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Pinkie Diane Pie

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Posts posted by Pinkie Diane Pie

  1. Cool. What's your best option of Spike?


    Spike is really helpful! He'd come to ANY party if there's cake! -Giggles-

    Pinkie, I'm so bored!  Please make me happy.


    -Puts on top hat, then takes it off-




    -Gummy is currently standing on top of my head-




    Twilight: Pinkie, that isn't real magic.. huh.png 

    Awww Pinkie Pie...<33333333


    I'm all alone and have no siblings...And my parents don't spend enough time with me because they're too busy with each other...=(


    If your always alone, you can hang out with the best pony in Ponyville! :)

    Kira: I know I practically own death but I read cupcakes and need help to sleep at night, can you join me, not in a naughty way but just to help, I'm starting to see things at night.


    Cupcakes is a horrible fan-whattysomething-it's-called.. but trust me, it's just some person making up some story! It isn't real or anything, they just want you to feel uncomfortable while reading it!

    Pinkie don't forget about little ole me pinkie because I have shrinking powers


    Really? COOL!

  2. Aww. you poor thing.  I'm so sorry I put you through that.  You comforted me so many times in the past.  Now I'm returning the favour.

    -Hugs Pinkie-

    I'm here for you, Pinks.  I'd hate to see you depressed over this story.  I was totally shaken by this story the first time I read it.  I didn't cry, because I'm a man, but I can totally understand how you're feeling.  The ending just tour me apart.  It's heartbreaking.

    -Scratches Pinkie's back-

    I'll host the cuddle party this time.


    Yay! Thanks, friends are the best. Everypony needs a friend! :)


    Hey, can you keep a secret? Pinkie Promise?


    I have TWO families! The Pie family, and the Cake family! Nopony ever gets to have two families. It's a special gift, and I'm glad to be apart of it! ;)

    Darn it RD.



    I'm not happy Pinkie Pie...I need a hug...=(


    -Hugs- Something wrong? If so, then I will be happy to help! =)

    I'm sad.I need a hug!


    -Hugs- Hugs are awesome! ;)


    Of all the parties you've thrown, what's your best party?


    I think that every party I had was the best!

  3. Would you be my special some pony?




    This is so sudden! I gotta think about it..


    What do you think Dashie?


    Rainbow Dash: S-Special somepony? Somepony asked you to be.. w-well.. who cares about some special s-somepony anyways, it's totally 20% less c-cooler.. -Turns head as if jealous for some reason-


    Oh. Oki Doki Loki then!


    Nope, Haven't seen him! If he visits, I'll make sure you get the notice! img-1870859-1-wink.png


    Thank you.

    What are your thoughts on Spike the dragon, Zecora, and Luna. Has Luna come into your dreams?


    Spike is a great help, if we didn't have him, then we wouldn't know what to do! Spike really helps us out. Like when we went to the Crystal Empire! If Spike wasn't there to save the Crystal Heart, then Twilight would've failed a great responsibility!


    I haven't recently talked to Zecora lately, but it seems that she does help out Ponyville a lot! She helps sick ponies in need too! When me and my friends where infected with poison joke, she helped us!


    Luna had shown that she is responsible too! But when you disobey, her voice  gets loud and vicious!


    Nope, haven't seen Luna in my dreams before. Except for that one time when Luna and I were having a tea party.. it was soo fun! biggrin.png

    (So... assuming your done now)

    What did you think?


    Really sad and unusual.. poor Twi!

    Pinkie may I have a hug? I haven't had such a good day

    Also do you think it would be possible for you to break dimensional walls and visit my dimension.

    and do you have a special somepony


    -Hugs- It's never too late to get a hug!


    Actually, I can try! I'm really good at breaking dimensional walls. Like that one time I escaped a computer screen! It was hilarious! It felt like I broke the 5TH WALL! But really, it might be possible! I mean, how hard can it be? Not without your party cannon! tongue.png


    No, I don't have a special somepony. But either way, it would be fun to have one or not! smile.png

  5. Okay, that's cool. One question, has Gustave le Grand came to Ponyville Sugarcube Courner?


    Nope, Haven't seen him! If he visits, I'll make sure you get the notice! ;)

    Pinkie, Thank you so much for the cuddle party, but I think I'm going to need another one tonight;

    I just got finished reading Friendship is Tragic.  It was the saddest story ever. img-1863721-1-sad.png

    If you thought My Little Dashie was sad, you've barely scratched the surface of sadness.

    I'm just dumbfounded after reading it.  I can't believe how sad it is!

    You'll never guess how the story ends.


    I'm almost done reading the story.. Oh my Celestia, help me. ;~;

  6. *Morning comes*

    *Lifts up head*

    I don't wanna get up!

    *Lays head back down on Pinkie's stomach*

    Not ever...


    -Still sleeping, dreaming about candy-


    sleep.png Zzzzzzzzz...


    Gummy usually spends his time at Sugarcube Corner, but he's a great help to the Cake family! smile.png


    What does he do for Mr&Mrs Cake?


