Pst, if your still open, I would like to put forward a character or two,
As a student, I would like to put forward Whitney the Miltank Gijinka, as she didn't get that much, if any of a run last time.
Name: Whitney The Miltank Gijinka.
Gender: Female
Age + Grade: 17 Senior
Pokemon Half: Miltank
Abilities: ... Tanky ... oh so tanky... Can restore her helth by sleeping or drinking, you guessed it, milk.
Appearance: Her skin is Miltank pink, she wears an outfit the is VERY reminiscent of a maids outfit, just extended in some areas to provide comfort for some of her... more outstanding features *cough* boobies *cough*. HOWEVER! She has a dual personality, and will sometimes put on tracksuit pants and a big woolen sweeter/jumper/wind-sheeter. All of these are in Miltanks secondary colours.
Personality: She has a flip-switch personality, one side of her is confident and flirty, the other side is, well, Fluttershy basically. Very self-conscious and shy.
It swaps when the atmosphere (emotional not chemical) changes quickly. Both sides are pacifistic in nature.
Backstory: ... umm, she was born... she went to primary school and got picked on, so her parents took her out and home schooled her, then she did various courses instead of highschool, until this school opened... I swear I'm usually better then this at story.
Other: Can speak some French.
Dorm # (1-10): 3
Now, If your not objected to her I would also like to bring Dark back, as a Psychology and/or Philosophy teacher.
Name: Dark (Mr. Sableye)
Gender: Male
Age + Subject/Club: 25 Psychology/Philosophy
Pokemon Half: Sableye
Abilities: (Needs to) Eat to stay alive, and he's not that picky. Really, he isn't. He can and will eat anything.
Has enhanced hearing but needs glasses to read.
Appearance: The guy in my Profile pic, but older.
White (albeit sunburned, he's Aussie) skin, Purple hair, Sablears, Sablefeet and one sablehand (Make ALL the Sablepuns) he has two red gems on upper back, two green on lower back.
He wears either a Black gentlemen's coat, a black vest with a grey button sector and lining and a white top with suit pants and a top-hat (gentlemanly not ringmastery) Or brown plied shorts and a purple t-shirt.
Personality: He is relaxed but serious when teaching, but the rest of the time, he's just a big kid with knowledge of the adult world.
Backstory: After puplishing a book, Dark got bored of that and went to University where he got a Bacholers degree in Psychology and doctorate in Philosophy. At some point he can't remember, he got his teaching license as well.
Other: Ausrtalian, prepare for slang and lot's of 'Mate's and 'Love's.
Dorm # (F1-F15) F4 if it's not taken, if it is, oh well, any that's free.