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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by HallowsEve

  1. Maaannnn. Just when things start going in the right direction, I end up going twice the length in the wrong direction.

    1. Riclo


      I thought there was only One Direction.

  2. I think I'm going to Katsucon tomorrow. I'm so excited!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. HallowsEve


      And I can't take my final without my ID. I meant to put that in my last statement. Oops. Oh wellz.

    3. Scootalove


      Now, I have seen bad luck. But this is, 100% bad luck. :(

      Rarity: Out of all the worst things that could happen, this is.. THE.. WORST.. POSSIBLE.. THING!

    4. HallowsEve


      Ha. Yeah. I'm trying to stay positive though.

  3. Muahaha. I hit Parasprite before bed. Yay! -passes out-

  4. Muahaha. I hit Parasprite before bed. Yay! -passes out-

  5. Tiiiimmmmmeeee for bed. Nighty Night Folks. Don't let the bed bugs bite.. cause they hurt n stuff...

  6. -yawn- sleepy.. sleepy.. sleepy..

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Riclo


      That doesn't sound too hard, although kids can be very annoying.

    3. HallowsEve


      Yeah. I had over 25 kids yesterday. Talk about insanity.


      Wellz.. I gotta get going. Thanks for chatting with me. ^_^

    4. Riclo


      Alright. You're welcome. And 25 kids does sound like insanity.

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