You have to be really careful touching religion now-a-days, right? It seems that more people are prone to get offended if you poke fun at their belief or even misinterpret their belief. And, from what I've seen, it's gotten worse. I can't even so much as joke about believing in another deity without someone being upheld by it.
I joked about the fact that some people (I don't know if they did it jokingly) made a religion of Celestia and Luna, and one of my "dedicated" christian friends was up in the air about it. And the reason I quoted "dedicated" is because he sometimes, more than often, contradicts himself on his beliefs.
Honestly, I don't care what you believe in. I'm not out to challenge your beliefs. Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, whatever religion you may be, I'm not out to challenge you.
Please, don't try to kill me if I don't follow the word of God, Allah, Buddha, one of the many Hindu gods, Celestia, Spaghetti Monster, Justin Beiber, Harry Styles, That Homeless Man Out By The Dumpster, Scruffy the Janitor, Uncle Ben, Doctor Who, The Elder Gods, Leon S. Kennedy, Dzhokhar Tsarnaevor (A group of women believe he is too cute to have done anything wrong. Can you f***ing believe it.), The Pillsbury Dough Boy, Santa's Little Helper, The Tooth Fairy, The Muffin Man Who Lives On Drury Lane, or Xenu. (Trixie is another story)
So, in the near future, if you happen to come by me and I joked about something religiously and I offended your beliefs in anyway, I will apologize deeply.......... for offending you. Secretly, I will pat myself on the back for making a witty remark.