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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by SrFrog

  1. Done and done! I guess it's difficult to start anew in completely different land, but I think I like it better like this. No one knew me, and that made it all the easier to live without those negative things that had been associated with me. Yeah, that was a smart move...
  2. Maybe, but that might just be due to some of the really weird stuff that the fandom helped create once the thing exploded in popularity. It's all fun and games till' you realize, some of these people are really taking their love a little too far. It was a whole lot less hectic back than, but I guess I like this much better.
  3. Iconoclast, where the hell did I even heard that word? I don't even remember anymore. The only thing I know is that it's been lingering in the back of my mind for quite some time now. I don't even know what it means, but I do love the sound of it
  4. I'm almost sure it's not a question of "if", but of "when" well see a Robot Chicken parody. It's almost insane to think they'll let an opportunity like this just pass. Just a matter of time now, I think.
  5. Aw man, I'm like the exact opposite of that most of the time. It's not like I wanna pass off as a totally serious person but y'know, that's how most people really learn to see me as. Maybe that's a good thing? nah, but than that's why It's difficult for me to make friends.
  6. Man, it's easy when most of these artist like to do some uninspiring stuff. Lets see now... Adele Green day Alicia Keys Nicky Minaj Maroon 5 Bruno mars Skrillex Do Brony artist count? If they do, I'll like to add Silva Hound to that list.
  7. I'm a bit biased by saying that I always think of ELO's "Twilight" when thinking of well, Twilight. Song for Applejack that isn't country? I see, Seether's "Country Song". Ha...
  8. Not necessarily a super strange pet, but we did have a parrot once upon a time. Like usual the parrot loved my dad's company the best, usually saying " I love you" to him and only him. How did it die now? right I remember, it ate too much one day. Poor thing...
  9. "There is no pain, you are receding A distant ship smoke on the horizon You are only coming through in waves Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying" See? there you go, can't ever go wrong with some Pink Floyd
  10. South Park, k' that might of been my sister's idea but the principal still stands. Beside my sisters bitching about that one, we were actually free to watch anything as long as we didn't repeat whatever happened. It's not like we were gonna imitate that stuff, we weren't brain dead...
  11. SrFrog

    technology Older technology

    We really have a different definition about what old technology actually entails. Jeez, I still have a whole bunch of music and vhs cassettes under my bed that I need to convert to something more versatile. *Not porn Eh, I mostly just keep them out of nostalgia more than anything else really.
  12. SrFrog

    movies/tv Bob's Burgers

    It's at least much better than what they were trying to push before it, Allen Gregory. This show at least has that early Simpson feeling to it, which is rather refreshing from the rest of their Seth MacFarlane heavy line-up. Second favorite show in Fox at the moment actually.
  13. I'm not assertive enough for my own good, there's just been too many missed opportunities in my life that I have missed due that fault of mine. Honestly I don't know when that lack of confidence happened, because I remember it wasn't always like that... It just sort of happened over a course of time without any reason.
  14. I know it's nice when people acknowledge MlP, but really this is one of those times where two good things shouldn't mix. They got their own fanbase and all, so why even try? a bit on the nose don't you think.
  15. Well they never did finish the thing until a couple of years ago, so it's actually not to late for that one. I watched the thing, but still preferred Ranma 1/2 over Inuyasha to be honest. So long ago that was, but It's still one of those anime's I enjoy revisiting once in a while.
  16. Well of course it's gonna be predictable, it's a children's show not a masterpiece of literature. You gotta take it how it is and enjoy the narrative of the story, how everything develops during the course of the episode up to the climax of such. As they say, It's not the destination, but the journey...
  17. What like a month for me? though in that occasion the perfect conditions were on my side. My parents were away, my brothers didn't mind and I was on vacation at the time. It was a rather strange thing after the first week, a small voice with an attitude of it's own developed during that time. Opposite of who I was, it stayed there for the remainder of my mental solitude.
  18. Hell yeah man, you know were it's at! I remember they even used to sell those in the school bending machines here, till they decided they were to unhealthy apparently. Than they decide to sell Arizona iced tea, which isn't all that better in any way.
  19. I actually can't remember when was the last time I was so disappointed with a WWE pay-per-view. I mean, loved both Alberto Del Rio's and the Miz's performance but hated the results for the Royal Rumble it self. Who am I kidding? I half expected most of that stuff to happen.
  20. SrFrog

    movies/tv American Dad!

    Favorite Character- Stan Favorite Quote- You choc-blocked me bro! Favorite Episode- Tearjerker Favorite LOL Moment- Make me feel good... Ha, that whole episode was just one giant comedy gag.
  21. Alice in Wonderland, and I mean the animated version not the live action film. I just don't enjoy Disney films as much as I did when growing up, but still got fond memories of that one. Also Wreck-it-Ralph, that movie was great on so many levels.
  22. Once every day or every two, depends on what I'm doing at that particular time or how I'm feeling. Beats my old schedule, which used to be every other week. Bad choice with that one, it really caused some nasty stuff in my body later on.
  23. Yes! rellerindos, because I Iike my Mexican candy to be both tangy and spicy. Seriously, American taste in candy gets a bit boring when it comes to candy options.
  24. 22 years right here, though a lot of people think I'm 15 when they first meet me. It's just one of those really awkward moments when they think your younger brother is older than you... Or maybe that's a good thing.
  25. Dude, that's actually really awesome! I also got a chance to go to that concert last year in Seattle. It was more than concert, it was an experience for any fan of their music.
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