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Everything posted by KaryDactyl

  1. I think it would be neat if, say, we see Babs writing a letter to Apple Bloom, and her two CMC recruits are in the background. They don't need to be introduced or have a whole episode, they can just be doing cute/funny stuff while Babs is trying to focus. That way we'd get an idea of who these two are without the redundancy of having two CMC branches that might be interchangeable. I think the fandom would have fun with characterization past that point.
  2. Between the name confusion and the blank flank, Lucky Guess was curious about Autumn Dream's origins. However, her next question was even more intriguing, and probably more polite to discuss. "I'm told it's called the Prancing Pony, but I'm not sure exactly where we are in..." Lucky Guess waved her hooves in a nebulous way as she trailed off. "...in all of everything. I mean, if we're even in one place at all. This is my first time here, but I think you came in through a different door than I did." She'd forgotten about it, but Lucky Guess still had some leaves in her mane and was rather dirty from fleeing not!velociraptors in a jungle. "The breeze that followed you couldn't have come from where I was. Well, not without some climate interference, anyway."
  3. Man, I hope they come back. There was nothing about them that I didn't like. XD I think they would make good background characters, like they could be at a party or a fair trying to sell stuff. I <3 hucksters. XD
  4. That, uh, was quite a smile the little pegasus had. Lucky Guess had seen scarier things in her life, yes, but still. She subconsciously stared at her for a moment, but stopped as soon as she caught herself. She didn't want to be rude. "It's different, but not bad," she said of the cider. "If you're thirsty, the mare with the headband, Lingo Cider, is the bartender." Lucky Guess figured Lingo would know about any age rules in the Prancing Pony. She wasn't sure a pony who puts poison joke in cider without telling the patrons first would act on said rules, but LG was more concerned with passing the responsibility buck on to someone else. "I'm Lucky Guess. What do you call yourself?"
  5. Oh, one more: Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. At first, I thought they were super boring. Whenever they were on screen, I couldn't wait for the scene to change. But then Shining Armor threw Cadence like a javelin, and I was like, there's no way they didn't plan that maneuver ahead of time. So now I have this headcanon of them being super nerdy together, and staying up late at night talking about different kind of tactical maneuvers for possible situations.
  6. I think if your reasoning for why people shouldn't be together romantically is because they can't reproduce and you justify this reasoning with "because nature" or "because evolution", you don't know very much about nature or evolution. Furthermore, I think if you think something is stupid, you should bucking well change it.
  7. I feel like it would be the easy route for Lightning Dust to be swayed by a stern talking to. That wouldn't be incongruous with the feel of MLP, and had that happened I would have been satisfied with the episode. In fact, I thought Spitfire's treatment of Lightning Dust was unnecessarily harsh, what with the very public and dramatic removal of the pin. But the more I think about it, the more I think it was the right thing to do if Lightning Dust wasn't going to admit wrongdoing. Why? Because Lightning Dust is determined to a fault, and a big fault it is. Through the episode, LD repeatedly shows she does not care enough that her actions effect others negatively. One could argue that because Lightning Dust would have no way of knowning a hot air balloon would show up right after the tornado started, she shouldn't be held responsible for putting them in danger. But right afterwards, we get an exchange between her and Rainbow Dash where LD refuses to acknowledge that her actions were reckless because no one got hurt. (There's a possibility that was a lie, and she did feel bad, but was too proud to admit it, and that's a different kettle of fish.) And no one did get hurt, that time. She gives no indication of caring about others at all. So here we have a super talented pony who is either incredibly selfish or has really bad social skills, and it doesn't seem like she'll change for the better on her own. I think Spitfire was intending to give her the message, "If you don't care how your actions effect others, maybe you will care when they effect you" in a way she could not ignore or explain away. Judging by the look on LD's face when she walked away, it must have made some form of impact. Whether LD will change her ways, or why exactly she behaved as she did in the first place, remains to be seen. Personally, I'd like to see her be an "If I admit I've done something wrong, that means I'm not the best, and I can't have that" kind of character. That would allow for either continued jerkishness or redemption, or a bit of both. Also, I have a question. Did she actually get kicked out of the Wonderbolts? She did seem to be escorted away, but nothing definitive was said. If she did, would it have been a permanent kicking out, or just for this week long session?
