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A Glimpse of Everything

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Status Updates posted by A Glimpse of Everything

  1. It's a good night to stay up until 3 AM listening to RED.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. A Glimpse of Everything

      A Glimpse of Everything

      I'd have to agree. It's awesome.

    3. Otter


      Die for You, Glass House, and As You Go are probably my favorite songs from the album.

    4. A Glimpse of Everything

      A Glimpse of Everything

      I like Hold Me Now and Damage. Damage relates to how a feel about 60% of the time I'm awake. And Hold Me Now seems to lull me.

  2. I don't know about you guys... But, the only thing that's ever made me cry within the past two years were only movies...

    1. ~Lawful Sturdy Wing~

      ~Lawful Sturdy Wing~

      Not ponies? I have cried at ponies

  3. Sorry for not being that active. I've been busy with school, since the semester tests came in.

  4. I don't have a mind. Silly.

  5. I made it to Cupcake. As you can see. I am quite happy.

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