomps RD and cuddles her* "Who are you and what in Celestias Name are you doing?!" "Err...sorry....uhm...H-hi, Iam Luke and I am a big fan of you" ... Then I would explain her everything she wants to know and show her some stuff she might enjoy like biking and human sports and she could take me on a flight. After that we would chill in the evening maybe watching some TV or listening to music, and when she needs to leave I would ask her to take me with her
  6. Ok, I have a few exams as well(which I'm pretty sure Iam going to fail hard(I wish I would learn as easy as twilight^^)) so take yourself time for studying And thanks for adding me to your friend list
  7. Maybe you could find a way around spawning like "the tf characters told the ponies about the re-spawn system, but it doesn't work for them because they are not bound to this universe and its rules" .Or if you want them to re-spawn just keep it like before or give them a (time/whatever) limit in which they have to find the CMC to make it more tense. Anyway it's really fun to read and I am really looking forward to the next chapter. Also I am excited how the little romance plot will go on
  8. It's about 4am where I live and I'm watching ponies and am not tired at all. Guess my sleeping rhythm is a bit bucked up ;P

    1. Zero000


      Welcome to the herd. (You're one of millions xD)

  9. Rainbow Dash-Ford GT(Fast and good looking, you're definately driving 20% cooler with that car) Applejack-Classic Ford Mustang (Powerful, Old School and reliable. It isn't called a "Pony Car" for nothing ) Rarity-Maserati Gran Cabrio (A car that is expensive, beautiful and unique. The open-version will keep the stunned viewers focused on Raritys beauty) Twilight Sparkle-Mini Cooper S (A smart car, that combines power and comfort and should not be judged by it's tame look) Pinkie Pie-Fiat500 (A quick and incredible agile car that is just fun to drive) Fluttershy-Jaguar E-Type (A lightweight car that looks pretty and hides it's power under the fragile-looking exteriour. And I think Fluttershy could have a faible for old-timers ) Haha these are awesome, I could totally imagine Dashie cruising around in a Firebird
  10. Sooo, I've just finished reading and I really like the story. First of all I got to say that I've never played TF2(but I've seen those funny videos about the classes so I know how the Characters look and act) but thanks to your fic I'll give it a try I really love the dialogues and the way you portray the characters and it was very easy for me to "make them visible in front of my inner eye" and "hear their voices when they are speaking"(hope ya understand what I mean^^) I also like the little romance story between Dashie and AJ and it made me smile because it's really cute The only thing that reduced the exitement while reading was the part where AJ mentioned the Re-Spawn, because it completely takes out the fear that somepony might get hurt or die and makes it less dramatic. But I guess that's normal in the world of TF Anyway I'll keep on reading for sure and I can't wait till the next chapter's out
  11. Metal isn't my favorite genre(with a few exeptions...) but I like the song 9/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkrxU5YXZWo I'll post a pmv of the next song
  12. For me it's possible also "Cupcakes". Don't get me wrong, there are sure people who have enjoyed reading it, but the references to it in ALL parts of the fandom are just annoying(especially the way fans are portraying Pinkie like MyKotoShi said). You can't read anything pony-related without somepony mentioning Pinkamena and it's annoying as hell for me and ruining a bit of the atmosphere. I haven't read many fanfics yet but I am not a big fan of grimdark storys and psychotic ponies tough I like a bit "darker"Action Storys like Fallout:Equestria(if the setting is fitting) but not the "Horror" or "Slasher" Kind of Stories(I don't like the ponies being tortured). I don't like Rule34 stuff either(tough I think some adult/collegehumor is quite funny and not "ruining" the show), but you can easily avoid it and it isn't mentioned everywhere(well maybe Molestia sometimes but way less than Cupcakes and it's mentioned in a less serious way). Most of the tumblr ponies I've seen so far were kind of funny(especially asktwilight-sparkle, askpinkiepieandfluttershy(D'AAAWWW) and askdashedrainbow) but they should try to orientate themselves rather on the show personalities of the ponies than the fanon.
  13. I like the show mostly because it makes me feel better in 10 seconds flat Seriously, it always cheers me up and since I became a brony, I never felt extremely sad or depressive again, no matter what happened. I used to be a very shy and often pessimist person, but watching mlp:fim made me pretty optimistic. In difficult situations Pinkie, Twi, Dashie, AJ, Rarity and Fluttershy are showing in front of my inner eye and help me find a solution or make me feel more confident. Iam really amazed what strong positive influence this show can have on the viewer. Also I really like the humor in it and that most episodes are about "everyponies problems" and not about "saving the universe"
  14. Thanks evrypony. I guess I'll take a look around the forums now. Is there anything I should definately check out as a newfoal? PS: My mother-tongue is German but I am learning English for quite a while now so if you don't understand me just tell me
  15. I am Luke, 19y and I've joined "the herd" about 1 month ago I got introduced to ponys by seeing some pony-memes and pmvs and then decided to watch the show, needless to say, I loved it. Dashie, AJ and Twi became my favorite ponys so far and I've already watched almost the entire season1. I am new to the community but Iam sure it will be great here
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