    Without Gummy, I would have no pet to spend time with if my friends are busy! Gummy is just the sweetest! He plays a big role! :)


    Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Cake don't mind at all! Besides, Gummy's harmless! See?


    Gummy: -Shows jaws-


    He has no teeth! :3



    I see, where in Sugarcube Corner does Gummy stay and where was he when you were at The National Desert Contest?


    Gummy usually spends his time at Sugarcube Corner, but he's a great help to the Cake family! :)


    *Reaches out towards Pinkie*

    *Cuddle fest begins*

    *Eyes get misty*

    Geez, I was about to cry there for a second, but this helped me keep it together.

    *Gets into the cuddle business*

    Ohhhhh... my G-d.  Pinkie, this feels... so good.

    (If Pinkie doesn't tone it down a bit... my body might actually burn up to ashes.  But not in a bad way.  In an amazing way!).

    *Cuddles more*

    This is just too good...

    *Falls asleep in Pinkie's grasp*


    -Cuddles with-



  8. Pinkie,

    I know that you have a pet alligator gummy, how does Mr&Mrs Cake do it him?


    Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Cake don't mind at all! Besides, Gummy's harmless! See?


    Gummy: -Shows jaws-


    He has no teeth! :3


    ...Pinkie... I have to ask... I'm lonely, so... could you spend the night with me?
    I've never bed cuddled before, and... I really need it right now.
    Please... *Desperate face*



    Oh, Oki Doki Loki!


    But I gotta warn you! My cuddles are SUUPPERR cuddly! c:

  9. Umm, hey!

    (Pinkie, I meant what is her best time solving a Rubik's Cube, that is, if she's solved one.  And just to be clear, I mean Twilight.)


    Twilight isn't crazy for Rubik's Cubes, I've seen her rage before trying!

    (starts to dance badly) wow thats some cannon how did you make it?


    That's a secret! :P

    Pinkie, could I have a hug for no reason?  

    (Actually, not exactly no reason.  In fact there is a reason.  A minor reason.  A reason worth addressing.  Actually, a considerable reason.  In fact a big reason.  The reason may be quite serious.  If not handled, this reason could cause bad things).

    I'm kind of a bit depressed in life.  I just don't know what to do everyday of my life.  I find myself sitting around doing nothing.  I waste entire hours of my life in my room.  Life just isn't as enjoyable as it use to be.  I've been living on this planet for 15 long years, and I'm already feeling boredom in my life... *sigh* (Have 12 hours gone by yet...?)


    I know that ponies can suffer from depression, and yeah, it can be serious sometimes. Life isn't that enjoyable to them like it used to be! I once was lonely when I was a filly. There is more to be sad or mad, or even afraid about. Like a loved one that has passed away, or afraid of failing a test, or being mad that somepony called you by a name. Life is there for ponies to live in, feel free, and happy, and enjoy time with their friends or families! That is what Princess Celestia did for us. If you don't know what to do, go out there and make friends! Do things! Don't sit in your room feeling sad about boredom. In fact, I think you have more friends that care about you than you do in life! I know you do! :)


    Even if it might not feel the same way for you, just remember this. If you ever feel sad, mad, or afraid, talk about it with me. I'll help you! wink.png 

  10. I have!

    Has Twilight done it?  She seems like the type of pony who would.

    If so, what is her best time?


    Well, her best time was when she knew she could actually break the fourth wall, like I do! Pretty neat, huh? :)


    After that, she took breaks, y'know, cause she said it took half an hour to get here!


    Me and Surprise do have many things in common, like partying, playing, and also pranking! Oh! When she's sad, her mane droops just like mine! Cool!


    Surprise: Hey Pinkie! Whatcha doin'?


    Oh hey Surprise! I'm just talking to a friend! Say "Hi!"


    Surprise: Hay there!


    See? She's really good at being social to other ponies.

    You're very welcome! smile.png Also:



    LOL! tongue.png 

    Hey pinkie guess what. asbel was snuggeling sweetie bell

    pinkie whats our thoughts on this




    But Sweetie Belle sure is a nice filly! :)


    I've seen that! It's so cool! :D

    • Brohoof 2
  11. I got a present for you Pinkie Pie! :)



    OMG!!!  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o 


    That's one giant cake! Oki Doki Loki, here I come!


    -Hops up and eats cake like a razor blade-


    Yum!  :yay: 

  12. Yeah, it's sad.  I somehow did not cry, though XD.

    If you want to read a great FanFic, Fears and Consequences is fantastic!





    Oki Doki Loki, thanks! :)

    Dawww me too! :wub: I love you so much Pinkie Pie...So much...Mmmm...



    Pinkie, have you ever solved a Rubik's Cube before?


    Nope.. It's too confusing! So confusing that I gave up! XD


    But Surprise managed to. And speaking of Surprise, how DID she get to Ponyville? I didn't think it would be that fast to travel from generation to generation..


    Oh wait, I think I know! She might've broken the fourth wall to get here! :D

  13. hi Pinkie I never had a birthday party in my life can you thorw me one?




