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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

No longer active~

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Everything posted by No longer active~

  1. Crap. Strong storms are heading this way. Well, more plans I have to cancel

    1. Halfblood


      Storms, storms, and more storms. That's all I'm seeing on my forecast and it saddens me. Atleast it's making things cooler (depending on where you are).

  2. I just found out that season 4 doesn't air until winter. WINTER! *sigh* I was hoping something like fall

  3. To be truthful, I really don't think I will be permanent. She didn't seem to thrilled when Celestia told her her destiny to become a princess. Plus you have to do a lot of work as a princess. there is a high chance that she will dislike all work as a princess and demand to be changed back. Only my guess.
  4. Sick as a dog, a day before my birthday. :(

  5. Hmm... Well, if I had the power to die whenever I wanted, then yes. If I couldn't die no matter what, then no. Plus it would be fun to do whatever you wanted (Like blow something up) and not have the worry of death.
  6. Probably just going to rest most of the time. Help my papaw out with his garden, and we plan to go to Dollywood for a day or two. other than that not much.
  7. four hour of going around town and I ended up getting food and a minecraft poster! At least it looks awesome.

    1. Zygen


      Hehe, oh well, atleast you ended up with something.

    2. No longer active~

      No longer active~

      Yea, looks awesome in my room.

  8. Something I've always wanted to do, shapshifting and flying! Turn into a dragon and burn down a village or something like that
  9. My favourite episode of MST3K would have to be Lazerblast. I think It's amazing how they turn a awful movie into such a funny experience. I even have a MST3K mousepad with Gypsy, Tom Servo, and Crow on it.
  10. I'll think about what I want to draw next and what aspects I need to improve in drawing. I'll grab my notepad and start drawing. It always helps me sleep. having awesome dreams in the process.
  11. It's has been a long time since I've been on! This was because my art teacher died for unknown reasons :( She was just recovering to. T_T

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. No longer active~
    3. Zygen


      Wow, man, sorry to hear.


      we're glad to have you back though.

    4. No longer active~

      No longer active~

      Thanks for the kind words :)

  12. I should probably get to drawing something, I have the urge to,but I don't know what.

    1. Digiral


      maybe you should draw derpy racing with rainbow dash , you know ? derpy has more speed than rainbow dash?

    2. No longer active~

      No longer active~

      Sure! Sounds awesome!

  13. Awesome! Wearing a minecraft shirt, Kingdom hearts necklace, and a model of the Master sword! I am so geeky right now!

  14. What is your Favorite book? I can tell you mine has to be The Ultimate Hitchhikers's Guild by Douglas Adams. I guess it counts though it's 6 books in one, I always have loved Douglas Adam's stories. But enough about me, I want to hear your favorite book. ( even if it isn't a book, It can be an legend, poem or anything! Post away!) 42. ( I had to)
  15. Well my top three are- 1: Kingdom Hearts (1&2) 2:Legend of Zelda (Four swords, Twilight princess, Ect.) 3:Minecraft In order of course. I can't express how much I love these games! I even have the Master sword Legend of Zelda, A limited edition Creeper figure, and two Necklaces From Kingdom Hearts ( One of Sora, One of the Keyblade Oblivion. Here are links to the necklaces: Oblivion: http://www.etsy.com/listing/122090254/kingdom-hearts-oblivion-keyblade?utm_source=google&utm_medium=product_listing_promoted&utm_campaign=jewelry_low&gclid=CKGqnMHL-rUCFQuxnQodHmgAkg Sora: http://www.etsy.com/listing/109676702/kingdom-hearts-sora-silhouette-necklace?utm_source=google&utm_medium=product_listing_promoted&utm_campaign=jewelry_low&gclid=CLndqvnL-rUCFQ7znAodgRYA5w
  16. It is rare for me, but it kinda scared me once. Though it was quite a while back (season 1 was still airing) I was thinking of Duck Commander where they flooded the loading dock where the trucks came in, and right then I came on. The thing that was scary was that it was listed that "Face Off" would come on. Though instead Duck Commander.
  17. Awesome! Bring back the Twinkies! Glad they are coming back! I always loved those cream-filled snacks! Thanks for letting me know!
  18. Playing though Kingdom Hearts 1 again. I have to wait till we can move the playstation out of my older brother's room though, I guess We'll have to do it tomorrow.

  19. My favorite video game soundtrack has to be Simple and Clean from the Kingdom Hearts franchise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2qN0qIOaLw I Listen to it once; Stuck in my head all week. I love most the games you listed( But never played Alice- Madness Returns though, Not much of a fan of horror games. However I love the soundtrack "Flying on the Wings of Steam"). I do agree with you on their awesome soundtracks! (though some of the games I never heard of.)
  20. My favorite drink has to be Crush. The flavor is just amazing to me (Awful for my teeth though, but that's why we have toothbrushes!)
  21. Hello! welcome to the Forums! I am new too, Glad we could meet! Brohoof! /)
  22. I have an Xbox, Xbox 360, Playstation 1,2,and 3, Gamecube, gameboy, Nintendo 64. Also, Thanks for the kind words! My favourite pony is Derpy Hooves. Thank you for the nice words! Thank you for such kind words! I am working on some pony art, kinda like game bosses faced with ponies. Right now I am working on Luna battling the Ender Dragon (From Minecraft.)
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