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Everything posted by DiscordAnarchy

  1. Gather Around my ponies And listen to my Request For Youtube viewing has become Quite a Mess Commentaries, Blind Reviews, Audio at higher Speeds Bring me no pleasure, no solace, no thrills As the episodes alone I seek Not opinions or voices that are Shrill So he comes forth to the forums once again To seek the advice From those pony friends Where can one watch Without commentary or reviews Where can He see? The ponies he wishes to View?
  2. Lets get down to business To prep for e3 Will it be nintendo. Msoft. Or sony? You are the biggest noobs I ever met but you can bet before we're through Mister I will make a gamer out of you. Quiet as a camper As still as snake... Once you have your team Your will they cant break! You're a cowardly pale anonomous lot but you bet before we're through Mister I will make a gamer out of you! Man I will never learn the codes Say goodbye to the friends who knew me Boy was I a fool for skipping gens... Multiplayer is super intense Hope they dont pick on me Now I really wish I knew how to wins! Be a gamer Must be as swift as the fastest ram Be a gamer With all the force of a great CpU Be a gamer With all the passion of a trolling fan boy Be a gamer As mysertious as anonymous in a chat room!! Time is racing towards us Till the conference arrives Heed the posted schedules And watch them live! You're unsuited for thw console war So sign off. Shut down. You're through. I could not. Make a gamer. Out of you! Be a gamer Must be as swift as the fastest ram Be a gamer With all the force of a great CpU Be a gamer With all the passion of a trolling fan boy Be a gamer As mysertious as anonymous in a chat room!! HO YA - DiscordAnarchy
  3. He is on Steroids. I don't know if you've ever read up on it, but Steroids does cause shrinkage.
  4. When Tirek was instantly beaten by a blast of rainbow magic from a tree.
  5. I do not accept this. Growing up, I witnessed a lot of dark DARK stuff in children's cartoons when I was but a wee little minion of chaos. We had characters being possessed and souls ripped out of them from Ghostbusters, we had episodes of Tale Spin that dealt with blackmail, threatening of murder, and conspiricies... Hell - Care Bears had Satan in it! They're Back: A Dinosaur's Tale had kids signing contracts with their blood not to mention this scary moment: And sweet Celesia, what about PaddyWhack?!?!?! I know this is less the fault of the creators and more the studios and parents but that's the problem. These people are so over-protective of their kids that even the smallest hint of chaos/darkness is banned. Kids are no longer allowed to go out on Halloween (parents take them to malls and school/church events more now which kills me). Shows can no longer be scary/dark like they used too... RAWR!
  6. It lasted for one episode and only in one town. I'm talking about where a villain wins and we see the next episode based about a week later and at least 2 or 3 episodes dedicated to the good guys trying to get a plan together to take down the villain instead of these episodes that have the magic "get this and automatically win" endings.
  7. Oh Tirek. How we miss thee... Seriously; one of the biggest letdowns of Tirek was just how easily he was defeated at the end of the episode. I firmly believe that a villain needs to actually win and show a distopian Equestria until the precious ponies are able to actually come up with a great plan to stop them that does not involve a magic "Win" button that is the Rainbow powers that we got when they defeated Tirek. If we do get another serious hardcore villain (Preferrably Grogar), I'd like to see him actually conquer the world for a short time (at least past 2 episodes) to show what the world would be like under their cloven hoof before finally being beaten. I feel it was a missed opportunity for the writers to have Tirek lose when season 4 could have ended with his defeat thus leading to season 5's opening showing a better way to defeat him. For all the Twists and Turns of a Master Plan Villainous Victories are short at Hand Time for the shadows to come from yonder To rip and tear Equestria asunder Let the ponies bind and fight Without the win button within Sight Plan and sneak, stealth and prey Upon the evil is what I say

    1. Zygen
    2. DiscordAnarchy


      And a gloriously chaotic HEYO to you too, my friend!

