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Ron J

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Everything posted by Ron J

  1. Thanks guys.

  2. Why is death such an interesting thing to think about?

  3. Yes, but what you said has its differences. I said bronies weren't seeking hate or fighting, they're looking to justify something that doesn't need justification by going off on anything that puts MLP or the fandom in anything less than 'neutral' light.
  4. What are you getting at with this? Bronies were FAR more hated in 2011 than they are now, and bronies either gave 0 shits and didn't argue or fight back at all or just took it, most people just keep their mouths shut now so it's not much to worry about. Most of the older fans probably don't want to put up with that bullshit and newer fans don't even know what that bullshit is like, so so much for that 'reliving the glory days' theory. Also, in my opinion, nothing was glorious about 2011.
  5. Really, here's my view on it: A vast majority of MLP-hating community don't even give a shit anymore, as far as I know. Why? Because the fandom is so damn big and has been here for so long, it's not worth giving a shit. What's the point in doing so if it's not going to change anything? You'll hate the show all you want, you'll hate the community all you want, but that won't make a difference. What WILL make a difference is being so vocal that you'll become less desirable in the eyes of bronies, non-bronies, and even some anti-bronies. The bigger problem is the MLP community. Back in 2010 and 2011 when it was a relatively small community (I said relatively, I know it was still fuckin' big) and the MLP haters were more out there and in your face. Most chose to ignore it. But now, the way the community is and what with the newer members who take this shit so personally, you can't say one thing below neutral of MLP or at least one person's bound to go off on you, whether or not it's meant to be ironic or silly, or you were being entirely serious. tl;dr: Bronies feel even more like this shit's taboo, so they'll go on a verbal holy crusade to defend their girly ponyish honor. I'd really love it if the brony community as a whole would just die, to be honest. You can hate me all you want for this, but the Internet would be better off if either the community was less obnoxious or just didn't exist.
  6. Funny twist, my parents actually DON'T know I'm NOT a brony. They know I watch (or watched) the show, they know the fandom exists, but they don't know that I no longer consider myself a part of it.
  7. I'd make a comment, but sadly everything that needs to be said already has been. Whether or not it was self defense, the dog posed no real etc.. etc... Also, I came across this video in case it hasn't already been posted.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSXYHlQ8OHk
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cGbawCg4WU
  10. This is the best I got A friend of mine told me to read a bit of Russian text, and I hardly understand Russian script. http://puu.sh/3qpSZ
  11. Ron J

    mega thread Anime Discussion Thread

    I thought I read somewhere that that was actually confirmed. I too am awaiting the second season, can't wait for its release.
  12. My three favorites are STAR_ (who does primarily TF2 commentary, actually), Game Grumps, and Jontron. Pewdiepie isn't really that funny.
  13. "OUTSTANDING, MARINES! OUT-FUCKING-STANDING! WE KICKED ASS!" - Sgt. Roebuck, Call of Duty: World at War "And if you see Dr. Breen, tell him I said 'FUCK YOU!'" - Barney Calhoun, Half-Life 2
  14. Is CoH still available? If so, can I have it? I'm a bit limited in terms of what I have to play right now, because my friend's getting a bit bothersome with TF2 and L4D2's pretty much filled with trolls and griefers. Edit: Quoted.
  15. Australia: 66 Brazil: 39 Canada: 79+ China: 23 France: 109- Ireland: 53 Japan: 54 Mexico: 54 Poland: 47 Russia: 66 Sweden: 71 United Kingdom: 58 USA: 39
  16. July 2011, it was after a pretty massive flame-war on a forum I used to post on. I got a permanent ban from it for use of the word 'faggot'. Just to clarify, the use of the word wasn't from my perspective, an admin on a GMOD server banned me, the only ban message I got was 'faggot.
  17. You can usually get the parts for a computer that can run BFBC2 at a decent rate for somewhere around $500-600, to my understanding.
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