Welcome to the World of Pokémon
[RP Here coming soon]
My name is Professor Thunder Hooves. Ponies call me the Pokémon Professor! This world is inhabited by creatures called pokémon! For some ponies, pokémon are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself... I study pokémon as a profession.
Now tell me, are you a boy or a girl?
Your journey begins in the small town of Vanhoover where you and your classmates have just graduated from pokémon school. Your first pokémon is already by your side, a proud level 5, as you stand on stage with five other honor roll students (who have been your best friends through the school years) to receive your prizes for your academics. As a surprise, Professor Thunder Hooves comes on stage to announce that you and your fellow honor students are to be given pokédexes for your upcoming journeys through Equestria.
After the ceremony, you rush home to pack your things and prepare for the next morning when you and your pokémon will set off and leave Vanhoover behind for a long time. Maybe you'll take on the gym challenge or maybe you'll find yourself more comfortable just traveling or maybe even raising and breeding.
Regardless of your choices, this evening you find yourself wandering around Vanhoover, contemplating your life and your upcoming adventure.
Basic Rules:
You start with one pokemon only
Your character age must be 14 years of age unless otherwise granted You may only carry six pokémon at a time
No legendaries may be permitted in your party Your pokémon starts at level 5 or lower
Pokémon can only be from generations 1 or 2
Pokémon Centers and Marts are separate from each other Only the first six players can have pokédexes unless otherwise specified (ask please) Shiny pokémon are allowed
Battle Rules:
Please be fair and considerate! No OP (over powered) pokémon/mary sue pokémon who dodge everything and every single attack lands Winner of a battle is decided between the author's in private or on the OOC thread here. If you cannot come to an agreement, I will coin flip for you When a pokémon faints, it is not dead Injuries can be superficial, like the show, or serious, like real life. Your choice! C:
Pokémon Center Rules:
Pokémon Centers are free for use Pokemart Rules:
As in the games/show, the pokemart only offers certain items depending on the badges you have. However, instead, it will be determined by the city you're in-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Application Form
Character Name: (link here to profile)
Starter pokémon: (must be a baby pokémon)
Background: (about life in Vanhoover with pokémon)
Honor Student: (yes or no)
Username: SkySong
Character Name: Moon Shimmer
Starter Pokémon: Eevee
Background: (already modified)
Honor Student: Yes