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The Crystal Maiden

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Everything posted by The Crystal Maiden

  1. Well, heyyyyyyy, guys! Did you think I was dead? I was just sort of disconnected from the fandom for a while (okay more than sort of), but low and behold, I'm alive, and I'm getting back into the show after binging on all the recent season 7 episodes while I've been ill. It is suuuuuuuch a good season, I love it!

    I'm sorry for leaving you guys for so long. xD

    1. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      this the time of returning friends, wohoo, yay, welcome back! :3

  2. sorry for my inactivity. Uni has made me have an unusually busy life. hi guys! ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      Well I have an essay to finish for Friday and I've barely done any so not a very productive day so far! XD

    3. Deae Rising Shine~
    4. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden


  3. Just wanted to say that I watched the leaked finale of season 6 yesterday and OMG I LOVED IT SO MUCH! Ten times better than The Cutie Re-Mark! :D

  4. Just popping over to say: LEGEND OF EVERFREE WAS FREAKING AMAZING!!!

    1. Deae Rising Shine~
    2. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      Yes I am alive! But I am extremely busy with university right now which explains my absence! XD (and also maybe some new fandoms besides MLP guiltyguiltyguiltyguilty)

    3. Deae Rising Shine~
  5. I haven't reviewed any new episodes for a while, but I have to review this one because I really REALLY loved it! Spike is definitely getting some great episodes this season, and this along with Gauntlet of Fire has done him great justice. And of course we can't forget the return of the changelings! Thorax was actually a really adorable character; I've found some of the new season 6 characters a bit annoying (like Quibble Pants) but Thorax is now one of my new favourites for sure. I also think one of the reasons I loved this episode is that it leaves me interested to see what will happen next, since I'm pretty sure that's not the last we'll see of the changelings this season. What will it mean for the rest of the species now that Thorax has been accepted as a friend? Will he have future roles to play? I'm so curious! Hopefully this will tie in to the finale in some way. My one critique of this episode would be the way the rest of the characters accepted Thorax so quickly after Spike's song. I thought it would be more realistic to see them being more sceptical. But the song was a nice touch, and it led on to a nice conclusion for Thorax. So yeah! Loved this one! Especially after finding the last two or three episodes only of 'okay' quality. Looking forward to seeing Thorax again!
  6. Well, we had a episode with Daring Do in it, which made me very happy since I've been hoping she'll come back ever since season 4. Even though she actually wasn't in this one very much. :/ XD Anyway, onto my thoughts: I honestly thought I'd like this episode more than I did. It was good overall, but I thought it could have been a lot better. My main issue was Quibble Pants. I just found him EXTREMELY irritating; to me it didn't seem like he ever stopped talking, and it got too annoying for me, because it seemed like the focus was always on him and his complaining, and not enough on Daring or Rainbow. I like the fact the writers have addressed the idea of fans being disappointed/critical over a series they used to love, since we've seen a lot of that in our own fandoms. But for me personally, the way Quibble was written didn't make it work. He struck me as a bit of a Gary-Stu of sorts, especially when he seemed to know more about puzzle-solving than Daring Do herself, for some reason. *shrug* But, yeah, I definitely enjoyed the episode apart from that. I was so pleased to have Daring Do appear again, and Rainbow Dash was pretty much adorable throughout. I could also relate to the fact everything was based around fans, conventions etc. because all that stuff is right up my street. I'd give this episode 6.5/10.

