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Posts posted by PoniesPlease

  1. I read the title of this thread and my eyes opened wide, a look of shock creeping across my face.


    My father died when I was 6, and though I have very sporadic and fleeting memories of him, I am told every day that I'm so much like him. It's unbearable to hear sometimes. 


    My mother is an absolute legend, end of story. I love her dearly, and as for my father, I treasure any memory i can find in my mind, and any physical memories too. 


    I find the concept of hating one's parents to be simply unfathomable. Then again, I consider hate to be at the end of a very broad spectrum. 

  2. I like to think the consumers are partly at fault for that (as, ultimately, video games are a business). Companies default to the tried and true because the tried and true (such as the countless Mario Kart sequels) make them more money. To some extent, the consumers are just as guilty as the companies themselves of stifling the creativity because creative, different games often earn them less.


    I have to agree with you here. I don't want to go all 'Master Race', but the reason I play PC is so I can trawl through Steam and find neat (and more importantly, cheap) games that break the stereotypes perpetuated by the triple A part of the industry today.

  3. I'm firmly of the opinion that, as the industry has boomed, so too has the need for financially lucrative games.


    As hardware increases, so too are the limitations lessened on what we as designers can create. The only problem is that, as I mentioned earlier regarding money in games, developers are relying more on tried and true designs for their games, in turn, stifling their creativity.


    My point being that newer generations have the benefit of better hardware, and thus more possibilities, but previous generations were truly creative in terms of the style of games being made. 

  4. How about, reveal a characters sexuality if it is a plot point. 


    If there's a show about gay people, then it's prudent to have a gay character.


    If the show isn't about sexuality, then don't reveal the characters' sexualities at all! It isn't necessary.


    Apologies if this is worded weirdly, it's really late and I'm incredibly tired.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. lol thanks, but a genius is going a bit far... I just have WAY too much time on my hands... that and I'm slightly crazy...


    Aren't all geniuses slightly crazy? I wouldn't even know where to start with all this stuff.

  6. Because all 1st graders wanna be astronauts... If that actually happened, we would be out of the galaxy by now. Even though the voyagers are already JUST outside the galaxy and into deep space.


    I don't think you quite understood my point.

  7. well my IQ is 69 but i back up that bad number with i cant spell write work fast i get lots of things wrong and i act really stupid like mega stupid


    As long as you don't let it hold you back, then your IQ means little. 


    The whole Intelligence Quotient system is full of holes anyway.

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