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Twixie Shores

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About Twixie Shores

  • Birthday 1992-01-23

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  • Interests
    Bruce Springsteen
    John Coltrane
    Billy Joel
    Led Zeppelin
    The Doobie Brothers
    The Eagles
    The Kinks
    Simon and Garfunkel
    Glenn Miller
    Frank Sinatra

    Video Games:
    Final Fantasy
    Command & Conquer
    various flash games

    MLP (obviously)
    Dr Who
    Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares
    South Park
    Adventure Time

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Muffin (2/23)


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  1. I may be female, but I'm also going to be 21 next month. So the looks I get stem from watching a show for LITTLE girls. While I don't currently own any brony t-shirts or gear, I am pretty open about it and will refuse to deny it.
  2. As was previously mentioned, professional critics used to serve a very important purpose. Prior to social networking, you had to see what a critic wrote about a book, tv show or movie in order to figure out if it's worth watching or reading. Basically, as far as getting a spot goes, you would usually have to write a positive review so that the product would promote your name while you promoted it (that's how even the worst products can get 4+ out of 5 star reviews. As far as electronics go, the process is slightly different. Most of these people work for a tech blog or magazine and know exactly what to look for. And because these people have media outlets, companies will usually send them products to test for free.
  3. So, The Great and Powerful Trixie and Twilight Sparkle are dating... Twilight Sparkle??? Someone please explain to me how this is even possible.
  4. If I keep digging, I know I'll get below the green.
  5. I think that it's a cute little Luna. There are two suggestions that I would make. Fillies generally have 3 white spots in their pupils. It's actually a very simple change to make. The other suggestion is that being an alicorn, Luna's wings should be visible. Other than that however, I have to say it's a really nice first attempt.
  6. Bridget Steel had been forced to take on the biggest challenge of her life. As the head of the Rail Ministry, she knew that her side would help turn the tide of the war, as did Princess Luna. Bridget read the letter yet another time: Dear Chief Steel, The NLR would like to enlist you for our service. We know that you know precisely where every weak point in every bridge in the Kingdom lies, as well as how to cripple all other key spots in the rail network. Your support is essential for the NLR's campaign. Please consider supporting us. Princess Luna Bridget had just earned her promotion to Chief of the Rail Ministry last year. This was her dream job. And while she sympathized with the NLR, she couldn't risk it. ---- At the Royal Palace, Bridget showed Princess Celestia the letter and told the Princess that she was honored to hold her position and would not let her loyalty fade. Princess Celestia issued her orders. "1/4 of your staff has defected. Eventually they will be able to figure out how to exploit the bridges. Go to Manehattan. Strengthen the railroad bridge connecting the city to the rest of Equestria. After that, I want the network to be redesigned so that there are alternate routes between cities in case of an attack. Your staff is to institute new security measures on all trains. I suggest you head out soon." Bridget Steel gathered her top staff and her guards toward her office, gathered the blueprints she needed as well as a set of fakes to hand over in the event of a capture and headed off towards Manehattan.
  7. Let's see what makes this episode great: 1) A really great song 2) Fluttershy throughout the entire episode and her excitement 3) The bat playing the My Little Pony Theme on glasses 4) Rainbow Dash's character development when she ends up choosing Tank over the falcon.
  8. So many Trixie haters. Have you all forgotten who was around before Trixie? Gilda. Trixie is a showoff and there's no denying that. Gilda on the other hand was a complete bully. Plenty of showoffs turn out to be good people/ponies deep down. Fluttershy terrorizing griffins don't.
  9. This was one of my favorite episodes (surprise right?) I've always felt that there was a sense that Trixie and Twilight Sparkle would reconcile. And they did. While I wish they had gone into Trixie's backstory a bit more (although it leaves more room for my fan-fic), we now know that The Great and Powerful Trixie was able to do what Twilight Sparkle never could: limiting Pinkie Pie's speaking to 1 line for an entire episode.
  10. Let's see Pros: Living in an enchanted land Much lower crime rate than where I currently live Fun ponies to go on adventures with Pegasi to blame for bad weather (If I was a pony) No humans!! Cons: No meat Lack of modern technology (this is worth like three cons for me) It's so hard to decide!
  11. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle How did you find MLP Forums?: I guess I just Googled it. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: A friend showed me a couple episodes, one of which being Boast Busters. I fell in love with The Great and Powerful Trixie immediately. Hello, for all intents on this site, my name is Twixie Shores. My Little Pony quickly became an obession for me when I was first introduced to it (rather late I might add). I didn't really learn about it until a friend introduced me during the middle of the second season. After watching The Last Roundup (yes I told you I was introduced rather late) and Boast Busters suggested by a friend, I went and watched the other episodes and was caught up in a week and a half. If you want to know something weird, I suppose I'm one of the few women who doesn't mind the term Pegasister. But in all honesty, I'm just your typical East Coast gal attending university studying business with an ENTJ personality (which I think is why I like Trixie so much). So, anypony want to be friends with me? ~Twixie Shores
  12. Hello, my little admirers! You all know me as the Great and Powerful Trixie. Trixie's story is fairly unknown, but being my dearest admirers, you are about to hear it. I was actually born in Canterlot and given the name Trixie Shores (yes, Sapphire Shores is my cousin, that stupid pop star). When I was a little filly, my father left after having an affair, and my mother and I moved east to Fillydelphia. It was there where I learned to excel in show magic. Given that my mother became very abusive after my father left, I gave myself the name of The Great and Powerful Trixie, dropping the "Shores" altogether as I did not want to be associated with my father. Even though my mother was proud that I dropped my father's name, she still hated me because I took after him in so many ways. It was at this point where Trixie was kicked out of her home and disowned from her family. To support myself, I took my few possessions and headed south to Baltimare, where I entered a show contest and won. Of course Trixie won. Who could beat The Great and Powerful Trixie at her own game? That contest gave me enough money to buy a show cart and travel around Equestria. I would go to the big cities and the small towns and perform. Gaining admirers seemed to help the pain that was caused by the abandonment of my parents, but it didn't cure me. I was a broken soul and while I was living much more comfortably than I would have been with my mother in Fillydelphia, I could never be happy. Eventually, I went to Los Pegasus to hit it big. To be honest, if Trixie hadn't dropped the "Shores" from Trixie's name, I would have been able to skyrocket my career. However, I was forced to take two-bit roles and tell fake tales of my life to the tourists. This helped me gain some notoriety when I would later continue my travels. I was back in Baltimare winning my 8th contest when I had heard the news that Nightmare Moon had come back, been vanquished, and turned back into Princess Luna. Trixie had heard that Luna would be in Manehattan introducing herself to her subjects and decided to go. I got off the train in Manehattan, and mind you, even though this was The Great and Powerful Trixie's fourth time in the city, she was still in awe of it. Trixie went to find Princess Luna and introduced herself, telling Luna of Trixie's plight. Princess Luna, still hurt after being banished by her sister for 1000 years, decided to take The Great and Powerful Trixie under her wing and train her to be her protege. [End of Part I] Author's note: please let me know what you think. In the coming parts I plan to share the trials of being Princess Luna's prized student, Trixie's first encounter with Twilight Sparkle, the interlude between their first two meetings, and the eventual relationship between Trixie and Twilight.
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