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Posts posted by The565er

  1. (Finally have some time to respond. Sorry.)

    "It was just after I got my cutie mark, actually. Nova pointed to her cutie mark, which was a orange lightning  bolt outlined in red, the bolt has golden angel wings and it was striking a cloud of grey dust. "I decided if I wanted to become a famous flyer, I would have to go to Dashbolts academy. I told my parents, they willfully decided to start a fund for the Acadamy. Eventually we had enough, so I packed my bags and came here!" Nova flicked some mane away from her face, "I'm 18, by the way." Nova began to walk towards the front doors to the academy. "I'm not really a huge shopper, are you?"

    (Assuming she isn't, correct me if I'm wrong.)

    "No, not really." Quickblade said. "I rather prefer flying." Lightning Nova's smile automatically got bigger. "Cool! So I guess we can hang out in the food court or maybe Hottopic? That's not a bad store, I always get cool T-shirts from there. Oh, ehem, how about you what's your favorite store Bolt?" Lightning Nova braced herself for a good yelling at, but instead, Quickblade puffed an enoumous sigh and began to answer her question.

    (BTW, this is Sellybelly. This is just my other account that...I forgot to log out of.)


    [it's Quickwing, not Quickblade]


    "There was only one shop that I actually didn't mind to go to." Quickwing replied. "It was only a small bakery run by some Pegasus that I grew quite fond of. It was a family run business and the Pegasus was the founders grandson. He was the first pony who showed some understanding of how I felt. His wife was always nice to me as well, gave me batches of muffins and cupcakes for free every so often. Other than him, I haven't really liked anypony else.". "Well, let's see if I can change that then." Nova said, her face positively beaming. She began to fly up but stopped and started to turn to see is Bolt was in fact following her. A dark blur zipped past her, yelling "RACE YOU!". Smiling more than ever, Nova gave pursuit. 


    [a few moments later]


    Bolt landed in the mall and spun around to dive out of the way of a speeding Nova. Nova pulled up from her dive seconds before she skidded to a halt on the polished floor. Both ponies were panting. "That was a good workout," said Nova, breathing heavily "but I still think I would have one if you hadn't tried to block my path with that cloud.". "Hey, you snooze, you loose" replied a grinning Bolt. "Now, show me that shop you liked. I wanna check it out."

  2. If it isn't too late I would like to join. I am only a newbie and this would be one of my first role plays. Can you be any creature, not just a pony? If so, I would like to be this character I have just finished creating:




    If not, I'll just play as my backup character:



  3. Nova looked at Quickblade, she was not smiling for once. She was, in fact, looking quite serious. "Look, Quickblade. You seem like a fun pony, and I KNOW a fun pony when I see one. You're going to have to lighten up a bit, be yourself. Just don't force this whole friend thing on yourself, I didn't mean to push you. I'm sorry." Lightning Nova sighed, and smiled a small smile. "You have to get to know ponies before their officially your friends, right now, we're just acquaintances. We simply just know each others names."  She paused before continuing, "Listen, when I first got adopted by my parents, I was scared. But that's a feeling everypony gets when they meet somepony new. You label them as stupid or lame or just plain ugly. I always feel guilty, because on the very first day I met my new parents, I labeled them as mean. I will always regret that day of my life. Always. I don't do that anymore though, I like to get to know somepony before they officially become my friend. So, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" Nova's smile was smaller than usual, it was obvious that she missed her parents.


    Bolt looked at Nova with the same coldness that she was used to. Nova's smile shrank a little and as she turned to walk away she heard a voice say "I know how you feel". Nova spun back, surprised to see Bolt there with a look of both concern and sadness in her eyes. "My father died when I was 15 and my mother was dead to me from that day onward. That was years ago. I'm 23 now." She looked at a point just past Nova's shoulder. After a couple of seconds she gave her head a small shake and let loose a small and sad chuckle. "Sorry about that" she said.  "My father was very close to me. He is the reason why I came here and when he died, I just couldn't bear to live with the empty shell of my mother. I fled to Neighagra falls then and have been living there for a long time now. Anyway, back to the topic at hand. How old are you and why did you decide to join the Wonderbolts?" Nova was shocked. This was the most she had heard Quickwing speak since she met her and she seemed to be a completely different pony, much more open and friendly than she was used to. She took a moment to compose herself and answered, with a smile growing across her face.....

  4. NO! DON'T LISTEN TO HIM!!! You shouldn't listen to the TGAPMT, or The Great And Powerful Muffin Thief. He is planning to take over Equestria with Trixie. And if that wasn't enough, he forgot this!



    Anyway, welcome to the forums and I hope you do post your covers here because I would really like to hear them. Until then,



    And yes, I know your story TGAPMT, I've known about you for a long time. heheheheheheehehHeHeHeHehEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV-OF9wZWDs


    This video will probably help you get started. Sorry, but I can't help you any more than that. I'm only a relatively new brony so I wouldn't be able to answer many in depth questions to your satisfaction. Sorry.




    This video also has a lot of interesting history of the bronies that might help you as well

    • Brohoof 1
  6. (It is pretty good. I love your character BTW. Nova is roomies with Silverstreak, just something you might want to edit.)

