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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by StarStreak

  1. I like this background!

  2. I apparently broke the rules of teh forums. I didn't do anything wrong though. :/

  3. Well...Gonna hit the hay now, Night Folks!

    1. Scootalove


      Night, streaky.

  4. On second thought...I like my OC

  5. People said i needed a new OC. Disagree or Agree? I need your take!

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Disagree. I don't see why.

  6. Anypony know how to make a signature?

    1. SmittyWerbenjagermanjense


      MSPaint is your friend.

    2. Wubsie


      Ew no. XD

      I can make you one SS.

    3. StarStreak
  7. Wow has it been awhile.

  8. Season 4 insights anypony?

    1. Leafeon


      Twilight kills everyone.

    2. StarStreak
    3. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Well judging that there are 2 more parts to the season 3 finale... I am going to assume Twi' comes back...

  9. It's good to see that there are more Tech admins helping out! After all the more the merrier right? and Top Secret Project? sounds interesting.
  10. I dunno MLP: Forums what about you?

    1. Wingnut


      I dunno about MLP:Forums either.

  11. I dunno MLP: Forums what about you?

  12. Welcome to MLP Forums! Hope you have a swell time on the site! And to my surprise ...Our stories are shockingly similar! To me the show was a bit of a life line in times of dire need and really told me that all hope is not lost in the worst of times. Hopefully your experience of the site is as good as mine! WARNING:...Yeah on second thought the user above me has posted it already.
  13. Come to think of it...Magical Mystery Cure wasn't that bad.

  14. That was a terrible way to end the season...oh wait..."Fandom Shitstorm Incoming"

  15. I think that the world of Bronies is actually growing and becoming more united than ever i guess. As for enemies Hasbro is still #1 on the hit list. I think she's in the season finale of Season 3. And also Fan made episodes? interesting! Where can i find these? Also....Never knew that.
  16. Ó›∏fiØˇ„›fiØ∏£‹›‹Œ‹›flfi„´‰ˇˇ¨´ˇ„‰ˇ„›ˇfi„!

  17. I have yet to see the episode that the fandom will create a flaming shitstorm of criticism out of the fandom. hopefully nothing that i already know is spoiled....
  18. Princess Coronation tomorrow! *squee*

    1. Reani


      I was skeptical of the episode. Now, I really can't wait to see it.

    2. Dolphanatic


      It was a great show while it lasted. Tomorrow probably marks the beginning of the end. ):

    3. Reani


      Or the start of a new beginning... don't jump off the floating ship

  19. ÔÓ´ˇ◊Ø„˝›∏˝∑¢§◊fifl›››››››››

  20. Look on the bright side...There should be a con coming to NovaScotia sometime in the future. I read a post from BronyCAN saying that they will sweep the nation with cons.
  21. Princess Corination coming!!! *squee*

  22. Had not been for FiM, I would still be the same slightly mentally twisted person I was. To be honest had I known MLP:FiM been wiped off the interwebs I would make a site similar to this one and slowly build off collective memory of me and users who probably joined.
  23. On second thought disregard that last post. But I digress, WoodenToaster and the living Tombstone are both great artists alike
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