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Flailing Dinosaurs

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Posts posted by Flailing Dinosaurs

  1. drew, linearted and did the basic background on this months ago. totes was going to finish it today, but SAI crashed when I was almost done, so, nop, I'm just going to throw the unpolished version at the internet instead.


    yis I know RD is slightly hideous, dragons are my specialty, not ponies, so plez don't mention it, k?


    • Brohoof 7



    Screaming, she is thrown into the vortex, fingers clawing uselessly at the open air as she falls ever deeper into the clockwise spiral. Everything is pain and confusion; whitehot anger and grief, made stronger still by the loneliness lurking in her veins.


    hot cold warm tepid melting help melting make it stop twisting wrong it's all wrong




    It snaps like an overstressed bowstring. A gentle touch to her cheek, soft ocean breeze, velvet, cool stones, and it is done.

    Bliss. Oh, sweet bliss.




    Music does weird things to my writing ideas I guess, idk. Might use this in a story at some point or another.
  3. oh wow, I haven't posted here since the Triassic, I swear.


    I was doing human practice today during warmups, and somehow this happened...?

    This sketch ignores Equestria Girls completely because I've never seen it. AHAHAHAHAHandIneverwillAHAHAHAH





    is really bad at drawing people oh my god ew why am I even posting this

    • Brohoof 6
  4. I really like the style and the drawing itself. I have one small thing, which doesnt really disturb the picture, but it seems a little weird to me: Is he lacking a left eye?

    Thankies ^-^ And, no, not really, I just can't draw second eyes D8< It's rather unfortunate. So I tried to cover it up with hair. I forgot to lineart all of his hair though D8<

    That's a very nice drawing there! I assume you have made many drawings in this style, cause you're good at it. I really love the facial expression on the girl in the back there haha

    Why thank you 8D I do have a few drawings in this style, though, I actually haven't been drawing people that long. I was really impressed with myself with how well this came out actually XD

  5. I had to draw a horse in my art class yesterday. I failed so spectacularly that I stopped drawing and doodled this on a fresh page LOL. I felt discouraged from drawing for half of the day after that XD it was not a fun feeling.


    And then I came home and realised that I had all the right markers to color this guy 8D He's not this dark though I swear. My scanner is shit >.< Yes, the coloring/ shading job is that crappy though XD


    My Karkat has red eyes. Whut naow, betch.


    *scuttles off to youtube to try and regain braincells*



    • Brohoof 3
  6. You learn by going to figure drawing classes and live model sessions. As for hair, well to put it the simplest I can... You have to block it in. Draw the shapes and the shadows, not individual strands of hair.

    Drawing classes. Ain't nobody got money for that XD Or parents who will drive you to the class ._.


    The shapes idea for the hair might come in handy though o3o I never actually thought of doing that 8D

  7. heh, another dragon-like character :P


    This one looks simple but very good, have you drawn ponies in a similar art style? :) I'd like to see if you have.


    ..Also, this is cute x3

    Ahh, sorry for taking so long to reply D8 your comment didn't pop up in my inbox for some reason >.<


    Anyways, yes, I do draw ponies in a similar style... though, I'm trying to get away from that right now, because they look far too much like dragons xD I guess you could say I'm trying to develop my style right now :P

  8. I recently came to be the owner of this tiny dog here. Her name is Glow, she's two months old, and she... screw it, I've explained what her breed is way too much of late xD Let's just say she's a pug-minpin cross that's been finely tuned through the generations.


    I just explained her breed didn't I goddamn it XD






    Yeah she has a thing for falling asleep with her paw on my dragpad. Little turd, keeps making me click links I do not want to click.


    (her coat color's actually a genetic mutation 8D It's known as clear red, but she also has mearle markings on her nose and underbelly.)

  9. I love it O_o

    It looks great and its a unique style I dont see much anymore ^_^


    Id love to see more sometime if you end up sketching more :3


    Its certainly better then what I can do xD

    (And for some reason it reminds me of Spyro <_< )

    LOL Doesn't surprise me that it reminds you of him! I learned how to draw dragons through observing Spyro fan-artists on dA, plus I used to be a huge fan of the games ^-^


    It's kind of funny how he looks like Spyro though >.> this guy was just another random dragon that I doodled one day during class xD I usually try to keep my draggies away from looking like ye' ol' eggplant LOL


    And, thanks 8D I try to keep my style fresh (gawd that sounded so corny augh)


    I'm sure that if you practice though, you can get somewhere with art 8D You can only get worse before you get better... wait, does that even apply here... hmm...