  9. For those of you who do not know, I host a youtube series with my niece. She and I play video games together and record our reactions and discussions about said games. This series started when she was 5 years old and we've been playing together for 4 years now. In order to celebrate Halloween, we teamed up to play one of my favorite Horror Mystery games of all time: Condemned, Criminal Origins. http://youtu.be/zG3ASUQVj1E
  10. I know. I have no damn idea why the audio got so screwed up. During editing and the raw audio the audio is fine...but when it was finished it got all funky.
  11. This is what is currently on my clipboard. You are all welcome for how amazing it is.
  12. You should read an article I found concerning Rise of the Planet of the Apes where the authro beleived the entire movie was actually about the kidnapping of blacks from Africa, the transportation of the slaves and how the apes used sign language to communicate much like slaves were forced to find new ways to communicate while on boats, the use of fire hoses on apes as symbolism to the black rights movement (when it was a nod to a scene from the original movie), and of course the fact the badguys were white and had power. Furthermore how is she a sterotype? She is a Zebra that is from Africa and as thus he home and lifestyle fits that of something that has grown up in Africa. It's like saying it is a sterotype if a Hispanic character has Hispanic-themed products around their home when they themselves are just celebrating or having things that remind them of home.
  13. A few year ago I used to make a video series called WTF: Games You've Never played. Well, after discovering TerrorDrome, I've decided to rebuild my old series and start anew! Here is the first episode of the new WTF series:
  14. Hm. I'm sorta back. How are my Insane Friends?

  15. Hm. I'm sorta back. How are my Insane Friends?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DiscordAnarchy


      Who is more insane. I test you now!


    3. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      Having never played either game I am not qualified to judge.

    4. DiscordAnarchy


      This saddens me. What have you played

  16. Our first game is on Steam Greenlight! Check Blog for info!

  17. The journey to Greenlight has been a long and stressful one but after long last we feel confidant enough to submit our first game, Pigeon Defense Force, to Steam's Greenlight. As such, we would like to take this time to share what the game is all about and encourage everyone to please take the time to head on over to our Steam page to give the game a look over. From the Steam Page itself: Oh no! The Earth is under attack by a flock of Angry Alien Avians and it is up to the Pigeon Defense Force to save the day! Inspired by classic arcade games and 90’s cartoons, Pigeon Defense Force is a top-down shooter where players go beak-to-beak against an alien bird menace. Do you have the skill necessary to defeat Admiral Pelican or will General Hawke and his forces wipe the Pigeon Defense Force off the face of the Earth? Pigeon Defense Force is the first game being developed by Toxic Creativity. We have poured our blood and sweat into this project and are very proud of the result. Pigeon Defense Force will provide players with a lot of entertainment as well as challenge as gamers face off against hordes of evil alien birds. They will need quick reflexes if they wish to survive the onslaught while at the same time trying to achieve the highest score possible. Pigeon Defense Force includes: A classic 2D top-down shooting experience with fully rendered 3D models Fifteen levels spanning over five maps. Five different Pigeon Pilots to choose between; each with their own speed, firepower, and special weapon. A survival mode to push players to their limits Cinematic cut-scenes detailing the storyline between the PDF and the Alien Bird Menace A killer in-house soundtrack to help keep the blood pumping. Achievements Weapon Power-ups to increase firepower High Scores to increase bragging rights Can you pilot your Pigeon through the alien assault? Put your skills to the test with Pigeon Defense Force and find out! For over a year we have been working on Pigeon Defense Force and the release date is growing closer with each passing day. As such, we'll be updating our Steam Page with every new update and we'll be doing our very best to answer any questions you may have! We really want to make this game one that everyone can enjoy. All we ask is for you to take a little time to head on over to Steam and give our game a look-over and if you like what you see, please don't forget to give us an Upvote. Here is our page for everyone. We really hope that you enjoy what you see. Thank you all so very much! http://steamcommunity.com/id/ToxicCreativity/myworkshopfiles/?section=greenlight&appid=765
  18. Yessir I did. I just don't have friends around who would be interested in the game. :\ I did read the older books though. Oh lord, they were good.
  19. Two of my biggest gaming letdowns come from franchises that I worship. The first being SHADOWRUN. The original for the SNES was a action/adventure/rpg with real-time fighting, a complicated and dark plot, and so much awesomeness to explore. Such a fan was I of the SNEs version, I even got into the books. The new version was a first person MP-only mess that barely scratched the surface of the Shadowrun mythology. Then the PC version got the kickstarter and I was very excited until I saw that it was NOT the real-time action game I had been waiting for but a turn-based strat game like Xcom - a genre I totally abhore. I will never get my ShadowRun 2 :'( The 2nd would be the announcement of a new Legacy of Kain game - a franchise that I also love to death. I can listen to Raziel and Kain speak all day and all night. Omg - such mythology, such storytelling, such voice acting. But will we be getting the final chapter of the game? NO! Instead we get some MMORPG bull crap that has little to nothing to do with the actual storyline of Kain but just takes place in Nostgoth. thanks guys for shattering my dreams
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