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Posts posted by Apollo

  1. *A pony in heavy armor ran up to the group. He looked incredibly excited and eager to tell others about what he knew.*

    "Hey! Have you heard? There is a pair of Gryphons co-oping through the front lines! They only started a few days ago, but they have already cleared three floors! Its amazing! And its just the two of them, a boy and a girl. The girl uses a death scythe, and she is outrageously skilled with it, and the guy uses a bastard sword, those who have seen him say he only uses just the one, he hasn't been seen with any other weapon. These two are amazing! They might actually beat the game and get us all out of here! I have to go tell more people!"

    *The armored pony ran off to tell more people about what he knew.*

  2. A couple of ponies that I sketched out, I don't even remember when. I was working on packing my stuff to get ready for our family move in a few weeks and I got distracted looking at old drawings of mine and I found these.

    I honestly remember nothing about what I may or may not have come up with for these two characters, not names, not personalities, not talents, nothing.

    So I was wondering if anyone on here felt like helping me come up with some names and background for these two. I would love to hear your suggestions.





    • Brohoof 3
  3. *After several hours of fighting, exploring, getting lost, and most importantly, mapping, Rynn and Malik finally found their way to the boss door of the floor's major dungeon. Malik looked over at Rynn, who impressively, seemed to be completely at ease. She did not seem worried in the slightest.*

    "You have a teleport crystal with you, right?"

    *Malik asked her.*


    "Yup, I won't really need it though. Its still a low level boss."

    *Rynn replied confidently.*


    "The floor bosses are more difficult than the bosses of the regular dungeons you know."

    *Malik reminded her. He opened up his inventory and used a few repair kits on his armor and weapons.*

    "Plus, they often have a special twist to each one. The floor bosses in the beta were pretty basic, Im sure they have upgraded them heavily since then though."


    "Im sure they have, and I am looking forward to the challenge."

    *Rynn reassured him.*

    "You have nothing to worry about, we will prevail here."


    *Malik sighed.*

    "Allright. Lets get to this then."

    *Malik and Rynn walked forward and pushed open the door. The room was dark and the two gryphons walked in with their guards up, Malik with his sword at the ready, and Rynn with her scythe out and deployed. The two of them got up on their hind legs and extended their wings to help them balance. Suddenly, the door shut behind them, and the large torches on the sides of the room lit up. The room was large and round, two large pools of water rested at either side of the room. The water began to bubble, and out of the pools rose two enormous sea serpents. Both Malik and Rynn were surprised by this.*


    "Two bosses?"

    *Rynn asked amazed.*


    "This.... this I was not expecting."

    *Malik replied to her. The sea serpents roared loudly.*

    "There was nothing like this in the beta. We are each going to have to defeat one, we may end up needing to retreat."

    *Rynn frowned, she did not like that idea.*


    "No, we are fighting these things here and now, and we are going to kill them!"

    *She shouted. She ran over to one of the serpents as it swooped over the ground and grabbed on to its horn, riding it up to its full height. She ran along the serpent's spine, slashing at it as she went.*


    "Well, I guess there's no arguing with that."

    *Malik said with a smile. He turned towards his target and gave it a good look. It's health was half of what the typical floor boss had, but it was sure to be powerful to make up for that, on top of the fact that there were two bosses.*

    "Here goes everything!"

    *Malik shouted as he ran at the boss. The two of them fought the monsters for several hours, fighting intensely, and every once and a while, swapping targets to keep things fresh for the bosses. After a while, one of the bosses fell to the ground, and exploded into polygons. Rynn shouted out a cry of victory, and turned to assist Malik with the rest of his fight. The second boss was nearly defeated, with its health in the low red zone. It rose its head up into the air and out of the reach of the two players. Malik stood back, his heath low and took out a health crystal.*


    *He said. The crystal exploded and absorbed into him, replenishing his health.*


    "Are you good?"

    *Rynn asked him.*


    "Yeah, this guy is just about finished. But we need to be careful, bosses always have a last resort tactic when they are nearly defeated."

    *Malik reminded her. Right on queue, the sea serpent opened its mouth and light energy began to collect, as if it was charging something. Malik smiled. He turned to Rynn.*

    "Stand back a bit. This could have some nasty splash to it."

    *Rynn looked sceptical.*

    "Trust me. I've got this."

