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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Page.Turner

  1. Could you please fill out the application form located in the first post? C: It just makes things easier for me XD
  2. I'll be changing it to 5-open, which is basically anyone can join at any time after it begins XD
  3. Welcome to the World of Pokémon [RP Here coming soon] My name is Professor Thunder Hooves. Ponies call me the Pokémon Professor! This world is inhabited by creatures called pokémon! For some ponies, pokémon are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself... I study pokémon as a profession. Now tell me, are you a boy or a girl? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your journey begins in the small town of Vanhoover where you and your classmates have just graduated from pokémon school. Your first pokémon is already by your side, a proud level 5, as you stand on stage with five other honor roll students (who have been your best friends through the school years) to receive your prizes for your academics. As a surprise, Professor Thunder Hooves comes on stage to announce that you and your fellow honor students are to be given pokédexes for your upcoming journeys through Equestria. After the ceremony, you rush home to pack your things and prepare for the next morning when you and your pokémon will set off and leave Vanhoover behind for a long time. Maybe you'll take on the gym challenge or maybe you'll find yourself more comfortable just traveling or maybe even raising and breeding. Regardless of your choices, this evening you find yourself wandering around Vanhoover, contemplating your life and your upcoming adventure. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RULES Basic Rules: You start with one pokemon only Your character age must be 14 years of age unless otherwise granted You may only carry six pokémon at a time No legendaries may be permitted in your party Your pokémon starts at level 5 or lower Pokémon can only be from generations 1 or 2 Pokémon Centers and Marts are separate from each other Only the first six players can have pokédexes unless otherwise specified (ask please) Shiny pokémon are allowed Battle Rules: Please be fair and considerate! No OP (over powered) pokémon/mary sue pokémon who dodge everything and every single attack lands Winner of a battle is decided between the author's in private or on the OOC thread here. If you cannot come to an agreement, I will coin flip for you When a pokémon faints, it is not dead Injuries can be superficial, like the show, or serious, like real life. Your choice! C: Pokémon Center Rules: Pokémon Centers are free for use Pokemart Rules: As in the games/show, the pokemart only offers certain items depending on the badges you have. However, instead, it will be determined by the city you're in------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Form Username: Character Name: (link here to profile) Starter pokémon: (must be a baby pokémon) Background: (about life in Vanhoover with pokémon) Honor Student: (yes or no) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAYER LIST Username: SkySong Character Name: Moon Shimmer Starter Pokémon: Eevee Background: (already modified) Honor Student: Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ((MORE COMING SOON))
  4. Don't worry everypony, it won't be long now Trust me <3333 Besides, waiting is half the fun X3 and depending on where you are compared to Canada, Ontario, it may take some time in snail mail
  5. I have $0 for food for the next TWO MONTHS *dies*

  6. Yes you may I'll be sending the ponies out early september when I get some money in, so be sure to watch your mailbox!

  8. Sorry, I only have the yellow unicorn left D: that's it. If you'd like her instead I'd be more than happy to send her your way She's just as pretty <3
  9. I got it DOn't worry Sure thing And no problem, I'm glad to make people smile X3 Awwwww, that's so cute XDD I'll send you a pretty pony in the mail!
  10. Yes of course I'll have them ready for you asap! So long as some are still available then feel free to pick one ^___^ Don't worry about where you are in the world C: Yupp! And she's all yours if you'd like her So long as she is still available then she is yours ^___^
  11. Absolutely! He's yours! And thank you so much X3 I'm glad to see he will be going to a happy home Just note me your address and stuff
  12. Of course C: Send me your info and I will ship the pony asap to your door step ! X3 I hope you enjoy it Also, thank you for the kind words <3
  13. It's really no problem <3 I like doing things for people and making people happy to see you happy is just what I need Sorry but Trixie is taken D: I just forgot to scratch out her name T__T Sure thing! Just send me your info!
  14. It's no problem C: I mean, like you said, they are just toys X3 It won't kill me not to have a pinkie! And like I said, I'll likely find another one anyway since I buy a lot of blind bags O: Just send me your info C:
  15. Thank you so much ^____^ I'm just doing this because I have doubles that I don't want/need C: And the shipping isn't all that much so it's the least I can do C:
  16. Sure thing! Just make sure to send me your mailing information so I'll be able to send it to you <3 I'm so sorry about Trixie though D:
  17. :< Tell you what, how about I send you a my pinkie pie from my collection? I'm sure to find another one anyway so it's not like I need it
  18. I must appologize but Trixie has JUST been taken D: Sorry. Is there any other pony you would like instead? I still have quite a few left C:
  19. Sure thing! Just send me a private note and I will keep your information disclosed ^____^ If you don't know how to send a private message, I believe if you go to my profile there is a button that will take you there O:
  20. Of course Sorry about the Pinkie's though D: I wish I had more to offer. Maybe the next time I buy 20 blind bags and get doubles XDD Yes! certainly Just send me your info and such as I ned C:
  21. crystal pinkie pie then? O: I'll send you the metallic pinkie pie C: Just note me your info! I'm so sorry but both pinkies have just been taken D: But I will ship to Sweden C:
  22. That's right folks! Sorry for the large image files but I'm offering up these ponies for a FREE GIVEAWAY! First come first serve. Just tell me here which pony you want, then note me your address and I will send it out ASAP! Here is a master list of ponies; I will strike out the ones taken: From left to right: Trixie Sky Wishes Metallic Pinkie Golden Delicious Purple Unicorn Various pets Fluttershy (Mc Donalds toy) Pink Unicorn Yellow Unicorn White Pegasus Crystal pinkie Big Cherry Cutie Mark Pony Electric Sky Chancealot Apple Jack Some of them I don't remember their names so I just described them how I saw them X3 So yeah, again, everything is free No shipping/handling required!
  23. Where would I post if I wanted to give away free stuff? :<

    1. RazzyJam


      I would post either in Octavia's Hall or in Everfree. Hope this helps!

  24. What should I draw?

    1. Orablanco Account
    2. Spartan


      hmm.. Rainbow Dash and Queen Chysilis playing video games with Luna!

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