  9. So far, I'm loving season 6. It had a bit of a weak start with The Crystalling and Gift of Maud Pie in my opinion, but from then on it's gone up and up and up in my estimation and I've really been enjoying it. Perhaps more so than season 5. Season 4 I'm sure will remain my favourite season overall, but 6 could easily end up taking the second spot on my list. Rating so far: 9/10
  10. (I meant to leave a review last night but I fell asleep. XD) So what did I think of this episode? Basic summary: MY NEW FAVOURITE OF THE SEASON SO FAR. Well, join with 'Newbie Dash' probably. But seriously, I really enjoyed this episode. It might be one of my favourites of the whole series actually. I loved that we FINALLY got to see Fluttershy's family after almost six seasons of not knowing anything about them. Zephyr Breeze is obviously the main character we get introduced to. I honestly did quite like him, even though most people seem to absolutely hate him. XD He was annoying and spoilt, but I'm pretty sure that was the point. Not only was it great to have him and the parents introduced, but it was also AMAZING to see the way Fluttershy was. It's clear she's grown over the series and learned from her lessons about being assertive. I was reminded of the Breezies episode in particular. Overall her character was well-written, especially in the way she interacted with Zephyr. I also liked the fact that Fluttershy turned out to be the older sibling, even though Zephyr LOOKS like he should be older than her. I was expecting a big brother, but that makes a change from ponies like Big Mac and Shining Armour who are big brothers, so it was nice to see that Fluttershy was the older one for a change. Even though Zephyr was irritating, I found his scenario relatable somewhat. I'm going into adulthood and am worried about becoming responsible and standing on my own two feet instead of relying on my family. So in a way the episode spoke to me. We also had some really funny moments that brought the episode together. Firstly, I NEED to talk about this... RAINBOW DASH GOT FLIRTED WITH!!!!!!! LIKE... WOW. XD I've been waiting for something like that to happen for Rainbow for SO long, and even though Zephyr is NOT good enough for her, it was really fun to see her getting hit on. The fact she was really not interested made it so much better, and it was just interesting to see her reactions to the whole thing. So yeah. GREAT episode. Loved it. Watched it several times and I'll be watching it again soon. Rating: 9.5/10
  11. A decent slice-of-life episode. I really enjoyed it. It was nice to see both Rarity and Applejack in the spotlight for a change. Best part for me though was Rainbow Dash's guilty pleasure of spa treatments. That was adorable and hilarious. :3
  12. 1. Season 4 2. Season 5 3. Season 3 4. Season 6 5. Season 1 6. Season 2
  13. Hmmm, this episode was... good enough. I found the way they handled the story a little confusing sometimes; I felt like it was all over the place, which was sort of the point, I suppose. However, they made up for it with all the funny moments. I will admit this episode was top-notch with the humour. So not my favourite episode of the season so far, but still really enjoyable.
  14. The Undertale reference in the new banner brings me great joy!! ^_^

  15. Referencing to a comment I saw on Youtube, it was probably something that would change the show from a G rating to an R rating in seconds. XD
  16. I can't see my content again. :( I think it's been like this for a while.

