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The Stranger

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Everything posted by The Stranger

  1. Wow, this thread must of stemmed from boredom or something. It's so random. My teeth are shaped like teeth. I use them to munch on rocks sometimes. I prefer gray rocks over any other rock to be honest.
  2. They say Sunset Shimmer was the last one standing on the red team. This image was captured by a security camera seconds before the match timer hit zero.
  3. You're entitled to your opinion so opinion respected.
  4. Howdy-do sunshine! Good to see another open minded brony roaming the internetz! /)

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      2:30!? It's 10:30am for me. I have time to watch all the series! Mwahaha! <--- that's the least ever thing that I have ever added an evil laugh to

    3. The Stranger

      The Stranger

      Ooooh, if only you you could hear my evil laugh. Well it's more of an evil chuckle that leads to a laugh. Anyway, I better go to bed before I faceplant my desk. Thanks for texting me Bullfrogs. This site can get lonely if you don't sell your soul to it. haha

    4. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      /) Sleep well! Don't let the bed tarantulas bite! Mwahaha!

  5. Most folks on the internet are fakers. People tend to put on a false identity so folks can like them and honestly, i find it pathetic. When I'm playing TF2 and a brony puts a pornographic spray on a wall I feel myself become a brony hater for a few seconds. Pornograpigc sprays in a game are dumb and make the one spraying them become unlikable. Most Bronies are just as bad as the haters they want dead. Eminem is the only good rapper alive right now. Youtube has one of the worst communities on the internet. I'm referring to the losers that don't upload videos and comment under other videos in hopes of starting a fight.
  6. Ugh, something is wrong with my iPad. It keeps playing 3 a.m. By Eminem at random times! I don't understand why.

    1. Night Wing
    2. Roughshod


      It is a divine sign from his holiness, the Rap God.

  7. I have a soft spot for old-timey music.
  8. Your page, it's naked. Give it a status update so I can comment on it!

  9. Aah, I hate when I suddenly space out when I'm doing something that requires a lot of focus. Blame it on my add baby~ ♪

  10. You know, I've always wondered something. Is the reason why ponies can pick things up with their hooves even though they have no fingers related to magic or is it just the magic of cartoons?
  11. One night I was traveling the road in my banana car while listening to Midnight City by M83 when suddenly I had the urge for chicken flavored Ramen. I stopped at a traffic light on my way to a stereotypical Ramen shop when suddenly a pink pony with purple swirly eyes and a spiny hat appeared on the hood of my car and said to me in Princess Celestia's voice "To ThE MoOn YuO Go!" She then had a nose bleed since she wasn't suppose to talk and then suddenly I was rocketed to the moon where I switched places with Princess Luna. Now I'm stuck here with nothing but Luna's laptop that can only access this site. It's a nightmare i tell you!
  12. It's called friendship is magic for a reason. They could of gone with friendship is swagalicious or cool beans but that would be way to hipster. :okiedokielokie:
  13. My afterlife would be simple. It would be a sunny place where the weather is never bad and in that place I'd have that one genuine best friend that I've always wanted. I don't care what species they are or how intelligent they are as long as they could communicate with me. That's all I want in life and if I can't get one here I hope I can have a dear friend in the afterlife.
  14. It's simple, I'd leave her alone because I'm not a creep. If she speaks to me I'll speak back, That is all.
  15. Wish granted but now you live within the pages of a book written specifically for you. You're life will never progress past the last chapter. I Wish I could dance in front of a crowd without getting nervous.
  16. The title explains it all. it could have been a moment you had while playing an online game or maybe you were on a community forum. It happened to me while I was playing an online game called Team Fortress 2 about ten minutes ago. I was in a game of attack and defend and there was this guy (who's name I don't remember because I was upset) Who was verbally attacking our team for playing poorly . After a minute or two I spoke up in hopes of making him stop but he then turned on me. He noticed that I'm a Brony and started harassing me pretty intensely. I tried to defend myself but I stopped after a few sentences because I wanted to set a good example for our fandom. He called me things like faggot, Brony degenerate, he even started making fun of how my parents made me move out. I can't even tell you how many times he told me I'm going to hell. Well here's the good part. After a few horrible statements he made toward me this random guy who was playing on our team spoke up out of nowhere and started defending me. I'll never forget that moment. A total stranger standing up for me....honestly, I didn't think that would ever happen. Afterwards, I switched teams and made the bully rage quit. Today's world may be rotting but after that one stranger stood up for me, I now know that goodness is still out there, it's just hard to find. So, has anyone had a moment where a total stranger stood up for you while you were being bullied online? I'd love to hear your stories.
  17. *Head explodes* I wish I knew how I was able to type this message since you exploded my head all over the walls behind me.
  18. I can't really admit many things about myself. After all, we all have our dark secrets. I will admit a few things on this site though but only the publicly acceptable things. I'm pansexual and only my sister knows about it. I'd never admit to my friends and family that I'm a brony but if anyone ever found out I'd be completely chill about it and act as if it's not a big deal. I've had thoughts of suicide a few times over the past few months but I'm to much of a coward to ever commit the act. I also see suicide as a form of weakness and I don't like that. That's all I really have that I can share with you folks. Everything else is just to personal.
  19. You remember that Yoda quote that became a meme? “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Folks fear what they don't understand or can't accept. It makes them feel like their way of life is being threatened so they come after folks who are causing this feeling. Both parties are to blame for the hate that's going around. When someone comes after the borny fandom most bronies reacting in a very foolish and poor manner so more anti-bronies are created. Both sides are guilty and it's a vicious cycle that has no end until somthing new to hate comes along. Hate, I really dislike that word. It's meaning is so powerful and folks use it so loosely like the word gay.
  20. Granted but they're made of dissolvable material and it's all packed in a cardboard box in the middle of the ocean. I wish I had a pair of hover boots.
  21. I'm currently playing Team Fortress 2. Unfortunately my last game had that one backseat driver player who tells everyone how to properly play. This is all I was hearing over the mic ^ No one likes a back seat driver!
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