Well, i recently found out about these 2 like a month a ago and was wondering which do you prefer
I like both them i don't like one more than the other
It is like you are living my life everything is so relatable that you posted especially i take long showers thinking about stuff and if i have important things to do
I don't hate nor like Valentine's day but i do like getting free candy from classmates but i don't pass out candy,i just sit there listening to teacher do the lesson while people are passing out candy
I'm not really looking for someone,i don't get depressed over valentines day,it's just a normal day so treat it like a normal day and if you have someone special that's awesome
I love these well my results are
1.You and Silver Spoon are roomates
2.Conquer Equestria with AppleBloom
3.You will fall in love with Daring Do
4.Go to theGala with Gilda
5.Have sex with Sweetie Belle &(
6.Party with Vinyl
7. Fluttershy needs your help
8.Have a sleep over with Scootalo
9.Pillow fight with Rainbow Dash tomorrow because you went clubbing with her then Berry Punch texts you