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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Reani

  1. Aww highlander. I played as a substitute soldier for one of my friends team. It was a lot of fun. I never really had as much fun as I had playing highlander. Not too sure if I should try to join. I'm good, but I don't want to be a bother if my computer starts to be a bitch to me.
  2. I love going to /mlp/. Sure it has its clop threads every so often, but it's fun to go there. Thread simulators are shit. They only display shit posting. Don't let thread simulators give you an opinion. http://boards.4chan.org/mlp/res/11180468
  3. There's a Chrome pony. Someone needs to make a Steam pony.

    1. longgone




      Then a Valve Pony O_o?

  4. The last thing I bought was something you don't want to anybody you know knowing you are buying it. An item that is very embarrassing to buy.
  5. You are truly a credit to the team, soldier! Nice work. http://www.tf2sounds.com/sound.php?id=1353&stream Come here soldier so I can give you an extremely well deserved high five! But seriously, you did an amazing job. I love it.
  6. I love the way my friend, DUCK, responded to this. http://puu.sh/343Es.png

  7. Reani


    Remember the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima? That bomb won't compare to that cannon.
  8. Reani


    More Trixies! More! MORE!! I'm getting close to finding out how many Trixies it takes to crash my computer.
  9. If you're a girl, then that means that you have to be skeleton skinny, have as much make-up as a clown does, and you have to be very mean and bitchy. These are the guidelines set by modern media, and if you don't follow them, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are an actual human girl.
  10. The media is out to do their job, get views. So what's the best way to get views? Have dumb people view their dumb, materialistic television shows. And it's very easy for them to get those dumb people to watch their dumb shows because there are more dumb people wathing T.V. than normal people. "Damn man! Look at that nice ass!" is basically most of the morons staying tune to MTV, that T.V. channel that doesn't stand for what it means anymore. All they show in that channel are stupid "reality" shows and semi-reality/ sex education shows.
  11. Everybody loves Google. Whoever doesn't is just weird. I love going to Bind to search up Yahoo, then at Yahoo I look up Google. Afterwards, I look back and see how saddened the other two engines get.
  12. To check to see if I have any luck on any given day, I go outside, go to the nearest tree, run around it 19 times, aimlessly walk in any direction, regain field of vision, spot a leprechaun, murder it using the horn of a fallen unicorn, collect the Lucky Charms spilling out of it's stomach, go back inside, pour the Lucky Charms into the bathtub, fill the bathtub with Dihydrogen Monoxide, then wait for Trixie to manifest from the tub. If everything else besides Trixie manifesting goes well, then that means that I have "okay" luck for the day. If Trixie does manifest, then I would be the most luckiest man in the world.
  13. Neumont University is currently the university I'm going to go to when I graduate. http://www.neumont.edu This school really stood out for me because of it's amazing features and it's internship program. However, it's very costly and very challenging.
  14. Dogs are the most absolutely annoying animal I have ever been associated with. Those slobbering fleabags just cause trouble. It seems that their target area for their shit is my floor, bed, or my f***ing uniform. Cats are amazing because they act like people. They stroll around not giving a care in the world. Cats are a very intelligent and independent race, unlike those kiss ass mutts known as "man's best friend". Yeah, more like the Chinese's best course. I think I went overboard a little there.
  15. There really has to be more MLP video games coming out. I want to be a video game designer too, but I also want to help out with the programming. That's why I'm heading to a programming school that offers a degree where you can be in both design and programming.
  16. Ah video games. The ultimate escape from reality. Video games are truly amazing since you can go to another world by actually experiencing it yourself. My passion lies with video games, just like how my future will lie in software and video game development.
  17. Favorite Quote: When asked why he is inside a box. "I don't know. I was just looking at it, and suddenly I got this irresistible urge to get inside." -Naked Snake: Metal Gear Solid 3. Favorite Cutscene: This cutscene made me cry so hard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvKGqNWKhxk
  18. My only favorite high school memory that I'm going to love remembering is the time me and my best friend met and the time I started going out with her. She really is my life, and I will cherish the memories of being with her in high school as we move on towards our future. The rest of my high school memories are s**t. We would I want to remember a teacher scolding at me for not paying attention to a lesson I already knew and could potentially teach the class myself since I knew damn well how to talk to high school teenagers. Her trying to talk to us was like Tom the Rock trying to communicate with Adolf Hitler.
  19. Your drawings are really nice. I'd like to throw in one request. It's very simple. My OC, Storm Chaser, in a tf2 Soldier uniform. I was going to ask if he could stand next to a Trixie Sniper but I think a Soldier Chaser is asking too much already. Thank you . Get it.... "Berry Punch" sounds like "very much". It's a pun......... it's suppose to be funny....... It's..... I give up. Thanks anyways.
  20. I've only come across a few "good" brony songs. There was that remix made by TheLivingTombstone that I though was pretty cool for a while. However, my interest for that song died faster than Aliens Colonial Marines. However, I do really like Avast Fluttershy's Plot, Flank, Rear, Rectum, Sphincter, or whatever name it goes by now-a-days. Then there is also No Strings Attached, my all time favorite.
  21. "He's destined to be the guy to f*** everyone up. So he's forced to f*** everyone up after they turn on him for being the guy who's going to f*** everyone up."

