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Everything posted by AmarisNsane

  1. AmarisNsane

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    ^ D'awwwww!! Oh my goodness, this is so gosh darned adorable!! Ahhh, what I would give to have such an adorable ornament! Note to self: Buy frog/toad related ornaments before the holidays. ♥ It's probably pretty easy to tell which is one of my favorite pokemon in this the newest gen. xD
  2. ^ Oh my gosh! Legitimately squealing! I cannot get enough of Future Twilight and you always managed to find the best art of her, it seems! Thank you so much for knowing exactly how to put a smile on my face!
  3. You know you're the breeder type in Pokemon when you drop any advancement in the story to breed things for hours at time.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      They are far from just rehashes.

    3. Widdershins


      Well, same land, same generation of pokemon, same antagonists. Story certainly differs in parts. How much It does, i'll not know!

    4. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      B/W 2 is an entirely different story, with new areas of Unova to visit.

  4. Beldum + Ditto? Time to breed some Beldum.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AmarisNsane


      Oh, nice! Rock/Ground is often my least favorite typings as well, admittedly. You should tell me some of your other favorites sometime. Or now. Here or PM, it doesn't matter!

    3. Widdershins


      Hmm, I oughta create a blog or a thread about that sometime. Has enough meat on the topic to warrent others chirping in, I suppose.

    4. AmarisNsane


      Yes! Pick your favorite pokemon for each type, and perhaps why. Something like that. That'd be a pretty interesting read as far as I'm concerned.

  5. Jeez, it's been a long while since I've heard this song. Ever since it came up though, it's been stuck in my head!
  6. Have an adorable pouting Dashie. As a side note, I'm quite fond of this humanization for Dashie! Ah, Curse my weakness for ponytails!
  7. I really need to keep better track of what I post, haha!
  8. Not sure if I had posted this already but Rarity and Sweetiebelle is always cute.
  9. ^ I just have to say... I love this so much! ♥❤
  10. First Pokerus infection on Pokemon Moon. Lucky break! ♥

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AmarisNsane


      Yeah! Honestly, I have no idea. I turned off the game for something, turned it back on, then when I went into a Pokemon center, it suddenly alerted me that three of my pokemon had it. I have no idea how I managed it. Well, just going to put some of the infected pokemon in the PC for later infected uses, haha.

    3. Widdershins


      Well, spread it about I suppose, trade a few off to spread the contagion! Which reminds me, does this generation have a Wonder Trade function?

    4. AmarisNsane


      Yes. I'll start by spreading it within my game, then the games of others and then one day, my friend, I WILL INFECT THE WORLD. But really, after checking the Festival Plaza, "Wonder trade" is actually an option, so it would seem so!

  11. ^ Gosh, I adore her! Thanks so much for sharing these pictures. It always excites me to see more Future Twilight, and thanks to you and @@ChB, I have quite the folder full of her epic design/character. Thank you! And oh, I had no idea about Rapunzel! She's definitely a cutie! This is just my being nosey but I'd love to hear your reasoning for being such a fan! Is it a relating thing, just really liking her character, etc? Always up for learning about others. Especially if that person is a dear, dear friend of mine.
  12. ^ And who can blame them?! Also, absolutely amazing piece, I love it to no end! I simply can't get enough. Must. Save! As a fun side note: When I first was tagged to something while you were using your current avatar, I was kind of freaking out for a split second like "Who is this?!" Haha. Love the avatar though, so cute!
  13. And so, after much of my time (and pokeballs), I've finally managed to catch a Mimikyu. YES! Totally worth it. ♥❤

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. AmarisNsane


      Apologies, I hate my computer sometimes. Anyway...


      @SolarFlare: Yes! You must venture into... THRIFTY MEGAMART to get one! As far as I recall, the encounters will mostly be of Haunters, Golbats and Klefkis, but there's a 5% rate for precious Mimikyu. If you plan on catching one, good luck!


      @Widdershins: Ah, thanks so much! Miniors, here I come!

    3. Widdershins


      Just caught my own Mimikyu. Can't say it seems all that impressive. It's "forms" consist primarily of breaking its own neck.

    4. Crypty Scribbles
  14. I'm much more of a cat person (When between the cats and dogs debate). I don't mind dogs though. While I likely wouldn't own one myself, I don't mind seeing and/or playing with them from time to time.
  15. ^ Without a doubt, it's one of the best designs! Also, love this picture as quite honestly, the reaction/expression on the filly Twi would likely be much similar to my own when in regards to seeing Future Twilight, haha! PS: Thanks so much for the frog/Twi picture earlier! SO ADORABLE!!
  16. @@Sparklefan1234,@@ChB, Oh my gosh... Fangirling initiated! I ❤ you two so much! These pictures are absolutely amazing! I'm not so certain that my fangirl fragile heart can take much more of this, haha! No, but really, on a saving spree right now. Thanks so much! It always puts makes my day to see such art! ♥❤ Me with my newly stuffed/updated folders (of awesome art, thanks to you)!
  17. ^ Ahhh! Oh my goodness, between this one and your last MGS related post, I positively love them both to bits! They're amazing, thanks so much! Immediately had to save them. Both of them! ♥❤♥
  18. ^ Oh. My. GOSH, this is amazing! MGS + Ponies = Highly, Highly intense fangirling!
  19. ^ And you'd be correct. Thank you for sharing this! Ahhh, I love the full line! They're all just... too precious!
  20. ^ D'aaaw, so adorable! Pinky and Pinkie! I absolutely love this, thank you so much! ♥❤
  21. ^ OH MY GOSH. Gengar! Ahhh, I adore him! How did you ever know?! Absolute favorite pokemon, in fact. Thank you!
  22. ^ Eeeee!! I absolutely do not mind! Seeing this just has just made my night!
  23. AmarisNsane

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    @@Sparklefan1234, @@ChB: TFW your friends overwhelm you with the best art and your fangirling hits overdrive, like:
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