  10. And then I found a prompt and drew young Fletcher being rather stunned by something.


    My prompt: Create a cartoon portrait of a realistic character. Prompt: the heart must pause to breathe.


    Sorry for all the wasted space, I didn't trim my canvas... because... I'm tired and I didn't want to, okay.


    Oh my god he's so cute I just wanna hug him.


    • Brohoof 2
  11. - I still don't hang my feet over the edge of the bed for fear of a hand reaching out and grabbing my ankle

    - All the stuffed animals. All of them.

    - I sometimes watch dinosaur documentaries to help me fall asleep on bad nights... because I was the weird kid that watched documentaries instead of Pokemon and Ninja Turtles.

    - Still enjoy walking through the woods with a big stick, pretending to kill zombies... I do it less though because I'm not as energetic as I was when I was eight XD


    God I'm a weird child ._.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Aww, gigantic bummer ovah hurr D8


    Usually when I'm wearing my merchandise, I'm aggressive enough to tell other people to do the anatomically impossible xD

    I do try to talk with them about it first, but if they try to make fun of me, that's the end of my friendliness XD

  13. That actually looks really good! And I've seen this person before a whole bunch of times...I love the sketch and that's all I can say right now...that's awesome, your awesome, YOUR ALL AWESOME!

    Ohwhythankyou *u* That's a whole lotta awesome there. Not too sure if I deserve that much LOL My god that's like... three awesomes o-o

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Oh wow! This looks amazingly well done!


    Thanks for drawing me! I really appreciate it when artist like you get up and draw things like this.

    Oh, but of course 8D You're my favorite dragoness ^-^


    And, thank you! I try to make my work presentable xD Hard to do, but, I get by I suppose.

  15. WELL. Seeing as how I never look at my tumblr, it makes sense that I'm extremly late in finding this:







    omg. just. omg.


    Bout flipping time, Insomniac! Kind of left us without any closure at the end of ACiT >8C and then you threw two mini adventures at us. That's like, throwing salt in wounds D8






    Ahum. *gathers self* I rushed over here to see if there were any kindred spirits here that play the game and are burrowed as far into the fandom as I am xD


    So... you fellow fans excited? I sure as hell am!





    lol yiss, yiss I am.



    I wuv dis character. I wuv her so much *-*


    That's right, I like her more than Cynder xD Cause I found Cynder's voice extremely annoying in DotD. You may now start throwing pitchforks 8D I'll just sit on the other side of my computer screen, not caring >8D


    Halfway through... I discovered that charcoal was not a good idea o-o Note to self: Don't use charcoal again 8D




    Other than that, this turned out better than expected ^-^


    ...my Ember has head fins. Your argument is invalid.





    ohgod look at how sloppy this is *dies*




    • Brohoof 3
  17. I drew a thing.


    My characters Cadence (She was made before I started watching MLP leave meh aloon) and Martin having a cuddle ^-^ I can't draw hammocks wow. Not too sure where Martin's wings are... they... they died I ate them...?




    All that yellow stuff? It's pretty yeah? Now, I'mma tell you that it's pollen >8D YOU MAY NOW ALL START ITCHING AT YOUR NOSES AND SHUDDERING.






    • Brohoof 2
  18. Alright, finished up the kind of teaser for my minicomic today. Posted the teaser for the teaser yesterday, if I remember right.


    So, here it is. I finished this. For you guys. While I was sick. You're welcome *slouches back to bed*




    • Brohoof 3
  19. Dat handwriting LOL God I have ugly handwriting.


    Anyways, this is a sort of... teaser for my comic teaser...? I'm making a minicomic about Princess Luna, and an OC of mine. Because OCs are magic c8.


    This is a panel from the teaser comic (which will be finished and uploaded today) where Luna wants for the first page of my minicomic to be done... tomorrow. Holy shit batman, I need to get to work >.>




  20. This is a pic that I did for my friend Dee. I know, he's not wearing his eyecloth. I forgot it oops.



    Oh god, that anatomy it terrible. Ohwell, quick sketch it quick xD







    • Brohoof 2
  21. What I wish I'd done with my summer...

    What I actually did with my summer: Sat around on my computer LOL

    *cough* someone got the idea into my head to draw a sexy Cara. It morphed into this LOL.


    How do I perspective lol

    ...rock those red flippy floppies, rock them.




    • Brohoof 1
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