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Posts posted by Swift

  1. I sometimes meet girls on xbox, but if I'm really silly on the mic, I don't really talk to them. The girls that I'm friends with I don't talk to much because I'm assume I'm a wierdo for talking to them all the time. :3


    Yeah, me and AJ spoke and played halo for 5 hours earlier i was quite shocked when we first spoke i thought she would just toss me aside but girls are human to find the right one and they can be a blast.
  2. I don't know why, and I mean no offense to you, but whenever people make a big deal out of girl gamers or playing games with girls I get a little facepalmy.


    I enjoy playing games with cool people. I've played plenty of games with women who were just as annoying to be around as the worst guys you'd ever run into on XBOX Live.



    Posted Image


    Im only making a big deal out of it because its a forum and forums are made for conversations so I'm just brewing up a conversation that i think everyone would have opinions on. As i said i enjoy girls company more than boys most the time now not all girl gamers are nice but the ones i have met are so i speak highly of them.
  3. ;;Appears;;


    Hey look, it's another one! I'm a very picky gamer though. I only play JRPGs for the most part, and don't have a very wide palette of what I like. I'm certainly not a casual gamer though.


    From what I have seen, girl gamers are more likely to be into more casual, less time-consuming games. Also, they don't appear to cotton onto FPSes as much or getting big gaming PCs to play lots of PC games. (Which is exactly me, actually. Minus casual games) I haven't met many who play them. I also like to stay away from online multi-player because people on the internet tend to be kind of assholeish to play against. Especially if you reveal your female identity at times. It's rather disrespectful. Would rather just play with someone face to face as they're less likely to be mean to you and respect you more for your gender.


    Still find it a shame that people are still like: "GASP YOU'RE A GIRL AND YOU PLAY GAMES" in real life. And often times on the internet too.


    Yeah i shouted at someone today for being sexist to AJ the one thing i cant stand is discrimination although I'm a boy i am actually quite feminist.

  4. I like how everyone says "girl gamer" like it's something to be respected XD

    We play games. I LOVE games. I want to MAKE games. NO BIGGIE XD


    Its kind of propaganda that gamers are boys which is why they are known as Girl gamers and we dont call boy Boy gamers. Its just more assumed i don't get why but it is.
  5. I personally like them my current girlfriend love portal and pokemon that kinda thing so i personally like them i have 5 best friends on the internet and all of them are girls most of which play games. I met a girl today on Halo with Mik3 WB whos name is AJ she was really cool it was an instant friend moment where we took off imediatly and just became friends. What do you think of girl gamers?

    I hate the way they are treated though when me and AJ played matchmaking there was this guy who was blatantly showing off he kept saying stuff like that is a weird looking kitchen.

  6. " i will most likely live a fairly easy laid back life with nothing really special. "


    Do you know how Game Dev is like? Because it's quite the contrary to a laid back life.



    Now if you still feel like wanting to do Game Development know that it's quite a lot of hard work like anything actually.


    Game dev is a lot of sitting in an office for hours on end media is more practical for example being on set.

  7. There are two college courses that i want to take but can only take one :| can you lot give me your opinions?


    Video game development: I have played video games for a long time now and have quite a lot of experience in 3d work and have a general interest in making them, if i choose to do this course i will most likely live a fairly easy laid back life with nothing really special. When we visited the course mum really liked it so i kind of chose it to please her its not to late to change but i dont want to disapoint her.



    TV and Film: Ever since i was 5 years old i have wanted to direct films and TV shows i have a passion and not being big headed but am very good at it not just the practical side but also the pre production side i truly love Media and have a dying lust for it.


  8. cool 3 people egar to help

    i probs start in around feb so we will have alot of content to animate


    oh remeber if you can post pic's of your ponys in differnt pose so i can animate them and if possibble the id code for genral zoi's pony creator so i can animate further


    I can animate decently and can voice act well.

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