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Posts posted by AuraDWere

  1. Tink looked embarrassed. "Sorry, I didn't realize you didn't work here. I'm sure I can- Oh shoot." She said, cutting herself off, mid-sentence. "Storm, I just remembered why I even joined your crew in the first place. Being so caught up in my work made me forget. Forgive me, but I must leave. Have a good day." Tink said hastily, looking a bit worried now. She gave a small nod to Copper before limping out of the store. She then flew off at a very fast speed, not giving the other two ponies any chance of catching up.


    (( OoC// Sorry, I'm afraid I'm going to be leaving the roleplay. Ya'll have a good time. ))

  2. @@AuraDWere


    Storm chuckled as he watched Tink walk around the room looking at all of the different gears and parts that were lying about the shop. Storm had to admit that for an earth pony she was very skilled at making things. He was very impressed by the wings that she'd created herself and that she was able to use them so well. "Heh you really love building things don't you Tink?" Storm inquired as he walked up next to her seeing her ask the random pony with the goggles.


    (OOC: Sorry not posting sooner had to leave town for the day and I had no internet but I'm back now yahoo!!)


    Tink looked back over at Storm and rubbed the back of her head with her hoof. "Yeah... well... sort of. I do enjoy building things, but only things that allow flight. I'm a bit obsessed with flying things, not to mention I'm always improving my wings to make them better." She replied with a small laugh. She never really thought about how she only built things that flew, or helped her fly, until now.


    Giving a small shrug, mostly to herself, she turned her attention back to the pony who she asked for help. "So yeah, propeller. 1 inch tall. Needs to spin pretty fast." She added to her before question, still unaware that this pony didn't work there.

  3. Copper stamped his hoof angrily on the dock, he pulled an ornate fob watch from his coat pocket, nearly an hour had passed. Copper could think of nothing that could hold up an Imperial ship for that long. He squinted he eyes, peering out over the horizon, his brass goggles magnifying his vision, but the only sips he saw were coming from the wrong direction, and they were clearly not Imp vessels, probably some ruffian independents trading more stolen property from one boat to the other. Copper growled, the ferry must have skipped Trotuga this week, it wasn't exactly the most popular destination after all. He decided to go by the small port market and get some food before retiring to the shady inn he was staying at. The market street was slightly crowded, but most of the population were in the bars, getting drunk and gambling away their earnings. Copper sighed, accepting that he would have to tolerate this for another week.


    Copper stopped at a small shop with mechanical gadgets and pieces hanging in the window, he decided to go inside, after all he needed to find some pieces for the very special watch of his. He ignored any strange looks from strangers eyeing his goggles, he'd grown used to it over the months since what had happened in Manehattan.


    As Tink looked around the store, she noticed the pony with the goggles and limped over to him. "Excuse me, could you help me?" She asked him, mistaking him as an employee. "I'm looking for a propeller, about an inch tall. I looked around, but I think I could of over looked them, or something." She said to Copper, now looking back around at near by shelves. 

  4. "Hello guys! I am Goldseek and I am here to answer questions. So ask away!"

    "Who are you even talking to?"

    "The people on MLPforums, duh."

    "What? Ponies are watching us talk?"

    "Not ponies, people."

    "Ugghhh... What? Do they die? Can we kill them?"

    "No you can't kill the people, moron. That would just be mean. Remind me why you are even here?"

    "You told me to help answer questions."

    "Oh yeah... Buck me. So, lets get started, shall we? Ask away!"

    "What he said. Are you sure we can't kill them? Just one?"


    "Fine........ Just one?"

    "Ughhhh. Whyyyyy?"



    Gold, can't we please please please just kill one person? Please?

    -Puppy dog eyes.-


    It is fun, and they're tasty!


  5. @Storm_fire


    Tink smiled and nodded at his comment. "Can't stop me. I insist." She said with a laugh. She noticed him grab the door and open it for her. "Why thank you my good sir." She said with a chuckle, now giving him a half bow. She flew into the shop and landed, kicking off the slip on her foot. When she did that, the engine in her wings kicked off and her metal wings folded back. Now on her feet, she stretched a bit before veginning to limp around slowly. Her eyes were bjg with joy as she admired the different parts and gears displayed all around the store. "Propellers... propellers.. propellers..." She muttered to herself as she limped around, looking left and right. "Ah geeze Storm, you gotta watch me, or i'll end up buying everything."

  6. @Storm-fire


    "Storm, got it." She said with a smile. She watched him begin to walk and she began to fly off after him, laughing when he facehoofed. "Yes, i need a few parts for a new project i'm working on. I'm so excited to finish it!" She said happily, finally caught up with the colt. "Thanks for showing me where to go. Uhm, if you wouldn't mind, i'd love to find a bar after visiting the shop. I would love a drink, and ill buy, as payment for showing me around." She added, smiling at him.

  7. @



    Tink jumped a bit, well, as much as she could as she hovered in the air with her mechanical wings. She quickly regained herself, giving out a small laugh. "Yeah, it's Tink." She replied with a nod. "And you were... " She mumbled, now looking embarrassed. "Sorry- I'm awful with names." She said shyly, now rubbing the back of her head with her hoof. After a moment, she shook her head softly and looked at the colt. "Oh, and uhm.. I've never been here before. So... I don't know where anything is. Or where I am. Or what to do. Or anything except be right here."

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