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Posts posted by 8ballgremlin

  1. Having a literal demi-goddesses that you can see and speak to everyday kinda kills any needs of having belief to another god :/


    If there is indeed a religion in Equestria, it would be either Discord-worshipping cult or Celestian church, with the later being the most prominent religion.

    It's probably has to do with how they interpret Celestia and Luna.


    Atheists: Twilight and Spike see them as nothing more than the benevolent rulers of equestria

    Buddhist: Fluttershy probably views them as spiritual guides

    Jewish Rarity sees them as goddesses

    Agnostic Pinkie neither believes nor disbelieves

    Christian: Applejack sees them as goddesses and maybe suspects that Twilight is the pony equivalent of Christ.

    Apatheist: Rainbow Dash couldn't care less if the princesses were goddesses or not.

  2. Twilight and Pinkie Pie seem to be close friends. In some of the episodes Pinkie Pie talks to Twilight about a problem she is having and likes to get her opinion on things before doing anything. Pinkie may also want to show Twilight more of her friendship.


    I feel like Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were friends, but lost touch with each other when Fluttershy left the school. If anything Fluttershy and Rarity are close friends now.


    Finally Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash seem to get a long well because they like to challenge each other.


    Fluttershy literally dropped out of flight school... the hard way. I guess that's better than what happened to Rainbow Dash, I think she had been expelled.

  3. Not to the fandom. It's clear that the fandom creates their own content and many base their beliefs of the show in fan-made material, like fics, arts, animations or music. For example, characters like Bon Bon or Octavia hasn't even spoken yet and we all have a popular idea of how their personalities may be, because of the fan-made content.


    So I asked this question to you, based in the show only... Let me elaborate better...


    We all know that Pinkie is the hyper, happy, party monster character of the show, but on season 3 I've seen Pinkie Pie fracturing the thin line of being hyperactive and fun to being idiotic and characterless.


    Since season premiere, I noticed Pinkie being like this, and this disconfort me, because she's not like the Pinkie that I used to love. I felt her crazy antics and jokes to being forced, and totally unfunny, It felt nothing like the effortless funny Pinkie that I saw on season 1 and 2. 


    Then came out "Too many Pinkies", a Pinkie Pie episode. I felt her being SOOO reckless, she usualy is, but she's wise at the same time even if she doesn't make sense, like in "Feeling Pinkie Keen" or "Green isn't your color", because she knew the consecuences of making copies of herself, did she even thought of what if she was about to do to get rid of these clones? Also, I felt the clones to be really stupid, and since the clones are exactly like her, therefore she's stupid too. Rewatch the clones parts if you don't believe me and see the reactions of Ponyville's villagers, they really hated her XD. The episode was fun though, very WTF for her 4th wall breaking abilities, but she usually do that.


    And now, in this episode of the CMC, Pinkie Pie RUINED THE WHOLE EPISODE, even if her lines were very brief and not important in the slightliest, she still had a HUGE impact on me and it impress me how IDIOT she was on that episode, her lines didn't make sense, not in WTF way but in a really STUPID way, her behaviour, her voice, her STUPID puns. 

    I don't even want to slap her, I want to slap the person who wrote that episode and did that to Pinkie. Anyways, I'm not confortable of what I'm seeing of Pinkie Pie in this season, and I hope to see things getting in place with her, even if she makes cameos during episodes.


    I didn't expected this to feel like rant LOL. But I'm curious, what do you think of this?


    We have gotten a two episode break from her antics. In magic duel Trixie actually removes her mouth so she can't say anything for the rest of the episode, and today's episode was 100% Pinkie Pie free.

  4. I totally love Applejack. And it's weird, I see less flaws in her than other ponies.  I do think her character is a bit flat because of it... (minus the fact that she totally gave up with being tortured by feathers in the last ep, I was surprised she wasn't stronger). Either way, I totally wish there was more merchandise because I would buy it all. 

    Yeah i mean she's kinda just there. She has no major virtues and major vices. On top of that she's boring, she's the only truly normal member of the mane six thus she isn't interesting. Twilight has her Aspergers, so we get to see her struggling to learn social skills, I seen cases made for Fluttershy as well, Rarity has her OCD so mess up the order she has her life in and her freakouts become hilarious. Pinkie's got her ADHD, so we get randomness out of her and Rainbow's got narcissism so we can enjoy seeing her thunder get stolen. Applejack on the otherhand is simply there.

  5. I don't think Rarity owes Spike anything, nor does he owe her. As far as the whole shipping thing goes shooting it down doesn't seem to be a priority among the writers (they've had two and a half seasons to do that and it hasn't happened) and for all the evidence we have it has just as much chance of being canonized, basically this is probably gonna end up their go to pairing for mindscrewage. I bet they sit back and say, let them figure that one out.

  6. They get rock, paper and scissors as their cutie marks and realize their destiny is to kill eachother in a three-way murder-suicide pact.

    Actually I like to think Scootaloo would have either a clenched dragon fist or a dragon hand set up for the three stooges poke in eye, Sweetie Belle would have a musical note and Applebloom has some variation of the curly shuffle

  7. Yeah they don't show that side of her nearly enough, she is like a reverse Mary Sue with how her negative traits are seriously overemphasized which is a shame because she has a lot of potential as a character.

    And Rainbow Dash is a ponified Donald Duck! seriously though, there are episodes out there that give Rarity some extra dimensions, Suited for success is perhaps the best remembered, The best night ever had her give Celestia's snobbish distant nephew a particularily brutal reason-you-suck speech, Sweet and Elite was about her inner conflict over whether impressing the Canterlot elite was more impotant than her friends and she was well used in secret of my excess by practically tapping into Spike's memories and reversing the change brought on by greed which by the end of the episode made Spike (ping pongs back and forth between Element of logic and spirit of determination) determined to learn how how to fight his instincts.


    You could say that Rainbow Dash also has her flaws emphasized more than her virtues, but once again, since she is basically Donald Duck in the form of blue mare, that is to be expected.


    I know he isn't one of the Mane six but Spike is still a very important main character (and my favorite) nonetheless so I'm adding him.


    Spike: Owls well that ends well, hands down, really shows that despite being a tactless slacker, Spike often takes his role as Twilight's sidekick very seriously.  It also showed his jealous side, which I think he is more prone to than greed, which he's learning to overcome.


    Twilight:Look before you sleep is pretty high on my list because listening to her in that episode, made it obvious that she has Aspergers, making it easier for me to relate to her.


    Fluttershy: Putting your hoof down


    Rarity: Sweet and Elite


    Pinkie Pie: Party of one


    Applejack: the last roundup


    Rainbow Dash: Read it and weep

  8. I only chose DT because Dumb and Dumber were two different choices.


    as for some of the other choices:


    I find it funny that People hate Rainbow Dash for the exact same reasons they love Donald Duck (being cocky, arrogant, abrasive, agressive, short-tempered, brash, boistrous and a little lazy). Rainbow is Donald as a blue pegasus mare rather than a white drake.


    I can't bring myself to hate the CMC because I'm such a big fan of the Three Stooges.


    But I really hate Snips and Snails! There's only so much idiocy I can stand and they hit my quota after only three seconds on screen. I hate how they got off scot-free for their behavior in boast busters.

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