  8. Lucky Guess chuckled along with Lingo's grammatical trouble. She would have guessed that multiverse would be the correct pluralization, but she wasn't sure. "Good t'meetcha, Lingo Cider." She nodded to Lingo as she walked away to the thirsty bar patron. LG took another swig of her radigator cider and felt a cool sensation wash over her. Well, that's an odd side effect. She turned on her stool to tell Lingo about it, but she saw a little pegasus walking in and figured the sensation must have been a draft from the door opening. "Hey," she said, scooching over to the newcomer, "You okay, kid?" She wondered in passing if there was some kind of age limit for universe spanning taverns.
  9. I definitely couldn't handle being a pony if I was going to be stuck on Earth. I rather like being a human. XD Unicorn magic would be super tempting, but being isolated on an island? Scaaaaary. XD And even if I was in another scenario where I got to be a unicorn and go to Equestria, I would be so homesick. Not just for family, but for the way things work on Earth! Magic is really cool, but I love science. I'm not sure how well I'd adjust to having to think about such a radically new factor in the way the world functions. But I could probably deal with that scenario better than being a pony on Earth. So I'm stuck between have a pony or decline. Frankly, if a wizard told me the pony wouldn't be homesick, I wouldn't trust him. I think he'd either be lying or that I'd get some evil pony ("Of course I don't miss Equestria! This place was way easier to conquer!" XD). Plus, I can't imagine most of the main characters not being really homesick, so it would have to be either a background character or one not featured in the show. Thats another thing that makes me suspicious about personality compatibility! But if it happened anyway, I think it might be pretty sweet to have a pony buddy? I've always loved the idea of being a guide to Earth, even if I had to explain the bad stuff that happens here. Plus, talking pony, possibly even magic or able to fly! So cool I could imagine a bunch of fun shenanigans, too. And the possibility of being able to visit Equestria? Oh man, a new world to explore would be so awesome! The pony and I could switch places as guide and guest, and there would be more possibilities for shenanigans and adventures. But something being really fun if and only if everything went just right and something I'm willing to take a risk on are not the same thing, so I still might turn it down. The deciding factor would be how the pony felt about it. But also, if the pony came here, would their magic carry over? I can't imagine that a unicorn without her magic or a pegasus without her flight would be anything but depressed. If those were the rules, I think Pinkie Pie would be a good candidate. She's got such a positive spirit, I don't think having to adjust to a new world would bother her as much as it might bother Applejack? (Even IF a hyperactive Pinkie Pie destroyed my house. XD) AJ might not be so happy with the way we do agriculture, I don't think. But if magic carried over, I think Rainbow Dash would do best. I think she'd like the attention she got, but could also handle herself with respect to dealing with dumb humans. XD Twilight's a close second, but I feel like she might take it too seriously and it wouldn't be as fun. XD
  10. I was at a friend's house for a small get together and we watched Batman Beyond until 3 am. Then I went home and slept well into the afternoon.
  11. We're having some tile put in today, and the guys have showed up to start the work. Mom is in the shower, leaving me to interact with the guys. I am not sure what Im supposed to tell them to do. Oh, Mom is out of the shower and dressed now. YAY I CAN RETREAT TO MY ROOM.
  12. I wasn't too impressed with Fluttershy at first, but laying the verbal smackdown on a full grown dragon? Dayum, sistah! Also, I've always liked Twilight, but I felt her pain in Lesson Zero and have liked her more since. EDIT: How could I forget?! "I am not whining, I am complaining! Thiiiis iiiis whiiiiniiiing!!!!" XD
  13. I'm really hungry, but I don't know what to eat for breakfast. I kind of want eggs, but making eggs can be noisy because of how we have the pots and pans stored.
