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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by FlareGun45

  1. This is NOT a ship-post! This is a potential FRIENDship idea. So brahs, I've been thinkin' about new interactions between the ponies, and I got the feeling we could potentially have another Starlight/Trixie-like relationship between two G5 characters in a future chapter! Those two characters being Misty and Sprout! The two of them never met, so neither one of them knows of eachother's villainous deeds, so they'd remain unbias towards eachother. Sprout doesn't really get brought up by the Mane 5, so it's doubtful Misty would know anything about him, even if she ran to him on the street and he introduced himself in his most egotistical way. The two of them have alot in common, believe it or not! 1. They were both antagonists that wronged the Mane 5 2. They both have not-so-friendly and not-so-humble parents/guardians. 3. They're both highly insecure 4. They both reformed eventually (Sprout reformed in the video game) Misty has had alot more screentime than Sprout has, and he hasn't had much of a chance to actually redeem himself in the eyes of the Mane 5. He used to be really close friends with Sunny and Hitch, but after all the whole lighthouse incident, they've been quite distant, and seeing how Sprout was in the chapter 4, he's feeling quite insecure about all of that, I believe. His mom did raise him to be like this, after all. What better pony to help Sprout become a better pony, than some other antagonist who's a bit ahead of Sprout? This could bring alota potential not only to Misty's potential friendship with Sprout, but both of their friendships to the rest of the Mane 5. If they don't accept Sprout, then Misty could very well believe that they don't accept her either. I'm not saying it's true, but knowing how insecure Misty can be, she could make that conclusion. Sprout definitely could use some help in opening up more, while Misty could stand up for herself more, and the two of them could balance eachother out, help eachother out. As crazy as this sounds, this friendship could work out pretty well!
  2. I'll say.... did I just hear Opaline say something about the dragons waking up? And did I not just see a hidden Spike ploosh near Pipp in her sick episode? Hmmm..... forehadowing? This show definitely got my attention now!
  3. I dunno, I want him to be blood-related to Spike so bad! Son? Grandson? Great grandson? Doesn't matter.
  4. Two theories! One: [spoiler]That villain is Twilight gone bad[/spoiler] Two: [spoiler]Spike sent the dragon egg as a key to help the ponies bring back Twilight[/spoiler]
  5. The people who say "the new MLP movie is woke" are really ruining the fun of the movie.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Don't pay them any mind. To people like that, nearly everything is woke these days. They are definitely becoming The Boy Who Cried Woke because the term has no real meaning anymore, other than "I hate minorities of any kind". 

    2. Lucky Bolt
  6. To be honest, I almost DID quit FIM, all cause of season 7's neglect of Spike after putting him on track in season 6. If it wasn't for his awesome role in season 9, I would've quit this fandom and never looked back. They cut it pretty dang close for him.
  7. Of course! I'd be more than willing to play the game by their rules. I'd want them to do the same for me if this were my show!
  8. After seeing the movie, I just got a tonna ideas for G5 that popped up in m'head, and I really wanna get hired for the job. They could use my genius to combine with their genius! I just dunno where to sign up for it, and whether or not I need an agent for that, or do I need to join a writer's guild like G4 did?
  9. Definitely the villain, and the fact that he didn't have any consequence, or even had a stern talking to.
  10. If Lil' Cheese ever has a voice role, it's gotta be Tom Kenny. I won't take no for an answer.

