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Hay Lin

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Everything posted by Hay Lin

  1. If you're talking about tears of joy sad, Aslans' death and resurrection. If you did't feel anything at that sense, then your really need to loosen up. For the moved by the friendship sad, anything that has to do with Frodo and Sam when they aren't battling or traveling. Seriously, I cry every single time I read that part It's even on my FImFiction.net page. And I'm not even that big a Tolkienknight. For the sad sad...er, the ending to Explorers of Sky if that counts. A tearjerker that's bound to happen? I'm getting HP soon, and I accidnatlly found out that Fred died. Yeah, I think I'm gonna cry when I read that part.
  2. I'm a triple T-Tolkienknight, Trekkie, Tribute. You won't find me dressing up at conventions though. Of course, I'm a pegasister (:
  3. So, since I hust recently came back and am bored to death, I may consider doing a boook folloup here. The thing is, I'm divided on which book to do. I'm getting The Hobbit and Harry Potter soon, and I have recently been thinking of re-reading my dusty old Narnia books again. What do you think?
  4. *fp* It was part of an April Fools post. Besides, those don't seem like titles Hasbro would easily allow. Have you even been on EQ? Not to offend.
  5. Acording to RT(there aren't any critic reviews yet for obvious reasons) eighty percent of the audience liked Equestria Girls, and the average rating is 3.8. For a movie, that's like a B or something. So that means it was actually pretty good! What do you think about this, and for those of you who watched, how was he movie? If you would like to give spoilers, just hide it under a spoiler tag or link to your own spoiled reviews. Link: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/my_little_pony_equestria_girls/
  6. So, she decided to invite over some Mirror Fluttershy Clones.
  7. This party was being attended by Twilight, who was reading Harmony of the Rings.
  8. Rainbow Dash sees two ships:One is labled "Enterprise D" and another is "Unknown Teleporter"
  9. It couldn't be just for that. For example, one Guard could have a cutie mark for battling, another for stragety, another for builing, another for speed, another for defense, etc.
  10. The vaccum sucks Rainbow Dash inside it.
  11. Marry:Chris Connel Snog:Black Francis Kill:Eddie Vedder Trekkies, Potterheads, Tolkienknights.
  12. *from another forum* Okay guys...Let's play some good ol' fashioned Marry/Snog/Kill. Basically you pick out three real or fake characters (Marriland members, Celebrities, Superheroes, Cupcakes...Anything goes!) And the person that posts next must pick which one they would..You know: Marry, Snog, or Kill Example: Person 1: Batman, Superman, Aquaman Person 2: Marry: Batman Snog: Superman Kill: Aquaman May, Dawn, or Misty? Person 3:...And so on and so forth... OK. Q, Snips, or Pen Stroke?
  13. Don't worry, I feel your pain. If you want to start reading the Bible in a regular basis, take Luke first. It's the most comforting of the Gospells with the last prophecies.
  14. Well, if the show dosen't contain bad language, impure thoughts, or blood, then no. If it had euphrisims, then I would reconsider just a bit. If anything bordring slight romance and euphrimis, then, yes, I would leave the G5 part of the fandom. I wouldn't leave the fandom entirely, because there would still be some people who talk about Generation 4 and do Gen 4 fanwork.
  15. 1.Something that will mkae the fandom have a better opinion on Twilicorn. 2.Epicness, but not epic to the point that it gets lame. 3.History on Starswhirl, Luna, Celestia, Cadence, and The Elements of Harmony.
  16. Spike is related to the Elements of Harmony, so it depends on how good his is by that time. And oof course, Derpy. ...ooor the series could end with Discord turning into Q and sucking them towards Vulcan.
  17. I think Elements of Harmony don't die-instead, they have to go some place between Death and Life. It's not exactly utopia, but it's better than usual.
  18. Canterlot prisoner, as long as I'm treated slightly above the rest of the prisoners. I would like to be house arrested by Princess Twilight, I don't think that she would abuse me or anything. She's also the kindest of the Mane 6 next to Fluttershy, so maybe I could be released in a few years time.
  19. Christians. And, no we make sense. @Vinstar....I had no idea. Thanks for that interesting little titbit. I am now gonna treat my Angry Birds Push Toy(which is a Black Bird that played him in ABSW) as a brother.
  20. Er, exactly. It wasn't an Egyptian Goddesses' eye, as the video was saying. It was Sauron's eye. Nothing more than the previous references to Star Wars and Star Trek.
  21. Hay Lin

    movies/tv WITCH and Winx?

    http://www.tv.com/shows/witch/ The animation is a little bad, but other than that, it's pretty good. You can also try reading the comics on WITCH-O-HOLIC. *SPOILER* It even has the "Luke, I Am Your Father" Trope on Season 2. Ok, not exactly, father, but the trope's name isn't affected. Right?
  22. Hay Lin

    movies/tv WITCH and Winx?

    Was there anyone here who watched these shows? It seems like theese shows are unknown to the brony fandom...they were seriously good...(well, Winx isn't that good, but it's still better than some shows around there)
  23. I just found out...that whole "eye" buisness? It was a shout out to Lord of The Rings Fans. That's it. Season 2 had many shoutouts to sci-fi.
  24. It says the destiny of "two wordls", not a single pony. Let's imagine thta the one who stole Twilight's crown is a major villian, and that The Crsytal crown is a source of power. The villian is trying to do something to both of the worlds.
  25. tIt has been confirmed that this will have nothing to do with Season 4, or the rest of the series.. So, no, Twilight won't lose her wings. AKYL.
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