The truth is... No one here sucks at FPSs. Every one has a VERY diffrent play style, and if you are good enough to be "ok" at any given game, spent some time, learn the maps, as most FPSs focus not on you and your enemy returning fire at each other, but mostly about getting them from the side. Aim isn't always that important. But otherwise, if you still suck, the games not for you... XD I dunno, I used to play bo2, and was so bad it wasn't even funny, but then I jumped in a game of jagex's Ace Of Spades and ended up grabbing my achievment for 10 kills in a life with a sinper. I can't really explain it, but some games require an aggressive playstyle, while others encourage a slow, cautious and sometime well thought out movements. Every shooter is diffrent.