    Nova smiled at Quickwing, she seemed unaware by of her rudeness. "Can I call you Bolt?"  Nova said with a humongous smile on her face.  "No.." Quickwing said, rolling her eyes at the pony. Nova seemed unaware. ''Well, anyways, I'm heading out to the with some of my friends to go the mall, you wanna come with?" Lightning Nova's smile was bigger than ever. If she knew one thing her adoptive parents taught her, was to always be nice and sweet. No matter how rude the other pony was. Lightning Nova had always followed this piece of advice and had gained many friends. So Nova hoped Quickwing would say yes, so maybe they could be pony pals. After all, under all that rudeness, Quickwing Bolt seemed like a pretty fun pony. And Lightning Nova had to get that fun pony out instead of the grumpy one. "Sooo...?" Lightning Nova said, Her back hoofs not touching the ground anymore. "Will you go? Don't worry, we'll do stuff you like to!"


    Quickwing looked at Nova, surprised at how incompetent anypony could be. "Fine" she said in an exasperated voice, "but only after I've signed up". "You want to sign up do you?" a voice behind them spoke. Bolt turned and saw a pony in a suit similar to the old Wonderbolts captain uniform. "You must be a new recruit then". "Yes Ma'am. My name is Quickwing Bolt. You must be Captain Art Dream. I've heard about you.". "Well, I'm flattered" Art Dream replied, a slight grin playing on her face, "But please, just call me Dream. You must be looking for the registration desk. It's just through that door over there.". "Thank you ma'am" Bolt said and started to head over there at once. She was halfway though the door when Nova shouted at her. "We're still going to the mall together, right?". Bolt replied "Sure thing, I'll be right back", forcing a very watery smile onto her face. "O.k then" said Nova, her smile growing an inch. Bolt sighed again when she was inside and walked towards the desk with Art Dream to get a sign in sheet. Art handed her a sheet and Bolt quickly filled it in and handed it back. "O.k then" Art said, filing it away and grabbing a key from the rack behind the counter. "You're in room 5, now you better get out there and have fun with your friend" said Art, grinning, knowing that hanging out with anypony was the last thing Bolt wanted to do. "Yes ma'am" said Quickwing and headed out the door where she was immediately stopped by a grey pony with a brown mane and eyes the same color as hers. "Oh, hello there" said the pony smiling slightly. Bolt looked her in the eye and said "Hi" quickly and made to move around her. "My name's Little Hop, but you can call me Cadence. What's your's?" The grey pony said, staring into Bolt's eyes in a very unnerving way. Bolt replied coolly "My name is Quickwing Bolt, and you can call me Quickwing Bolt. Now excuse me I have to get back to my 'friend'. I'm going to the mall with her". Cadence frowned slightly, then a smile appeared on her face. "Well I'll see you later". "Or not, hopefully" said Bolt under her breath as she reluctantly took off, following Nova.

  7. Name: Quickwing Bolt

    Top Speed: 13.6 wing power

    Favorite captain: Rainbow Dash [admire speed only]

    Why did you join: Promised to my (now deceased) father that I would become the best flyer in Equestria

    Gender: Female

    Mane color: Brown

    Eye color: Purple

    Body color: Very dark blue, almost black

    Bio: Lived in Cloudsdale with parents until 15 years old when father died from a badly injured wing 300 feet in the air. Fled to Neighagra Falls when 15 and lived there, improving speed, endurance and maneuverability for 7 years then entered Dashbolts Academy in order to prove that she is the best flyer in Equestria. Not friendly to anyone.


    Quickwing Bolt finally saw Dashbolts Academy after hours of flying with barely any rest. When she finally landed, she was more exhausted than she had ever felt before. Collapsing on the runway, she granted herself a moments rest to compose herself before she stood up and walked steadily to sign-up as a student of the academy. As she was walking towards the door, she was knocked off her feet by an orange blur. Bolt pushed the other, now recognizable pony off her and stood up quickly. "Who are you?" Bolt snapped at the mysterious pony. "I'm Lightning Nova, but you can just call me Nova" the orange pony said, raising a hoof for a shake. Bolt didn't move, so Nova continued. "What's your name? I've never seen you here before, are you new here?". "My name is Quickwing Bolt. Why did you knock me over like that?" Bolt replied, warily. "Sorry, I was just flying around and I just lost contr....." Nova was interrupted by another pony poking her from above saying "TAG!" who started to fly away. He stopped when he noticed that Nova wasn't following him and came back to notice Bolt standing there. "Hey your new here aren't you?" he said to Bolt. She merely replied "Yes" in a cold voice, "Now please can I just get to the sign-up desk.". "Sure!" Nova excitedly shouted. "We'll show you the way. Oh, and by the way, Silverstreak this is Quickwing, Quickwing this is Silverstreak.". "Nice to meet you" Silver said, holding out a hoof just like Nova. Bolt just looked at it and said "Quite. Now could I please get to the desk, I want to sign-up as quickly as possible.". "Sure" said Nova, happily. "You'll also be able to see who your roommate is. I hope you have one as great as Silver, don't you?". Bolt just sighed and said nothing.


    [This is my first RP so if it is not up to standards, please forgive me.]

  8. Truth right there LOL xD My favorite song is Art of the Dress :) IDK why but it is :)


    Find a Pet is my favorite, closely followed by Art of the Dress. Winter Wrap-up is a great one though, don't you think?

  9. You 2 I thought I was the only one that felt that way it's so catchy


    One of my favorite songs of the show. How could I not watch this whenever I had the chance.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I'm sure it will calm down after a while i mean there's so much good things about this fandom that it would be sad to leave over one change. 


    I wouldn't leave over something like this. I like a bit of friendly banter as much as the next pony and have no trouble about it at all.

  11. Just the whole Alicorn twilight thing. everybody seems to be spliting into groups and anybody with a diffrent opinion then that group gets hated on by them. 


    I thought that would have calmed down a bit now. Obviously I was misguided. Anyway, thanks for the welcome.

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