    *Malik managed to convince Rynn to move back a few meters. He quickly opened up his inventory and swapped out his sword with a longer and slightly broader one with a strange blue glow to it. He got it out right as the boss fired a beam of condensed energy, directly at him. He rose up his sword to block the beam. Light exploded around him, and Rynn was unable to see what was happening, she only saw Malik's health dropping quickly. It got deep into the red, and then stopped dropping right as the light vanished. Malik stood there looking weak, but his sword was now glowing with an intensely bright blue light. It wasn't like a weapon's skill attack, it was different. Malik looked up at the boss and swung his sword fiercely. The blade let out a slash of energy like nothing else. The slash charged toward the boss at an intense speed and sliced right through it, dropping the bosses heath to zero and destroying the creature. A large lettered "CONGRATULATIONS" appeared in the middle of the room and the intensity of the torches lowered to a normal level. Rynn ran over to Malik and used a heath crystal on him, replenishing his health. The sword also looked different, it was the same length and width, but it was more stylized, and the blade was more ornate.*


    "What in the world was that?"

    *Rynn asked. She was amazed.*


    "That, was a charge blade."

    *Malik told her.*

    "You get it through a special quest on the first floor. You need to gather a bunch of special ingots in the forest and then take them to a special smeltery. Its only doable if you have a beta tester in your party. But the thing about charge blades is this. The charge and slash is only useable once, and once you use it, the weapon is bound to you. You cannot use any other weapon ever again. Now at first that sounds like a bad thing, but thats just it. The weapon will level with you, and get stronger with every level you gain. This will be the only weapon I will ever be allowed to use in Sword Art Online for as long as either I am alive, or as long as the game stays up."

    *Malik stood and swung the sword through the air a few times.*

    "Its soulbound. This weapon is as much a part of me now as my blood is. Its name, shall be Wildheit, for its ferocity."

    *Malik sheathed the sword and looked at Rynn.*

    "You ready to advance to the next floor?"

    *Ha asked with a smile. Rynn still looked dazed at all that had happened. She shook her head.*


    "Yeah. Lets move on."

    *She said.*

  4. *Malik was walking through town with an upset look on his face. Everything had gone wrong. It started after he and Truffletop had found the last of the four special ingots. A large group of tribals came out of the forest and attacked them, way too many to be able to fight. They fought the tribals as they ran, but it didn't really help. Malik managed to make it out of the forest, but when he looked back to check on his teammate, she wasn't there. He checked his menu, the map, the party list, nothing. She was still on his friends list, so he knew she wasn't dead, but she was nowhere to be found and he had no means of contacting her. He went back into the forest, and searched for hours, he must have killed tons of tribals during his search, but to no avail. His teammate was lost, and Malik had no idea if he would ever find her again. So he pressed on, he fought through quests and dungeons as best he could, to the point of grinding dungeon bosses over and over again to get the experience and levels he needed to become stronger. He now considered himself ready to tackle the floor's boss, but first he needed rest. He hadn't rested since before he lost his teammate, and with how tired he was, there was no way he would be able to defeat the boss, especially on his own. He arrived at the Half-Glass, where he had stayed before and spent the night. Now it was morning again and he was well rested, and ready to take on the floor's dungeon, but he was still distressed. He knew Truffletop was still alive, and that relived him, but she still was not appearing on his map. Its like something in the game had glitched and just swallowed the pony up without killing her. Malik stopped at the side of the road and sat down, he needed to think for a little while.*


    "I finally found you."

    *Another gryphon said as she walked up to Malik*

    "That scar, that is a pretty distinct feature. Its Malik, right?"

    *Malik looked up to see the Gryphon he had met at a gaming convention not too long before SAO was officially released. The one who had made him tell her everything he knew about the game.*


    "Yeah, Im Malik, and you are Rynn, aren't you?"

    *Rynn nodded.*


    "Thats me. Glad you remember me."

    *Rynn said happily.*


    "How could I forget such a pretty face."

    *Malik said with a smile.*

    "Im just surprised you remember such an ugly mug like mine."

    *Malik joked.*


    "I think the scar makes you look cool."

    *Rynn said with a shrug.*

    "Its unique, and makes you stick out in a crowd. Anyway, would you like to make a party? I have been looking for you. And seeing as how you were in the beta, leveling up and getting as powerful as possible seemed like the way to do it. Im sure you have gotten quite strong as well."


    "A bit."

