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Posts posted by Cowl

  1. You've all got it wrong, Rainbow Dash would at some point get knocked up by one of the Wonderbolts. Like any of those crazy fans, she'll sleep with any and/or all of them, regardless of gender.


    Of course, Rainbow Dash would obviously make a terrible parent. So at some point shortly after her foal/filly's birth, Rainbow will pawn her kid off onto Fluttershy and then go back to following/trying to join the Wornderbolts.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I'm a very depressing and sad person to be around. I'm rarely happy, and if I am there is always a reason for it.


    On the bright side, I tend to be very optimistic. Except when science or logic gives incontrovertible evidence for why you should be pessimistic.

    • Your name of (COWL) creates a quick, clever mind capable of grasping and assimilating new ideas.


    • You are rather studious, mentally challenging each new idea before accepting it.


    • Because you learn so quickly you have little patience with those whose

      mental processes are somewhat slower, and you could become supercilious

      or somewhat "know it all" in your attitude.


    • This characteristic could make you rather unpopular with your associates.


    • Although you are very knowledgeable and intelligent, you often find spontaneous verbal expression difficult.


    • You crave friendship, understanding, love, and affection but your reserved manner appears forbidding to others.


    • You can give expression to your personal thoughts and feelings most fluently through the written word.


    • You have a sensitive nature--sensitive to your environment and

      particularly sensitive to how your deeper and more serious interests are

      regarded by others.


    • Your feelings are very easily hurt

      and to protect yourself you withdraw within the realms of your own

      private thoughts and shut out the rest of the world.


    • Moods, which are your worst enemy, result.


    • Your sensitivity and lack of verbal expression frustrate and limit the

      satisfaction in life to be gained from your responsible and capable



    • Health problems arise due to worry and a

      sensitivity in the respiratory area which could lead to problems with

      the heart, lungs, or bronchial organs.


    Oh god, its all true!


    Just kidding, only 80% is true. That's pretty good for something just based off of your name.

  3. I've always been a fan of the word arcane. Everyone always assumes that its can only refer to D&D and such, but it has legitimate every day uses. Why just today I had to look up some arcane FORTRAN code from the 80s. Luckily my friend managed to obtain a copy of it.


    Another great word is botched. As in, wow you really botched that experiment, now we need to go find the old FORTRAN code that might be able to salvage some of this data.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. I use everypony as much as I possibly can, but only on mlp forums. Anywhere else on the internet would just be silly. While using everypony in real life would just be horrifying.


    Hobgoblin:    [singing]

            I will always love you,

            I will always be true,

            Spend my days pitching woo, to you.


    (Milhouse) Rainbow Dash:    Oh god, he's been singing for two hours.


    (Lisa) Twilight Sparkle: This couldn't have less to do with Christmas.

    And I think that's a stagehand.


    Bo Peep:    And I love you, too.

            And you and you and you,

            Oh, you and me,

            Together we can see ...

            [the film breaks, thankfully]


    (Nelson) Rarity:        Ha-ha! Next time, get a DVD.

    (Skinner) Spike:    This *is* a DVD.

            [ejects a flaming DVD from the projector, and stamps

            it out]


    • Brohoof 1
  6. You are extremely sleepy, that's why your imagining this incredibly soft and fluffy cloud. Wouldn't it make a wonderful pillow? Why don't you just lie your head down next to me and close your eyes, just for a moment. Afterwards you can get up and get back to your homework.

  7. I haven't talked to anyone in about 5 days currently. Nothing out of the ordinary, I just don't normally talk to people. A couple of weeks of silence probably occurs about twice a year. My record is something like 1 month I think, I wasn't keeping track and when I finally spoke I realized afterwards that I couldn't remember the last time I had talked to someone.


    I find that gestures and facial expressions are much more efficient ways of communication than talking to people.

    • Brohoof 1

    • Brohoof 1
  9. This is why I duel boot my laptop. One OS for work and one OS for other. Also, I would never let anyone else put their hands on my laptop if my non work hard drive was even in the computer. I also encrypt my non work hard drive.


    It's kind of suspicious that they found you're other browser and checked your history. I suppose they might have gotten suspicious as to why you hid that browser, but why would anyone's first instinct be to look for a hidden browser on a computer they borrowed?

  10. I'm slightly older than 20. Anyways, this would be boring if all the answers where the same.


    1. Do you know how to use a rotary phone and have you ever dialed one? If so, how long ago?

    I have seen and used a dialup phone. probably 16 years ago.


    2. Did you have an early part in your life without Internet access? Parents disallowing it because you were too young doesn't count.

    Didn't get internet at home until I was 8. I then had 4 years of *shudder* dialup.


    3. What is the earliest national or world crisis you have a first hand memory of? Most of you will probably say September 11.

    1998 – Iraq. Operation Desert Fox: U.S. and British forces conduct a major four-day bombing campaign from December 16–19, 1998 on Iraqi targets.[RL30172]


    4. Can you recall if your family had an old-fashioned TV with dials on it?

    My family never had one while I was alive.


    5. Can you tell me what it's like to read about Saddam Hussein, Bill Clinton, the reunification of Germany, 9/11, and Hurricane Katrina in history textbooks?

    My history text books didn't get that recent, they ended on Ross Perot.


    6. Do you or does anybody in your family refuse to carry a cell phone? Again, parents disallowing it because you were too young doesn't count.

    Everyone has one, some just refuse to answer.


    7. Do you remember old school 5 1/4 inch floppy disks for computers? Maybe you're so young you don't even remember the 3.5 inch disks that were discontinued just a few years ago?

    I used 3.5 all the time in elementary/middle school. They made us store our reports on them. I've even used a 5.25 to play an old computer game before.


    8. When was the last time you used the Yellow Pages to look up a phone number?

    Yesterday, online. I don't think I've ever used an actual phone book for its intended purpose



    9. What was the first cartoon you fell in love with? Don't say MLP:FiM. You're all supposed to be at least 13 so I know you have a well-liked cartoon from before that. 

    I'm going to have to say Jackie Chan adventures. Hooray for local television stations.


    10. Do cartoons from the 1980s look and sound as dated to you as cartoons from the '60s appear to me?

    Sort of, they look dated, but not as much as cartoons from the 60's.

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