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Posts posted by ComradeUncleJoe

  1. I hated school. Everything about it I despised. Makes me angry on a day to day basis. No grade was good, they all sucked. I guess my current grade (11th) if I had to pick, since I completely stopped caring and started having fun.

  2. "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." -Carl Sagan

    I have no idea what it means, but I think it sounds so cool  :lol:


    "Have no fear, El Presidente is here." -El Presidente


    "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." -Carl Sagan


    "Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere." -Carl Sagan


    "The capitalists will sell us the rope that we hang them with." -Joseph Stalin


    "One death is a tragedy, one million is a statistic." -Joseph Stalin


    "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his." George Patton

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Rick Astley is good

    Dane Cook isn't that bad

    The Beatles are overrated

    Inuyasha is okay at best

    Bleach is okay at best

    America sucks

    PewdiePie can be funny

    Family Guy is funny (albeit stupid)

    Seth McFarlane can be funny

    The Star Wars prequels weren't terrible, I thought they were decent and enjoyable


    Edit** There is a surprising number of homophobes on this forum  :o

    Spike is badass

    Religion is false, you're all fools who believe it

    I legitimately hate Justin Beiber. He's a terrible artist who makes blands music, he sold his soul and became an untalented hack who makes shitty music, he's undeserving of his fame, I know atleast 5 people who are more talented than him.


    Edit, again** Zombies are overrated and suck


    Edit** Libertarianism is retarded

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Uncle Joe is the nick name the west gave to Joseph Stalin. A friend called me Uncle Joe because I joke about being a radical left wing Socialist. I would also joke about leading a Communist revolution in America. It was fitting so I took it and ran with it.



    • Brohoof 3
  5. Idk. It's like my sexual orientation, I have no clue.


    In terms of femininity, I have a bit ocd sometimes (not literally), if I see a crooked picture or lamp shade I just have to fix it. Can't stand germs sometimes. I'm very emotional and caring for people. I don't like seeing animals get hurt.


    In terms of masculinity, I enjoy violent movies and games. I almost never cry. I enjoy a good perverted joke. I'm fairly immature.


    Sooo...50/50. I guess

  6. The reason why zombies have become so popular because people like the idea of an apocalypse of humans that turn on eachother. The zombies we're humans before and they come back to eat the remaining humans. I mean, most people like the idea of a Zombie apocalypse where the thing that destroyed the earth is something that you can fight, instead of a bunch of aliens blowing them up and tearing their limbs apart. And come on, you gotta admit that it would be cool to go all badass with an axe on a group of zombies. A zombie outbreak is also one of the more realistic/believable ways our end could come. I mean, you're not gonna see aliens from galaxies far from ours or giant robot dinosaurs tear us apart. Zombies seem more believable because it could happen, spread from one person to another as an infection that would take time to destroy us all. Because it's not like aliens are gonna come to earth and wipe out all life on earth in one little zap.

    That still doesn't change the fact that zombies are in everything. I like zombies as much as the next guy, but damn they're just everywhere.


    I don't know, an alien invasion seems just as likely as a zombie apocolypse in my opinion.

  7. Ugh...I absolutely hate zombies. They're so generic and boring. Zombies are in everything these days that they lost most of their terror. You know who I blame? Fucking George Romero. Why'd he have to make Night of the Living Dead? It's his fault we have to deal with zombie overload now.


    Why don't people come up with an original apocalypse? Like Mecha-Dinosaurs from Mars or something.


    In all seriousness, I like zombies, but there really is too much zombies in media today. Kind of wish people would tone it down a bit so zombies can get back some of their terror. Night of the Living Dead was awesome as well.

    I absolutely hate the idea of fast zombies. Would you really like a horde of over 100000 zombies in a huge open area running at you like Usain Bolt on steroids? 

    I agree. It makes them OP and silly. Either make them few and fast, or slow and a horde. Personally, the slow, shambling horde is more terrifying to me.