  11. He could be a hidden seventh, OR he's like Celestia and mastered ALL the elements! Will we ever find out? Who knows?
  12. Of course he ain't gonna be a main character anymore - G4 is his series! But he could be the pathway to another dragon main character, his successor pretty much, even if he/she is his descendent!
  13. Hopefully it's not just Twilight's story all over again. Not the alicorn thing, but just the same story again.
  14. So we know G5 takes place thousands of years after G4, and dragons can live thousands of years (as seen by Torch as an adult in Campfire Tales being fought by Flash Magnus), so what do ya think of there being an old man Spike appearing in G5, being the Mane 5's only source of information of the past? Every generation with a TV show has a Spike, so it would be nice to have a Spike NOT a baby dragon for a change! If a baby dragon does appear, they can always bring back Whismey Weatherbe, and call her his granddaughter or something. G4 Spike being the only G4 character to really appear would probably be a little bit dark cause after all, his friends are all gone. It would make any interesting potential for a story about not wanting to get close to anyone anymore cause he knows he'll outlive them. Regardless though, much like Celestia and Zecora were, Spike would make a great "wise character" the main cast go to for advice!
  15. I'm assuming they were both cursed by the same magic. I'd like to one day know about the origin of that dark magic, where they found it, and what was the original plan they wanted to use that magic for before it consumed them?
  16. No no, I'm not talking about a Seventh Element. I'm talking about he being all six put together.
  17. Regardless, he's the greatest friend in the entire series and it should be acknowledged, at least. If Friendship is Magic, then dang, his magic must be pretty powerful! If he only he believed in himself more - that's pretty much his only issue, his insecurity, and lack of confidence and independence. After that, only then can he finally be at his full potential just in time for his ambassador career to begin!
  18. Spike being a seventh element of harmony? Forget that! We don't even know if such thing exists! If Spike is anything - he's basically every Element of Harmony put together. How do I know that? He's basically passed every trial of friendship throughout the series! * Generosity: In Secret of my Excess, after he gave Rarity the fire ruby he really wanted to eat, but decided to give it to her cause she really wanted it. In Gauntlet of Fire, he gave the Bloodstone Scepter to Ember and let her be the Dragon Lord instead of him. * Honesty: Finally telling Rarity the truth from the Inspiration Manifestation spell to save her. He also always tells his friends whenever they do something wrong, even if they don't always listen to him. * Kindness: Showing kindness to those who are either misunderstood or did bad in the past, such as Starlight, Ember, Thorax, and Discord, by either helping them with their problems or just simply giving them a chance to hang out. * Laughter: He's humorous, he's proven that multiple times in the series! * Loyalty: He risked his heroic status in the Crystal Empire to stand up for Thorax, and no matter how many mistakes his friends make, or how mistreated he gets, he never abandons them. Put them all together and that creates the Element of Magic! So basically, nobody knows it yet, not even him, but Spike is probably the greatest friend the pony world has ever known! It's proven that he has some kinda connection to the Tree of Harmony. The sonic rainboom that gave all of the Mane Six their cutie marks is how he became born. He got a throne at the Castle of Friendship. He was part of the final climax in the series finale, and unlike the Mane Six, Student 6, and Pillars, we dunno what his connection with the Tree IS! So depending on how the comic writers execute things, and even be able to think about all this, Spike has the potential to do BIG things! Let's hope it doesn't get wasted - Spike has bad luck like that. But it's about time for Spike to finally fulfill his own destiny!
  19. Spike hasn't had enough time as a Sparkle in general. How did he feel about his big bro Shining getting married? How did he feel about being an uncle to Flurry Heart? Don't get me started on Once Upon a Zeppelin. I hold a huge grudge on that episode. Make a stranger an honorary Sparkle but leave him doing the Princess work. Pathetic.
  20. Well, there's ONE problem I wish they'd talk about with him. He's too attached to Twilight for his own good. He's been a kid throughout the show so that's understandable. But he's growing up, and I'd like to think he became ambassador cause He's tired of being beside Twilight all the time, taking notes and holding books. He'd rather help in a different way. He left his friends in Ponyville for her. With all the times Twilight has been achieving her destiny, has she ever asked him how he felt or what he wanted to do? Spike makes too many decisions based on Twilight's choices - he's not thinking about what he wants enough. He's too nice like that. What's his destiny? What's his purpose as a main character? Does he wanna be an errand boy forever? Does he even realize his own potential, or is he too insecure and afraid to look after himself? Oh yeah, and explanation on his connection with the Tree of Harmony. Remember, he was part of the final climax in the finale - but how?
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