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Everything posted by Jessper

  1. Yeah, well, I already got used to Americans doing that, but one does not simply go after the top 2% IQ people and get away with it. ... I so love the smileys here. Anyway kids, if you take the IQ tests at Mensa and score high enough, you may be offered invitation to join the club and then feel all smug about yourself on the internet. Just like me.
  2. That's actually spelled just as it should be. It's the same as color and colour, one is americanish american english, the other is english. Either way, the full tests are pretty accurate, it's just that people often misinterpret what IQ really means and assign it much more significance than it really has, unless you go to extremes like under 60 and above 150.
  3. How much wood would Wood Chuch chuck if Wood Chuck could chuck wood ... Ouch, sorry, that came out by itself and I couldn't have stopped it, no matter how unoriginal it was. Either, that's a very nice work and interesting looking pony. Only thing I could possibly critique would be that your drawing style isn't really the pony style - Which both gives it the even more "original" design and makes it perhaps a little bit too sharp and grim to fit in. Which doesn't have to be a bad thing. Anyway, that's just my opinion.
  4. I mean, I actually have to say that your pictures are pretty amazing considering they are done with a mouse, for lack of better comparisation, it's like drawing with your feet. I assumed you used some non-LCD tablet. But yeah, getting hand-drawn things in can be a pain if you don't have a scanner handy - using camera is, erm, sub-optimal. Tho I think a bit of bad quality wouldn't be so terrible for once, I'm actually interested in how you real drawing looks like. Personally, I'm oldschool, I always prefer paper to anything else. I even got a tablet recently, but it just feels like drawing blindfolded but I guess it's simpler to get used to it if you haven't been drawing with pencil for many years. Oh, and at the risk of sounding like an idiot - I just feel sad for you if you actually can't draw what and how you like it, because someone (parents /sibling I presume) could find out you're a brony. And I really meant that one.
  5. I have to add one more. It just suddenly came to me that I forgot about one of the best games. Golden Axe! By Celestia, was that brutal and fun for the early ninties.
  6. According to various malware (like Steam) you install with games I've spend about 2000 hours between FNV and F3. Tho prolly modding more than gaming. Whatever the story choice is, I prolly did it at least once, but if I had to pick one character, then it's "neutral" and siding with either NCR or "For free Vegas, huzzaaaah!".
  7. Well, drawing / painting is one of the more.... noble hobbies and often also useful one to have. You know, free gifts everyone will adore, your own fanclub and eternal fame. Well. Maybe not the last one. But for the love of Celestia, don't draw with mouse. Use pencil or tablet unless you want to make pixelart. And also, seconding what Strato says about curved lines.
  8. -Modern FPS games are a simple fun for simple people. -If you have 1000 friends on facebook, it doesn't mean you are popular, it means you are desperate. -Forcefeeding religion to very young kids is a form of child abuse. -Whether one smokes or not is his/hers decision, not the governments, not yours, you fascist creeps. -There is no reason to give gifts on this one day, doing it on 24/25 makes you guilible, you can do it anytime and it will be cheaper and less stressful. Unpopular enough?
  9. No matter the methods you use, the most important part is to keep at it. If you work on something for 4 hours, then take a good look and go "Oh my, that looks like crap.", don't get discouraged, just start another picture when you have the time and mood, because it will get better everytime. It has a special place for me, because I used to have very ugly handwritting and my drawings were... let's say not very pleasant to the eye, but as I kept drawing, it got better and thanks to the time spent drawing, my writing and pretty much everything that needs precision got exponentially better over the years up to the point where I dare say my drawings are pretty solid and writting good looking.
  10. So, noone else finds it suspicious that whenever people take internet tests almost everyone always ends up being strongly above average / genial? Just me? Allright. I don't want to sound like an ad mashine, but if you really are interested, go to Mensa, the tests they have are actually accurate.
  11. That's another great thing about FiM. Even if you really dislike one pony, you will find another you really, really like. I'm not positive it's possible to dislike them all as a characters. Tho I really like her, probably my favorite, but I guess I will not elaborate, as it was already said many times in this topic.