  14. If I were locked in a room with my favorite pony, it would be very crowded because all the ponies are my favorite pony. Hopefully Spike and Zecora are trying to get us out of there. I don't want them to feel left out. I also don't want to run out of air. >_
  15. Taking a nice, deep breath through my nose. I had problems with my nose for 20 years of my life and got it fixed a few years ago. It's not as simple as this, but imagine having a stuffy nose to the point of necessary mouth breathing 24/7, 365. I had no idea how nice it feels to just breathe. On a less poignant note, I also like running my fingers through hair or strings like on tassels. I don't know why, it just feels really nice! XD
  16. Who decided that short sleeves = cap sleeves? I have never met a single person who likes cap sleeves. Unless you have really skinny arms, they're super unflattering and you're better off with a tank top. Seriously.
  17. @@Kolth "A decoction of gator guts with a pinch of poison plant," she summarized then took another drink. "I probably shouldn't be drinking this, but I probably shouldn't do a lot of things I do." Besides, nopony in the tavern looked like they were dying. Everypony was either chatting or flirting. It was probably safe. Probably. "My name's Lucky Guess. What's yours?"
  18. @@Kolth "Nuh nuh nuh nuh noooo, I said not velociraptors! Those were way too big to be velociraptors. I was expecting velociraptors. I did not get velociraptors," she ranted as she approached the counter, but the thought was abandoned as her drink was presented. Lucky Guess eyed the mug with some wonder. "How do you make cider out of a radigator?" She asked as she levitated the mug over, her horn and the mug glowing a faint silver. She sniffed the drink gingerly, then took a sip. Uff-da, bitter! But strangely good. "I don't feel any odder than usual so far, but I'll let you know if that changes."
  19. Lucky Guess looked up at the bartender greeting her. Multiverse tavern, eh? She had to admit, she'd seen plenty of things that made way less sense than this. "Well, got anything you'd recommend?" Lucky Guess asked as she righted herself and shook the clingy vine off her hoof. "I'm not picky, and this doesn't seem like the place to have the same ol' same ol'." "As for what was chasing me," she continued with obvious annoyance, "the answer is not velociraptors."
  20. The door to the Prancing Pony burst open suddenly and a dark purple unicorn scrambled in. Just as quickly (and loudly!) she slammed the door shut again and pushed herself up against it. She was gasping for breath and clearly in a state of disarray, with leaves in her mane and a vine wrapped around left hind leg. It took a few moments, but she caught her breath and realized nothing was attempting to push through the door. She heaved a sigh and slumped to the ground. Then, realizing this was definitely not part of a jungle, she blinked and looked around at the tavern. "...this is new." She mumbled to herself, looking more at the building itself than the ponies inside it.
  21. Eee, this roleplay looks super fun, and low-key enough for me to test the rp waters here. XD I hope y'all don't mine if I join in? :3 Lucky Guess: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lucky-guess-r2264
  22. Adding on, I think it should be noted that a civil union does not grant the same rights as a marriage. It is not just as good, nor is it almost as good. You might as well compare a bike to a motorcycle.
  23. Because the government is involved in marriage, I think religious reasoning for how marriage should be violates the establishment clause. I think people who don't think evolution is real have either been lied to or are too stubborn to listen to reason and have no business talking about science.
  24. I didn't use to be able to do this but sometimes lately when I've been dreaming I can sort of lucid dream? Like I don't realize I'm in a dream outright, but my brain no longer regards it as reality, so if I think I should be able to run really fast or fly or something like that, I usually can. Sometimes in the dreams I get frustrated because I'll end up just taking really long strides instead of running really fast or gliding instead of flying, but that sort of makes it better. If I could do everything I wanted it would be really boring. Being creative is a lot more fun! But then other times I have stupid nightmares about spiders falling on me. /:
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