  8. There are only 3 things that truly terrify me:


    1.) Heights

    2.) Enclosed Spaces

    3.) Open Water (Oceans and seas and such)


    There are other things that scare me, but these are the major ones that effect my life on a regular basis. They terrify me to no end. I am so scared of these three things, I get scared just coming near them in video games. Falling from a high place in a game, I get scared. Crawling through a tight spot, get scared. Go near water and I almost can't do it.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. I don't like it when people say they're Chaotic Neutral because it seems like such a cop out. Chaotic Neutral characters are usually very much insane.


    As for myself, I'd like to consider myself Chaotic Good, sometimes Lawful Good, depends. Although in video games I am an evil bastard because it's funny as hell to see people react to my sheer massive dickitude. IRL Chaotic Good to Lawful Good, in games Chaotic Evil.

  10. Dem thar Asian pop bands look like dem thar emos we have around these parts. I don't like me none emos. Dem queers and faggots.


    But seriously Wat O.o


    My girlfriend (Korean) is infatuated with K-pop boy bands. She thinks they are so amazing and I'm just like "They look retarded though." But hey, whatever floats your boat. Just don't go cheating on yo man (unless he's into that sort of thing) :P

  11. I almost never have dreams, and, if I do, I don't remember it.


    One time, when I was really young, I had a dream the Flood from Halo attacked my school. So I started chopping up Flood with a Plasma Sword. Pretty badass.


    Once I had a recurring dream were I was running down an endless highway being chased by a massive monster engulfing everything behind me. terrified the piss out of me when I was younger.

  12. I am currently reading the book The Long Walk by  Slavomir Rawicz. It. Is. AMAZING! It's a powerful story of the author's time in a Soviet gulag and his escape attempt.



    Without ruining the story here's a brief summary: During the German invasion of Poland, Rawicz, a Polish cavalry officer, is arrested by the Soviets under suspicion of being a spy. He is imprisoned and interrogated for months before he finally signs confession documents, albeit while he was drugged and delirious. He is then found guilty of espionage and sentenced to 25 years hard labor. He is then sent, along with hundreds if not thousands of other Poles, to Siberia to work. After a few chapters of him working, he finally escapes along with 5 other prisoners. After many weeks of travel, they come across a Ukrainian girl who has escaped a women's camp. This is where shit gets real. Together they travel through Siberia, Mongolia, the Gobi Desert, Tibet, and India. I'll stop here so I don't ruin anything.



    Just be warned, people WILL die and when the first one does, you will probably shed a tear at the death.

  13. I'm...not sure...I have a girlfriend, I love me some ladies, but I do see myself as being a little gay. I've masturbated to some gay hentai and I've talked with my closest friend, whom I felt something or at least thought I did, about trying it (he was down for it, but we never got around to hanging out and I think he forgot), but that's as far as anything has gone. I've never done anything. I'd like to try it, if only to finally determine whether or not i am gay, bi, or straight. It's not that I'm scared of my sexuality or anything, far from it, I'm very open about my sexuality; I legitimately do not know.


    So final verdict is, I'm straight...for now, but who knows what could happen.


    Real Talk: I kind of wish I was bisexual. I'm not really sure why, but it feels like being bisexual would be...idk, right I guess. I'm not really sure how to describe it.


    Edit: Forgot to mention, I like anal. Like, up my butt anal...yeah...

    • Brohoof 1


    Carl Sagan (RIP) was an astrophysicist, cosmologist, and author. He was a genius who could easily explain even the most complex scientific theories in a way anyone could understand.


    Bill Hicks (RIP) was a stand-up comedian, social critic, and satirist. He was funny and made you really think.


    George Carlin (RIP)  stand-up comedian, social critic, satirist, author, and actor. He was famous for his "Seven Words you can't say on TV" as well as his dark humor about the world.


    If you wish to learn more, we may talk in an area not dedicated to something completely different. I'd be happy to show you the amazing wonders of these three men  :D

    10/10 for Luna



    i honestly have never heard of them before


    would you mind explaining

    I am quite intrigued :3

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