  12. When the show ends, there will be even more reason for fan-produced music, video, art and fanfic and no reason for people to just trash all their contacts and be silent. I see no reason why would the community die anytime soon after the show ends. Sure, as the years will pass, it will get smaller and smaller, but then again, I don't even know if I'll be alive in 5 years, so i'm not worried about fandom dying out in 15 years. Yet.
  13. Well, to be honest I have close to zero experience with ponies, but I'm drawing manga for years and I'd say ponies are pretty close to that when it comes to the style. As such I'd say you really should start off by drawing just front "mugshots" until you feel like that's easy, then do the same with profiles and only then go for poses and various angles. Also drawing only faces or even only eyes isn't bad practice - and those are arguably the most important and difficult parts on the pony. When practicing it, don't focus on the details or whole body, just draw the part you are trying to learn. Overall I don't have much to say to your picture, you prolly see it too, the eyes are off and while the body "structure" doesn't actually look bad, she's really... thin. Including her head.
  14. I'd just note that it's better to learn to draw things from the front, then from the profile and leave 3/4 profile as the last. I'm not sure how much drawing you've done and what exactly you use to do it tho, so anything I say might be very void.
  15. While I enjoy complexity and depth it just feels like sociology and psychology are overdoing it the last few years. You don't actually have to go far, just look at MLP. Men are watching it. Because it's fun and well made? No way! It's because they were unable to stand up to the social standards of masculinity and broke under the weight of of their faliure, as they now subconciously depict themselves as women. Ta-daah. See what I mean? It works similarly with memes. It cannot possibly be for fun. It's in fact about <insert important looking text here>.
  16. Oh my, nothing is just fun today, it always has to be deep, even when it's pretty shallow. I guess if I said memes are used for fun and when it comes to internet, used to express feelings you cannot express using keyboard very well I would be a cursed simpleton.
  17. Well, you can just as well ask why would someone throw over 20 people into a stadium and make them chase a ball for hours. Anyway, it's easy to tell from what you say that you never really had any experience with horses, am I right? Horses are very friendly and intelligent animals and not really smelly if you take care of them. I'm not saying everyone has to love every animal, but I don't really see a reason to hate any either. Unless a horse kicked you in the face when you were a kid or something.
  18. If you want to know your IQ, you should probably go to for example Mensa, where you can take the legit, complete and complex IQ test which will tell you somewhat accurately, as compared to net tests with close to no accuracy or validity. Tho I can almost guarantee that knowing the number will change absolutely nothing in your life.
  19. 1. Being completely paralyzed as a result of for example spine injury, and then not being able to do nothing, not even die and being forced to live like that for who knows how many decades. 2. Governments sticking noses to internet and your life even more than they are now. I'm talking full internet control and watching your every step even in your own home. One may call that paranoia, but we are not -that- far from it, actually. 3. Spiders, insects or generally anything else crawling under your skin / hatching from your skin. I thought it was only in horror movies but... Well, let's just say you may not want to research that.
  20. Probably Pokémon games for the original Gameboy, then Crash Bandicoot and Tekken for PS1. Oh, and Silent hill (the very first one), that is very memorable. But... Doom. The very first Doom and Duke Nukem 3D - those two are prolly the hits of my childhood. Buying the Doom for PC on two floppy discs. Ah, the times.
  21. The best part is when Pinkie burps and bee flies out of her mouth. That being said, I don't think this will be one of the most memorable episodes or songs for me.
  22. First off, making me choose ONE favourite pony is a very cruel thing to do. Choosing the answer up there actually took me like 15 minutes. Anyway, my name is Eric, but you really shouldn't call me that, I currently live in Czech Republic (and no, that isn't in Russia), I'm more than 20 and less than 30 years old, I tend to be sarcastic, talk a lot and write much longer posts than people consider cool. I really like anime, manga, games and a hell lot of other stuff, most importantly MLP which for reasons I'm still not very sure of became quite a big part of my life. And as I've mentioned, I really like cute things, and FiM really hit the spot with the particular kind of cute. Well, I could go on for a long time, but I'm not sure anyone is interested or will even read it so i'll cut it here. On a sidenote, always remember that being a brony, in fact makes you very gay.
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