  22. Reani

    Stress Discussion

    Stress is a hell of a thing. It's horrible. Of course, everybody knows what stress is and how it could affect us, yet a lot of us don't know we are under stress until it starts to get out of hand. The most common stress that most, if not all, of us have experienced is stress caused by school related matters, whether it be from studying for tests, getting an important project ready, or making sure Billy next to you doesn't find out you have gum. People react differently when under stress. The two different reactions to stress are mainly anger and depression. Some people experience only one of these while others experience both of them, like me. I do have to say, for the past 3 days, I have been close to just bursting into tears in class and at home because my stress has just been mounting up. Little advice: get a partner if you have to create a solution to solve a current problem for Engineering Design and Problem Solving. Stress is also very slippery. It can build up without you being aware of it. It's like Play-Doh. Take stress from having to deal with siblings, add stress from having to write that book report due very early, and mix it together with stress caused from your cat constantly showing their love for you by peeing on you (I think it's a territorial thing. She does it once every other week, or when I touch another cat in the neighborhood. I still love her a lot even though she does that). What you have now is a big stress ball created from other stress subjects. The more stress added on, the bigger it gets, and the harder it is to control it. Now, beating stress is very simple. Just relax. Your mind has to be taken away from your worry. Listen to music (happy music), have a laugh by talking to friends or by watching stand-up comedy, or write your thoughts and feelings down. That's what I'm doing right now. It feels nice to write something down a maximum of 10 people will read. Stress will not completely go away. It will lessen to near zero, but it will not go away. There will always be stress in life, no matter who you are. All you have to do is overcome it and move on. Now then, where's my cat? ♥
  23. Reani

    Religion Rant

    >Patting myself on my back for making a good joke. Challenging someone's belief is to question their belief and requesting them to show proof that their belief is reasonable. Their is a difference between challenging and joking.
  24. Reani

    Religion Rant

    You have to be really careful touching religion now-a-days, right? It seems that more people are prone to get offended if you poke fun at their belief or even misinterpret their belief. And, from what I've seen, it's gotten worse. I can't even so much as joke about believing in another deity without someone being upheld by it. I joked about the fact that some people (I don't know if they did it jokingly) made a religion of Celestia and Luna, and one of my "dedicated" christian friends was up in the air about it. And the reason I quoted "dedicated" is because he sometimes, more than often, contradicts himself on his beliefs. Honestly, I don't care what you believe in. I'm not out to challenge your beliefs. Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, whatever religion you may be, I'm not out to challenge you. Please, don't try to kill me if I don't follow the word of God, Allah, Buddha, one of the many Hindu gods, Celestia, Spaghetti Monster, Justin Beiber, Harry Styles, That Homeless Man Out By The Dumpster, Scruffy the Janitor, Uncle Ben, Doctor Who, The Elder Gods, Leon S. Kennedy, Dzhokhar Tsarnaevor (A group of women believe he is too cute to have done anything wrong. Can you f***ing believe it.), The Pillsbury Dough Boy, Santa's Little Helper, The Tooth Fairy, The Muffin Man Who Lives On Drury Lane, or Xenu. (Trixie is another story) So, in the near future, if you happen to come by me and I joked about something religiously and I offended your beliefs in anyway, I will apologize deeply.......... for offending you. Secretly, I will pat myself on the back for making a witty remark.
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