  17. I am always sceptical about musical episodes since they tend to be either huge hits or huge misses for me. But WOW this episode blew my expectations out of the water! It was brilliant! The songs were all fantastic - especially Luna's, which was EPIC. I got chills everywhere! I'm still trying to adjust to Starlight being a predominant character in the show but each episode that centres on her does her more and more justice. A great Christmas episode (despite the time of year it aired); the best out of all Christmas episodes so far. Awesome!! 8/10 is my rating. That's fair enough. If you didn't like it, you can't help that. No episode is going to please every single person out there. I too am usually not a fan of full musical episodes, but personally would say this one was an exception. It was a bit weird to have a Xmas episode in May, but hey never mind. XD
  18. Yeah exactly! They weren't trying to imply that at all, and people shouldn't over-analyse it so much so that it seems that way. I found it extremely enjoyable from start to finish, and that's what matters. That is indeed what cartoons are about. Chill, guys!
  19. So I wanted to talk about 'Newbie Dash', my personal favourite episode of the sixth season so far. Despite this episode showcasing a significant moment in the show's history, (Rainbow Dash finally becoming a Wonderbolt), it has been obvious that since its air, it's received some harsh critique from what seems to be the majority of people. From what I've seen, people have generally referred to it as "cringe-worthy", badly written, placing Rainbow Dash in an already over-used plotline in which she tries to make the best of a situation in the wrong way; and probably the most common comment I've seen is the fact it seems to be glorifying/justifying the idea of bullying and name-calling. All this criticism is quite hard for me to take in, for I personally loved the episode. I thought it was the most enjoyable plotline thus far, mixing in the right amount of emotional moments with humorous moments, and being written in such a way that left me satisfied by the end, and thoroughly relating to the situation Rainbow Dash found herself in. So I've been thinking: am I weird for liking this episode so much? The one that so many people have such a strong hatred towards? If so many people dislike it, surely that must mean I've judged it wrongly and it's indeed awful. But I've decided I stand by my opinion that 'Newbie Dash' was a brilliant episode, and I've thought of a way to tell you all why. And also, perhaps, a way to explain why people hate it for the wrong reasons. So generally, it seems that the main critique of this episode is that the writers are trying to suggest that bullying and name-calling is glorified in an inappropriate way, which sends a bad moral towards viewers. We see Rainbow finally achieve her dream, but unsurprisingly find that her first day is not as amazing as expected. Specifically, what we find is that Rainbow not only makes a disastrous first impression, but her idols respond by labelling her with the nickname 'Rainbow Crash', the same name that was given to her by bullies during her foalhood. So of course, we feel for Rainbow Dash in this situation: the Wonderbolts are once again showing they can have a nasty streak about their nature, which can make us question her loyalty towards them. Because of her desperation to make a better impression, Rainbow Dash tries to find a way of standing out, first by impersonating her friends, and then by attempting a daring move at her first Wonderbolt performance. As we once again expect, this goes horribly wrong and she's forced to explain her actions. At this point, which is where most people find fault with the episode, Rainbow Dash finds her hurtful nickname is in fact a shared jab among all the Wonderbolts, reflecting on the fact they've all messed up badly in their early days on the team. Now, people severely criticized this plot point for understandable reasons. Is this a way of justifying bullying? After all, it was clear Rainbow Dash was uncomfortable with the nickname, and we hated the Wonderbolts for it, and the fact they didn't get their comeuppance was probably unsatisfying for a lot of people. Were the writers implying that teasing and mocking is okay because it's all in good fun? I can definitely understand why people would think that. For a time, I began to think like that too. But it's been some time since the episode aired and I've been debating this idea in my head. Now I believe that people might have the wrong idea about what the moral was trying to say. I think the message was less about the actual name-calling, but more about Rainbow Dash's first impression and how that made her feel. We saw her excited to join the Wonderbolts, her first day then going badly, and her nickname is used as a constant reminder of that. Because of this, she doesn't feel she truly belongs, and has to find a way to prove that she has talent, hence her ridiculous efforts to get noticed all the way through the episode. But then we find out at the end that ALL the Wonderbolts made bad impressions on their first day, which is why they were all labelled with nicknames. So, to argue against the general conception about the moral, the message seems to be saying, quite simply, that everyone has a bad first day. No-one is alone in feeling that, even the most talented people in the world who have already reached the peaks of their careers. We see that put into practice in 'Newbie Dash'. The ending is not justifying name-calling, but instead provides a way of reassuring Rainbow Dash that she is not alone in messing up her first day. ALL her idols have done it, including Spitfire, whom she arguably looks up to the most. We didn't even hear the nickname she had, so assume it must have been bad, but it puts Rainbow Dash in a better position because the Wonderbolt she looks up to the most has had her own share of bad days, and that puts her idols in a totally different perspective. Specifically, a much more positive one. No one is perfect after all. This is something I've been thinking about for a while and felt the need to get it out in the open. As stated before, I think 'Newbie Dash' is a brilliant episode, regardless of other's opinions, and truly believe this is the way people should interpret the moral. If you put that with the well-written humour and uplifting moments as we see our little Rainbow Dash finally achieving her dream, you've got an episode to remember. Go, 'Newbie Dash'.
  20. Favourite Undertale character? Go! P.S. Mettaton Ex and Papyrus for me. ^_^

  21. I know we haven't had a lot of episodes so far, but I'm interested in what people's personal favourites are up to now. This is how I would order the episodes so far from best to worst: 1. Newbie Dash - Emotional, funny, and well written. Not to mention Dashie achieving her dream. By far my favourite episode so far. 2. Gauntlet of Fire - A Spike episode that actually had a good story and a nice way of developing his character. 3. No Second Prances - Made me like Starlight Glimmer more. Plus, a great way to bring Trixie back. 4. On Your Marks - One of the best CMC episodes to date. 5. The Crystalling - A solid two-parter but a bit of a weak start to the season. 6. Gift of Maud Pie - A little boring and predictable. Another weak way of kicking off the season. That's my opinion. But what's yours? P.S. Have some Wonderbolt Dashie.
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