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Yin Yang

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Posts posted by Yin Yang



    Just a tiny droplet, preferably in a cold day. It'll stick between the staple and the bark, and before you say "but it'd come off at the slightest disturbance", I'll state "so would a very thin sheet of paper, does that mean it's not stapled?" Do I really need a photo to prove this, I don't think I do.


    OK, you win. Dammit.

    Oh well, better think of another quote.

     “Oh, I was not made for heaven. No, I don't want to go to heaven. Hell is much better. Think of all the interesting people you're going to meet down there!” - Freddie Mercury

    • Brohoof 1
  2. OK, well I found this one a while ago.


    "Nothing is impossible? Not true. Try stapling water to a tree."


    If anyone can achieve that, PM me a photo, please! No freezing the water. One staple only. The tree must be alive and upright.

  3. I would absolutely love one for my OC, Yin Yang. The link to her character is here:




    If it's possible, could you do something with piano music? Something like the example in your post, but slightly gentler, maybe a little slower. 

    These are the keywords if it helps any: Equality, Opposites, Indecision, Friendship, Superstition.

    Thanks! biggrin.png


    PM me when it's done, I'd love to hear from you! 

    Yin Yang

  4. Only two:

    1) the one who got me into the fandom. Quite honestly the best person I've ever met in my life. No lie. He's not very open about it I don't think, but then again neither am I. I only joined the fandom a couple of weeks ago though.

    2) his brother. Which I think is pretty awesome, because we can talk about it together, all three of us, without being judged by those haters outside the fandom who have no idea how awesome ponies can be.










    • Brohoof 1
  5. Applejack? Yay! A mix of her and Fluttershy.



    A real hard worker you are, yup. If there's one thing you hate, it's being inactive or coming across as lazy. You'll put in more effort than anyone else, even if it may be against your better judgement or even if delagating your work is a smarter option. It's not surprising to see you working all day long, even if it's to help friends out. However, friendship is still important to you, so you will always,always stick to your commitments and keep your promises.

    You're a tell-it-like-it-is pony, not holding your tongue and telling whoever whatever's on your mind or what your true thoughts are. Thankfully, you can still pick your words carefully and still keep some sensitivity towards what you say. But, others may find you irritable in appearance if you're not getting your way or you feel against something.

    You are also most likely to be athletic and into staying fit, knowing that if you're not, you won't be able to keep up with your work. Fashion and looking good aren't on the top of your priorities, to say the least. You also tend to be very protective of your friends, standing up for them against anyone who is causing them problems, and usually succeeding in warding off any foes. You'd gladly lose a limb if it meant saving a friend's life.

  6. So, I was bored one evening so I thought I'd just draw this because ponies biggrin.png. Watching pony reruns on YouTube a lot. And just thought I'd share this drawing with you guys. 

    MLP for the win.


    Edit: I know it's upside down.


    • Brohoof 3
  7. These are brilliant! I love the style, really neat and smooth lines. Mechanical pencils are best but I agree they are hard to rub out. Strangely enough I can never find any rubbers for my drawings so I end up restarting completely. Oh well it's good practise for me...

    Anyway, good drawings, keep it up! No bad comments from me!

  8. Amazing, I especially love the mane on your OC, it looks a bit like waves in the sea. (I don't think I will make any references like this anymore, otherwise I'll become a bad poet! But great job, and keep it up, I would like to see more of your artwork.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Absolutely amazing, no criticism from me. You really do have talent.I wish I could draw like that... I feel inferior... :-/

    But anyway, keep drawing! Practise makes perfect (even though it's perfect already)!

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Hi,

    Nice to have someone else join the herd! By the way I'd be very happy to draw your avatar if you give me a startoff point and a few ideas... just describe it and I'll get drawing! ;)

    From BronyDefender 

  11. Mostly the proportions are a little bit out because I tried to draw them from different angles and I don't think it worked.


    I can draw another Rainbow Dash, in colour and less rushed.


    And lastly, I'll keep drawing them!  :lol:

    • Brohoof 2
  12. Here are some of my first pony drawings, if you could tell me how to make them better that would be great. I think I'm getting the hang of it and I think I need to draw them in different poses and maybe wearing clothes. Enjoy!


















    • Brohoof 1
  13. Everyone seems to hate bronies. I, for one, see no reason why bronies shouldn't be treated like everyone else. But other people, it seems, hate them with a passion.

    Why? When faced with this question, haters are forced to come up with a rational argument as to why bronies are an embarrassment to society. The most common answer is "the show is gay."

    A while ago, my friend told me he is a brony. This person without doubt is one of the best people I've ever met.He's clever, funny and interesting to talk to, and really, if you met him you would have no idea he was a brony until he told you.

    Some people, if they knew, would probably launch straight into the usual interrogation:

    "Are you gay?"

    "How do you watch that?"

    "That show is for three year old girls."

    I didn't. As far as I know, he isn't autistic, or stupid, or weird, all I view him as is an extremely kind and intelligent person who likes watching a specific TV show.

    So what if My Little Pony is a crazy kid-friendly cartoon featuring colourful talking ponies with personalities on par with teenage girls? If people like watching it, then so be it. It carries a very important message: Learning about friendship.

    People who think they know what bronies are really like will often say that they talk nonstop about ponies, will try to convert you all the time, and shove pony related stuff down your throat all day. They don't. A lot of bronies don't tell many people for fear of being discriminated or teased. I think all bronies should be able to tell people and be proud of it without being viewed differently.




    Love Yin Yang

    • Brohoof 30
  14. Even though I'm not a brony, I'm not a hater and I've seen a couple of episodes. If we had to have a generation 5 (this is hard because generation 4 is pretty good) I would probably bring Derpy Hooves back (not in the background but as a proper character). If she spoke it would probably raise more problems so I'd have her not speaking, maybe just living in Ponyville somewhere. But she would still have the original expression. I don't know, what do you guys think?

    • Brohoof 1
  15. Hi everypony! I signed up today and I am just finding my way around here, I'd love to be able to be completely knowledgeable of where everything is because I want to start posting right away. 

    I've searched everywhere on the internet for a sight like this and now I've found it. When I first found out what bronies were, I thought it was really cool! I think it's great that young males get to have a choice of what they want to watch on TV. Even if it is a bright rainbow cartoon featuring colourful talking ponies that skip around learning about friendship and magic.

    Before I start posting, I want to get one thing straight with you ponies. I am not a brony. I enjoy looking at the fan art and the songs, but I don't watch the show. I simply wanted a website where I could share my opinions and views with others, without getting judged. I wanted a website where I could find people who share my sympathy towards bronies who are treated so badly by others.

    I'm not a brony hater either, I want to help stop bronies being hated!

    But enough, because I need to start posting! Good luck with the forums everypony!


    Love from BronyDefender

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