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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Posts posted by AuraDWere

  1. You know what? Buck it. *pulls out Colt 1911 and shoots at Aura*

    I made a pun. Therefore, I win. Yes?




    You guys are silly.


    -She continues to float around in circles, dodging all the attacks.-

  2. ... *cackles* I PEED IN THAT BUSH!





    -dashes away from the bush-

    -Uses her magic to make a Spring Board, from Mario, appear. She jumps on it, flying high into the sky. She uses her magic again to make the Magic Carpet from Super Mario Bros. 2 appear, and she lands on it, staying up there in the sky.-

  3. Nah... this is MUCH more fun



    *watches in terror as godzilla goes Kiryu on my flank*

    "Can I get some help!?"

    *dodges both hammer and radioactive breath*


    Sing sing sing!

  4. "You REALLY like the Donkey Kong games don't you? Well here, I brought something that fought another Kong, you might like him!"

    *Horn glows*

    *Godzilla is summoned*

    "Hope you like him!"

    *Sends Godzilla to destroy*


    -Chuckles a bit as her horn glows purple once more. Two hammer head brothers appear and begin to assult Godzilla with hammers.-

  5. "BEST THIS!" *detonates explosives*

    I'm honestly surprised that no one questioned why I know every word in friday...... oh well.....


    I'm not one to ask questions, that I know I don't want the answers too.


    -Her horn glows purple, and Donkey Kong from the original game shows up and he begins to throw barrels at Fracta.-

  6. Tink looked around the stores she passed, nothing really catching her eye. She sighed, flying forward at the same pace. She had no idea where she was going, or how to get there. It was a new town, and she had no one to help her look around. She switched her wing direction so she could fly in place, and looked around, rubbing her hoof to her chin. "Work shop.. work shop.. gear shop.. Where are you gear shop?" She thought to herself, looking left and right, hoping she'd see a sign or something.

  7. Tink looked at her pay that was abruptly put in her hoof. She blinked a bit, then shrugged. "Guess I'll go look around. I hope I don't get lost." She mumbled to herself, giving a small chuckle. She limped off the ship slowly, and smiled when she touched the ground. Turning her head around, she pulled a string that was attached to a mechanism that was on her back. A small engine kicked on, and two metal wings, gold in color, opened up from her back. Taking her non-broken hind leg, she hooked it into a small loop, that was also attached to the mechanical wings on her back. With small kicks, the wings began to flap and she lifted off the ground. The smile on her face grew now that she was air borne. With another kick of her legs, her wings shifted and she began to fly forward at a moderate speed, about as fast as a pony would normally walk. With that, she began her adventure around the new town. "Drunken Manticore. Let's see if I can find it." She thought to herself, as she flew down the road.

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