    You never had a party before?! Nonsense! We start the party up in this forum!


    -Gets out party cannon and it fires out party decorations-


    Oh yeah! Party hard! -Dancing-


    -Turns on music- Listen to some GREAT songs!



  14. No, I just love hugging too much for my own good.

    Also, someone said that they liked Fluttershy better, and you responded to them saying that she is adorable.

    I honestly think you're cuter than Fluttershy.

    But that's probably because I've exhausted my appeal towards her in her cuteness because I looked at way too many shots of her.

    But none the less, I think you're cuter.  The only thing that is cuter than you is that desperate face that Applebloom made in Call of the Cuti- I mean... before she went to Diamond Tiara's party.

    No, I just love hugging too much for my own good.

    Also, someone said that they liked Fluttershy better, and you responded to them saying that she is adorable.

    I honestly think you're cuter than Fluttershy.

    But that's probably because I've exhausted my appeal towards her in her cuteness because I looked at way too many shots of her.

    But none the less, I think you're cuter.  The only thing that is cuter than you is that desperate face that Applebloom made in Call of the Cuti- I mean... before she went to Diamond Tiara's party.

    Pinkie, Have you read My Little Dashie?  If so, did you cry?


    Aww, thankies..  :blush: 


    I've read My Little Dashie.. it was so sad... I ran all over the place just to find Rainbow Dash so I could hug her!

    Can I have some more hugs? Pretty please? :3 I absolutely cannot get enough of your hugs...


    Yes! -Huggles- I can't get enough of hugs, really! They're just so cuddly it makes me smile with joy! :)

  15. I'd hate to say this, Pinkie, but Fluttershy is better. Sorry.


    That's okay! Some people think Fluttershy is adorable (Which she is sometimes!) Fluttershy is a great and kind friend of mine, sure, she can be a little sensitive, and mostly quiet, but she's the most kindest friend I've ever come across! Never mess with Fluttershy! :P


    Fluttershy: Oh Pinkie, your too kind.


    Your the kindest! ;)



    Oh this is just too good...

    If I'm dreaming, please don't wake me up...

    *Tighter grasp*


    -Giggles- You're the most silliest pony I've ever met!  ^_^ 

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Pinkie, Blaster Master is frustrating me again.  I need a warm, comforting hug from the best pony herself. :(



    -Hugs- Pinkie will always be there for you! Smile!~ :)

  17. Hi Fluttershy! It's Pinkie! And I have a question! ^.^


    Do you like sweets? Have you ever tried chocolate cake? What is you favorite color? Do you like parties?? I do! I LOOOVE parties! Will you be at Gummy's next birthday party? When? Tell me! Do you like wearing socks? Socks are so comfy! What time of day is your favorite? Whats your favorite thing to eat? Whats your favorite animal? I know you just love critters! Don't ya? I do too! But not as much as partying and hangin' with my best friends! Do you like balloons? Do you like video games? -Pant- -Pant- What.. -Pant- about.. Oh I give up..!

  18. Hey Pinkie, what if you became anlicorn?


    I would make Equestria smile with joy and happiness! I would throw royal parties and have a BLAST! But maybe being an alicorn.. or princess isn't important to me at all.. I do enjoy the way I am.. But being an alicorn would be super fun! If I knew how to fly! XD

    What about this Strawberry Pizza? *gives Pinkie Pie a pepperoni pizza with strawberry slices*


    -Eats pizza-




    Dear Celestia, I'll eat anything this good!!  :D 

    • Brohoof 1
  19. Well too bad. Here's a caramel taco. *gives Pinkie Pie a taco covered in caramel sauce*


    -Eats taco-





    • Brohoof 1
  20. Pinkie, I can think of something better than chocolate rain; Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness! 




    And you used 4 words that started with the same letter! XD

  21. If you want to know every bad thing about it, listen to egoraptor.  He talks about everything wrong with Castl- I-I mean... Cantervania. Tell me what you think of it?


    Oops, wrong link XD.  I'm just going to leave that there to mark the fact that I'm editing this.


    There we go!  That other one is Cantervania 4.


    OMG! I know Egoraptor! Rainbow Dash told me about him! He is SO funny! ^_^


    Celestia! I can't stop laughing, it's too hilarious for me! ACK! XDD

    wait didn't i just like break the 4th wall or something




    -Puts on shades-


    You just did.





    Pinkie Pie, do you like chocolate cake?


    I LOVE chocolate cake! I mean, what's better than chocolate cake? NOTHING! Except for chocolate rain.. I love chocolate rain too!

    Do you have Derpyman Muffin Asylum and Derpyman Muffin Ctity? And how bout Kingdom Muffins Chain of Derpyness?


    All of them seem derped and full of herp! I mean derp. GAHH! Derp!

    Buy some apples!


    -Eats an apple-

    Mmm, juicy!

    Pinkie pie , What do you think of this here song 




    My ears.. they couldn't take much!

    • Brohoof 1
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