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Everything posted by FinalGamer

  1. Despite being a fire sign in both the Western AND Chinese Zodiac (hey I used to do this when younger, have to bring it up someday XD), I always felt a closer affinity to water than anything else. Fire scares me a biiiit too much << Water however soothes me. I went swimming alllll the time as a kid, and was the only one in my class to dive to the bottom of the town's leisure centre pool (and trust me, it was a damn deep pool, like maaaaaaybe 30 feet deep).
  2. So most of us are guys born in the mid-90s? ...did not expect that, I was expecting early-90s but oh well :3 late-80s guy here, nice census.
  3. I just get it over with as quickly as possible.
  4. Well I just beat The Simpsons Arcade on Xbox Live. Awwwww yeah.
  5. I'm incredibly stubborn to trying new things. I'm afraid of change in my routine.
  6. "DRINK!" I think it's time for some videogame quotes up in this shizzle. "The smart man knows a bandage only hides his wounds." - Medicine Bobblehead, Fallout 3 "You will soon have your God, and you will make it with your own hands." - Morpheus, Deus Ex "Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you." - Duke Davis, Bad Street Brawler
  7. Well how about some art references? Salvador Dali is one artist who pops up quite a bit in the show, at least three times in season two alone. The bunnies with long legs in "The Return of Harmony Part 1" are quite similar to Salvador Dali's "The Elephants" or "The Temptations of St. Anthony". Rainbow Dash's pet-related nightmare from the start of "May The Best Pet Win" which is a reference to Dali's "Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening". And lastly, the art gallery in "Sweet and Elite" has THREE classic art references, the most prominent being the central painting, which actually combines TWO Dali paintings into one. Firstly, "The Persistence of Memory" (his most famous work being that one with the melting clocks) And secondly, either "El Sueno/The Dream" OR "Butterfly Landscape" (for the crutch supports). Awesome eh? OH, also, just for a bonus. Equestrian Gothic = American Gothic
  8. Okay, this is my opinion of the main Sonic games, as a fan of them, okay? Just to let you know what I think in brief notes. I will say however that no matter what happens, the music in the series is ALWAYS awesome and no matter how bad it gets, I only kept coming back to Sonic for the fantastic soundtracks. -------------- Sonic original trilogy - Awesome classic stuff Sonic CD - Perfection Sonic Adventure - Start of serious stories (not the best thing for Sonic in my opinion), trying new gameplay, more or less pretty good. Sonic Adventure 2 - Levels specifically designed for characters, better-built but stories turning less good with character models somehow worse. Sonic Heroes - Actually pretty fun with a good gameplay idea Sonic and the Secret Rings - Terrible terrible controls and surprisingly not good music (as far as I've heard but I'm willing to hear anything that's not the theme song) Sonic 2006 - God. Damn. Terrible. Sonic Unleashed - Not bad, not great, good gameplay ideas, much better sense of Saturday Morning-style story that feels more appropriate for Sonic, Werehog combat system has potential but enemies/THAT ONE SONG are annoying Sonic Colors - Really goddamn fun, hilarious as hell and genuinely fun gameplay with the Wisps Sonic Generations - Love it to pieces, Classic Sonic is perfect (in my opinion), Modern Sonic uses Unleashed daytime level mechanics which I love and enjoy, final boss is hard to tell if you're actually DOING anything or not and therefore terrible/confusing. -------- That's just my opinion though.
  9. So basically the days should be considered as merely reminders of traditions that exist, not obligations to uphold such traditions to the point of tiring them out. That...makes perfect sense to me, I like that :3 I'll think it that way from now on. Also I'm new and I dunno who this special somepony is, but mazel tov! <3
  10. Even when I had a boyfriend I never paid attention to Hearts and Hooves. ...though I do miss him. We're still good friends because the long distance was killing us emotionally, but...I kinda miss having someone special.
  11. Awwwwwwwwwwww. I'm sorry, that sounded so sad and sweet. Are you still with him/her?
  12. My mind is STILL blown over this Trainspotting reference from Baby Cakes, probably THE most adult reference in the show. Seriously, drug trips. Wut.
  13. Aye, it's bad enough that I can't read people very well, like literally blind to the more subtle body language, so that does not help me at all.
  14. Last videogame that I BEAT? ....mmmmm Skyrim. .......pfffffffthahahhaa yeah right, nah it was Sonic Generations.
  15. Samus Aran from the Metroid series. Always admired a strong woman able to kick ass across several worlds. Also George Stobbart from the Broken Sword games. I wanna mention him more since he's less known than Samus. George Stobbart is quite possibly the most unlikely normal successful videogame protagonist ever made. He has no special powers and he lives in a relatively normal world (that is on the surface). He has no aspirations other than becoming a patents lawyer (seriously, he became one in The Sleeping Dragon), and he really has no talents. Yet he's managed to take down at least four potentially world-destroying cults with help from his Parisian squeeze/special friend/amor Nicole Collard. And how does he take them down and unravel their plans entirely? A sharp mind, a quick tongue, and one hell of a sense for MacGyvering stuff from items he randomly picks up. I know that's saying the same for EVERY point-click game protagonist like Guybrush Threepwood or Sam & Max, but George Stobbart is a normal dude! Not a pirate, not a detective, a regular human being who's just as mortal as you and me. And he is a badass. A badass normal. I love you just for mentioning FFIX alone. That game was awesome and I loved the entire cast. ...though they COULD have had some more development for Freya, she felt strangely thin compared to everyone else. Hell even AMARANT got more development and dialogue than her, and he was the LAST ally you got. Still my favourite Final Fantasy ever. Though my favourite character development was Steiner, you really couldn't compare the bumbling loyal Buzz Knightyear of Disc 1 to the chivalrous friend-uniting knight of the world in Disc 3.
