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The Crystal Maiden

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Everything posted by The Crystal Maiden

  1. Opened up Facebook. Looked at the trends. My Little Pony is trending. *nearly falls off chair in shock* Checks out trend. My Little Pony cafe opens in Japan. And it's the theme of the OLD MLP. Not FiM. Why did I waste my time getting excited?...

  2. Just had a good old marathon of season 5 MLP episodes. :D I've grown to love the Princess Luna one MUCH more than the first time I watched it.

  3. Just rewatched The Cutie Map. Such a good two-parter. :)

  4. FINALLY got round to watching Friendship Games just now! What did I think? Well, basically.... IT WAS AMAZING!! Honestly my expectations weren't high since I don't love EQG as much as FiM, but that movie was just SOOOOO GOOOD!! I loved the music and the story and everything! Best of the three movies so far! Rainbow Rocks sucked in my opinion. First one was great. Friendship Games is the best though. :D

  5. Hello, fellow UK citizen! :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      Sorry for my EXTREMELY late reply haha! Yeah I'm good too! :)

    3. Black Viper

      Black Viper

      Haha no problem :) And that's good to hear! :D

    4. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      So tell me a little about you! What you into? Apart from MLP obviously. XD I read your profile which is why I wanted to say hi as I can relate to someone being shy etc. so I already know a little about you but would like to chat more. :)

  6. Fluttershy is rocking it in the new banner. :D

  7. Slightly hurtful when you upload a fanfic on FIMFiction and someone clicks the dislike button. :( XD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      Awwww thank you guys for the lovely comments. :) I take things too personally sometimes haha.

    3. Mez


      Happens to the best of us, TCM.

    4. The Crystal Maiden
  8. I'll be honest: the thought of the show ending forever makes me feel sick inside. I love it more than any other film or TV show in my life and it's been one of the things that's made my day a bit brighter in the past four years. I've heard that it could end after season 6 and the movie, but it's not confirmed, so I'm reeeeally hoping that it will go on further than that; at least two more seasons (that might be a bit much to ask). At the same time though, I've always thought that you can't drag a show or film franchise on for too long, otherwise the creators can run out of ideas and it won't end on a high note. But FiM is particularly special to me, which is why I don't want it to end yet. It does look likely that it will end soon, due to all the conclusions that have been happening in season 5 (Rarity getting a new boutique, Rainbow almost being a Wonderbolt, the CMC getting their Cutie Marks etc.), but I'm just hoping that the creators will keep it going for as long as possible since they know how huge the fandom is and it would be a shame to disappoint us. That being said, when it ends, it should end on a high note, and therefore mustn't be dragged on forever, but I'm hoping we've at least got a few more years yet. Please!!! I can't live without my lovely ponies! :'(
  9. Pretty much my feelings about the episode in a nutshell! I too think that it was like Magical Mystery Cure in places and sometimes rushed, but you're right: the ending was so emotional, compared to the initial story which was a bit boring. And yeah, the Cutie Marks are great! It's not what I expected them to get, but I've thought about it since and it makes TOTAL sense.
  10. Wow. I can't believe it finally happened. So much time spent waiting for that moment, and we got it!! Must say, I was NOT expecting the three of them to get the SAME cutie marks, since it seemed like the writers were building up to them all getting different talents, like scootering for Scootaloo, singing for Sweetie Belle, and something else for Apple Bloom. But now that I've thought about it, the fact they all have the same talent makes total sense. Crusading is their talent, their passion, and what they've been doing for the past 5 seasons. So the fact that they got their talents together, (by helping Diamond Tiara of all ponies) is actually something really beautiful. :') I was sure I would cry when the time finally came when they got their Cutie Marks, but I didn't. I just went a bit crazy with excitement. xD It was interesting to make most of the episode a musical, and it seems to be a bit of theme that the episode is a musical when something important happens, like in Magical Mystery Cure, when Twilight became a princess. I'm not a huge fan of full musicals myself, especially when they cram it all into a 20 minute episode, but it was done really well with this episode! So all in all: wow! So pleased for the CMC! I had a feeling from the title that it might be the moment where it happened, but wasn't sure until it actually did towards the end! (I remember thinking "there's four minutes of the episodes left... what's going to happen? Oh wait... could it be?!" And I was right! XD) The end of an era, everypony. :') Makes me kind of sad.

    1. Scrubbed user
    2. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      Indeed. ;) Though for me my tears are feminine not manly but same thing. XD

  12. Here's to 5 years of wonder and happiness!! <3

  13. Hello there, awesome person! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      How are things with you? :)

    3. iceestarz


      Going pretty good, playing some Pokemon right now. :) you?

    4. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      Haha nice, was never much of a Pokeman fan but I know it's popular. ;) Yeah good thanks! Just working at the moment really. :/ And writing in my spare time. :)

  14. Sunset Shimmer fanfictions everywhere...! She sure has become popular. :o

  15. Just watched Brotherhooves Social. It was SUCH a good idea to give Big Mac the spotlight for a change! Super sweet at the end. <3

  16. In about 20 minutes I will be watching a documentary called 'World of Weird' in which the brony fandom is one of the main subjects. Let's hold hands, guys, and hope we don't get hit too hard.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Lightwing


      Impressive, I must say. Maybe there was no reason to be worried after all c:

    3. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      Yeah exactly, there wasn't! I was dreading some negativity, but the programme turned out to be great. It documents weird stuff but it doesn't criticize it in any way, which I approve of. :)

    4. Lightwing


      Well, the name of the program didn't gave a good vibration at first, but it looks like it went well after all! <3

      Anyways, it was good to see that everything ended well c:

  17. My favourites so far are The Cutie Map, Castle Sweet Castle, Lost Treasure of Griffonstone, and the newest one, Rarity Investigates.
  18. Rarity Investigates = one of the most entertaining episodes of the season so far! :D Also, so glad we FINALLY got a Rarity & Rainbow Dash episode after so long. :D

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Rarity and Dashie were so cute in this episode :)

    2. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      Yeah I know omg!!! <3

  19. Just saw on advert on my British television for a new programme coming up called 'World of Weird'. And guess which fanbase is going to be featured in one of the episodes?? >_< Don't know whether to be excited or insulted.

    1. redaxted


      No, no, the brony fandom is strange, but in a good way! That's why I like it just as much as the show :)

    2. The Crystal Maiden
  20. Someone literally just said it but... I love your avatar too. ;) Wolves are the best. <3

  21. I'm still sad I missed jacksepticeye's livestream. :'(


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