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  1. It's kinda true. A headcannon of mine What's anatomy to a unicorn who can move objects with her mind?Nothing I say! I was shopping online for a patch for my army jacket... and came across this.
  2. Though I agree with your initial point that they will always be those in a group will say the opposite of whatever the general consensus is just to get attention or stir up some shit... these are commonly referred to as trolls. That said, in saying what you did you are implying I am over-exaggeratting my original points... I don't feel I am so allow me to ask you "Have we both watched the same episodes from season 4?". Subtle is not what I see when I watch an episode with the whole mane 6 there and three of them have two to three lines an episode... Subtle is not a Derpy, Berry Punch, or Colgate sighting litterally every ten minutes. Go rewatch season 4 and then tell me I'm wrong, That's all I'm saying. More specifically like X-men comics dealing with alternate timelines, because oh my are their absolutely too many?
  3. And it's become sort distracting not in a "Hey look that a reference to Of Mice And Men." now it's become a little inception-esque with "Oh hey look, there's an actual nod to the fandom, derpy eyeing a muffin silently for the millionth time." Or an animator's OC, something that points the finger so to speak. I actually still enjoy the non-fandom references immensly, I personally think the fact that how the writers figure out new ones and get them into the episode somehow is a testament to how amazing these guys are. Granted I'm not saying eliminate the fan-centric references, just don't make them so obvious that it's almost unbearable.
  4. References to other shows/media (doctor who, harry potter ect.) are fine.What I have a problem with is the pandering to a few whiny fans who have minor complaints that the majority of us don't even notice, which are mentioned in the first post. Two questions I have at the moment, would it be too over the top to suggest a Hunger Games reference in a CMC episode? And when did they put a Star Trek reference in?
  5. While it's nice to see Pinkie have more than a few lines in a non-focus episode, the way her personality this season has steadily become more and more blatantly obnoxious and sometimes even crude is becoming a real issue for me. Though I did love her from start to finish in Pinkie Apple Pie and Pinkie Pride. Hopefully they continue with this mix of fun-loving but complex personality. I'm crossing my fingers that the next Pinkie Pie episode is just as good as those two were. I thought the nods to the fandoms were great in "Glass Of Water". In my experience this is the first time they really gave any of the other fandoms any attention at all, maybe I just don't see the nods as often as thou dost. I happen to be a HUGE Doctor Who fan, so the fact that they put Rose with doctor whooves was for me, kinda awesome.
  6. It's possible we may grow in numbers with gen 5 waiting in the next few years or so. Soon.
  7. Too many songs? Never, but you can definetely have too much fanservice, that's a personal. And the subtle nods to other fandoms and how they behave within the episode "Daring Don't" of season 4 were great and I thoroughly enjoyed that episode for that reason alone, I could care less about the nuiances of "world-building". I'm talking more about how back in the good old days of seasons one and two, DERPY WAS HARD TO FIND. It became a kind of Where's Waldo for fans and now she's almost literally everywhere. For me it's distracting. Also new this season, is the need for all the main six to be in the episode for even the most minor roles with no lines, just screen time. In my mind here's what happened, Ten or so fans complained about how thier favorite pony wasn't making it into enough episodes and the writers came to a consensus that this meant they needed to cram all of them into as many episodes as possible. Rainbow Falls would have been totally okay without Rarity there, not counting the fact that she probably has important orders to fill with her boutique. Daring Don't would have been fine without Fluttershy barely speaking two words and Rarity providing the off handed comment here and there. You get the idea, what do you guys and gals think, is the show's quality being overshadowed by the apparent need to please it's fanbase? A little presumptuous, they should have held a poll or something.
  8. This made me kind of sad, but at the same time, i'd rather have a song that did what it was supposed to do and then end nicely, than a song that played a bit too long and started to sound repetitive.
  9. So I’m sure you’re all wondering why I’ve gone to the trouble of making a new topic, well let’s get right into it. With your help and other artists like yourself who’s art, be it music, artwork or fanfiction has somehow caught me eye… I want to create a masterpiece of a project. A tribute to the MyLittlePony:FIM fanbase and it’s amazing fan works. A DVD; which will be a showcase of said fan works. The working title is Six By Three: Things The Fandom Is Made Of. Setting a grand stage; for some of the most amazing MLP fan works imaginable. If you’re thinking, “Oh well if it’s a DVD there’s going to be a main feature right?” Because of the nature of the project my feeling I was to put the documentary "making of" for the entire project as the main feature to the DVD. Which would again showcase the artists from all three art mediums (fanart, fanmade music, and of course Flash animations/PMVs) as I go through and talk about them and how I integrated them into the overall project. What do you get out of this deal? Recognition of your fantastic skills as an artist, singer, writer and creator! So here’s my pitch, go to my Deviantart page send me a PM:http://flutterfan12.deviantart.com/ Detail your type of art, and bring it to me. Flash animation? Awesome. Custom Graphics and Vectors, feed me. Fanart? Definitely. Remixes of Pony songs or Original compositions? If you have art I want it. In the end if I meet my deadline of before April 18th, I’m planning on showing the DVD to the masses at BABSCon: www.babscon.com/ In this vein, I am sadly only one person. And while my vision is grand I cannot execute it in the scale I want on that deadline without help. So as a show of respect and credit where credit is due, I am also looking for pros with Adobe Suite (Mainly After Effects, Photoshop, and Encore) to help with the massive workload my creativity is churning out. (I have been going to bed at 2am for the last two days working on graphics for the menus.) Also, I want to create a custom made intro video for the DVD itself and the "Making Of" Documentary which I'll be filming. If this post has peaked your interest even a little, please find the details for getting on my mailing list for the project here: http://flutterfan12.deviantart.com/journal/Project-Update-The-Musical-Score-and-Mailing-List-431089473
  10. I made this today...tonight? Whatever, it's 12:25am. Enjoy. disclaimer: This was meant to be a joke, I am not currently nor will I be in future planning a coupe and placing a horse as the head of the Scottish government. I'm not a mastermind and can't even begin to understand how one would put something so grand together. Also, that tourist stayed there forever.
  11. Something I made, because people are... reacting to this. Something I found.
  12. I just started on season two and I love David Tennent as the new doctor. He's so expressive and is a great foil character for Rose. I've started calling Rose derpy whenever she gets herself into a bad way.
  13. A lot of the panels and faces the artist draws are so amazing! Like Batman:Killing Joke amazing! I love Twilight's face, it's so incredibly bitter when put with the text.
  14. My feeling is that S4 is sort of going the way of S3, there are a few episodes so far that are AMAZING! (Princess Twilight, power ponies, Daring Don't, Bats) and the rest are just kind of okay. And a lot of folks have been saying this and I tend to agree, but are the mane 6 all there in every episode for no good reason. We'll see if the rest of the season picks up after saturday I suppose. I guess the main plotline with the keys just makes all the other episodes which are not about the keys feel like filler episodes, awesome filler, but still filler.
  15. Now that you mention it, no. I guess it's a force of habit to share every comic I find in this thread in particular. Sorry to confuse you. I will append something to make the post more appropriately comical. In the meantime take these. I kind of became a Octavia/Vinyl fan overnight. Which is strange because a few days ago I had no interest in any of the background pony fandom-wide (universally accepted) fanon.
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