  16. I never knew Sonic Colors had a gorgeous soundtrack. Then again most Sonic games at the very least always have good music.
  17. ...oh wow. Well that's a shame to hear. She was a nice lady far as I knew, and I always liked her singing.
  18. Well why not, I actually like OKCupid for having silly little quizzes like this. You scored 38 Heterosexuality, 62 Homosexuality, and 25 Asexuality! You scored 38% on Heterosexuality, higher than 24% of your peers. You scored 62% on Homosexuality, higher than 87% of your peers. You scored 25% on Asexuality, higher than 32% of your peers. Hah, naiiiiiiiled it. Totally knew this already, 60% for guys, 40% for the ladies. ....though half the time I feel more 70% gay, I mean I DO like guys more. They're just...a lot easier for me to deal with than girls. Women have all these social constructs I keep hearing about and it intimidates me away from them because I don't wanna look like a creep. So I've ended up with guys more because they don't seem to have any of that, or at the very least, they have the same gender constructs as I do and therefore I find it easier to handle them than others...though I'm really scared of intimacy. I tend to kinda panic when I'm being cuddled or hugged...I have a gay friend from England though who's been giving me a sort of emotional therapy about it, like we cuddle or do things slowly, kind of like a...practice boyfriend? He's helped me a lot with my intimacy issues I have to say ^ ^;
  19. Wait hold on a second?!There's a translation patch that made it EASIER to play Mother 1? Damn I need to find that. Mother 1 is a good RPG story-wise, I mean it's fantastic but the difficulty is literally Nintendo Hard. I actually played Superman 64 to find out how bad it was.72 rings...72 rings...72 rings..../Lessonzero Also HELLZ YEAH GEX! I LOVED Gex, he was so awesome. I'll say right now since we're going into first games we ever played, mne was DUCKTALES on the NES. Hell. Yes <3 also have something of a nostalgic tint for Zelda II on the NES even though I know it's not great.
  20. Oh sweet Celestia yes. You know what THIS calls for.
  21. Pinkie is PERFECT in Japanese, at least by that voice but also for her personality being...so kawaii.There I said it. And I also love hearing media in different languages, hell I loved hearing MLP in Polish because I always loved the language of Poland. I'm not gonna talk about what dubs are good or bad, I just love hearing other languages <3
  22. My absolute favourite tumblr of all is Ask Aquilinus, a fantastic tumblr about the captain of the royal guards. Sometimes it's naughty, sometimes it's poetic, sometimes it's hilarious and sometimes it's genuinely thought-provoking upon the artist's own personal spin on Equestrian lore (which may I say is very succinct and easily acceptable theories). I also follow all of Cartoonlion's tumblrs, Ask Futashy, Futaquestria (both of which are NSFW) and Flutterdashpie (which is G-rated), purely because she is my favourite artist in the entire fandom. Plus, Futashy is adorable as a pet XD Lastly, Ask the Night Guards which is about two of Luna's guards who deal with an Equestrian variant of the SCP project (a site that catalogues fictional made-up but very well constructed anomalies of the world), as well as Ponies-In-Space which is exactly what it says but if you're a sci-fi fan, it's worth checking out!
  23. Spike is a goddamn dragon, he doesn't care about your problems. /dealwithit
  24. Pretty much this. We can't be the only planet with sentient life or any form of life period. But likewise, we live in an expansive possibly-infinite universe, and as such it may be years, centuries even for other alien life to even discover our planet if they haven't already. We don't even know IF the universe is infinite at all. The universe to us might be like the ocean to a goldfish. But we are most certainly not alone in this universe. We have evidence of life being able to exist outside of normal boundaries ON OUR VERY PLANET. How about the fact we have creatures living at the bottom of the ocean? And I don't mean those creepy fish who barely use oxygen, I'm talking about this. That is a lake. Of pure brine. Underwater. There are creatures living inside that. Creatures who DON'T BREATHE OXYGEN. They live WITHIN the briny lake, completely away from light and oxygen, composed of sodium or something that's certainly not carbon-based. There are crustaceans living on METHANE down there. If we have creatures like THIS on the planet we live on, how can you even think that life cannot exist on other planets just because they aren't like ours?
  25. I love these Japanese fandubs, they're simply adorable. I sincerely hope that one day the show will get an official Japanese dubbing, when it gets over to Japan someday. And that can't be an if, Hasbro would SURELY send this to Japan and see what they think. I mean, didn't they do that with Transformers or something similar? Either way, if there's ever an official Japanese dub, I will totally watch it. "Appurujakku" to be precise. The Japanese don't have the letter L in their language naturally and as such, it's never really used. So as a result, anything from English with an L in it turns into a "ru" since it's phonetically the most similar sound to L for them. Hence "Applejack - Appurujakku". It's NOT because the Japanese can't say the letter L at all. That's a misconception. It's just very DIFFICULT for them to say the letter L because it's something they never ever use at all, just an odd phonetic of a foreign language to them. Just had to explain why they were pronouncing it differently is all rather than just straight-up saying "Applejack". The English original is still always the best, of course :3
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