    *Malik looked at his level, he had gotten to level 23 with all of his boss grinding, which was good for how early into the game they were.*

    "I had to grind a dungeon boss a few times to get there, but I have gotten to level twenty-three so far."

    *Malik opened up his menu and sent a party invite and friend request to Rynn. Rynn accepted both.*


    "Level twenty-three eh? Just one above me. So, what do you want to do first?"

    *Rynn asked.*


    "You feel up for conquering the floor dungeon? Cuz thats what I was headed for."

    *Malik told her. Rynn smiled.*


    "Then lets get to it."

    *She said. The two of them headed off in the direction of the large tower in the distance.*


    Im just gonna do something so I have Malik available again. Im gonna say he got out of the forest with the ingots, but when he looked back, TruffleTop wasn't there. He knew she was still alive because she was still on his friends list, but she was not appearing on his map or party list. He went back into the forest to search, but couldn't find her.

    Just letting you know in case you do ever come back.

  6. *Rynn sighed. She was facing to door of the boss for the second dungeon of the first floor. According to what that guy had told her, the boss of the second dungeon was a large manticore. Rynn checked through her inventory to see what she had gotten from the dungeon's monsters before she went in, just in case she had gotten something better than she currently had equipped. She saw a better set of bracers then she had, so she equipped them. That was all that was better so Rynn closed her inventory and stood up on her hind legs, using her wings to balance her. She took the scythe off of her back and walked forward, pushing the large door open. Once she was inside, the door shut behind her.*

    "Damn, well, no running, its fight or die now."

    *She looked forward as the room lit up, and sitting at the other edge of the room was a large manticore with glowing red eyes. The manticore stood and roared in an intimidation attempt, which did not work on Rynn, she wasn't scared easily. The manticore ran at Rynn, and once it was a few meters away, Rynn leaped into the air and used her wings to give her a height boost. The manticore ran below her and she landed on top of the beast. Rynn extended the length of her scythe and hooked it around the manticore's neck, cutting shallow and dealing a bit of damage to it. The manticore bucked and sent Rynn flying off of it. She held on to her scythe well, which cut across the manticore's face, dealing more damage to it. Rynn landed hard on her back after being bucked off, but stood back up quickly. The manticore roared once again.*

    "BRING IT ON!"

    *Rynn shouted.*

    "I can do this all day."

    *Rynn and the manticore fought for about two hours before she finally prevailed over the beast. It wore her out though, and she lost a lot of heath in the fight. She quickly brought out a health potion and drank it, recovering the heath she had lost. The reward screen popped up in front of her. A brand new scythe, its name, "Razor Fang." It was quite a bit better than the scythe that Rynn currently had equipped, so she swapped the weapons out. She brought out her new scythe and swung it around a bit.*

    "It has nice balance. I can use this."

    *She said calmly. Rynn pressed a button on the scythe and the blade folded down and the handle shrunk in. She strapped the scythe to her hip and left the dungeon.*

  7. Truffletop flipped her hoof pulling up the menu and flipping to her level up screen.  "Let's see... I have a few points here.  I think I'll go ahead and dump them all in treasure hunting.  It'll be a bit more natural for me that way, hehe.  Actually, lets put a point in alertness too.  That could be useful."

    "Alertness is useful. I took a couple hits from a stealthy monster in the beta due to lack of alertness."

    *Malik thought back to the moment.*

    "Probably should put some points into that next level."

    *He said with a chuckle.*

    "Especially since the game is true perma-death now. Don't want any monsters getting lucky shots in while Im not looking."

    *The two of them headed off to the forest. It was dark and ominous and there were eerie sounds in all directions. Malik didn't look worried though, in fact, he seemed more comfortable and confident then he did in town. He looked around, his eyes glowing with the treasure hunting's locate ability obtained from the first point in the skill. He turned towards a set of boulders and walked over to them. He examined each one closely, looking for the glow of look seeable only with the locate ability. Finding one he was satisfied with, he picked it up and slammed it down on top of another larger boulder. The first boulder shattered and out fell a small chest.*

    "Thats one."

    *Malik said picking up the chest.*

  8. Truffletop nodded in response to Malik's comment.  "Well, less competition definitely means we'll have some elbow room."  Malik described the rewards for the quest he was turning in.  Once she got her potions and her new level, she grinned.  "Look's like I'm starting to make some progress."  Malik then told her the details of the next quest.  Listening in, it reminded her of the jobs she used to do back in Equestria.  She replied to him confidentally.  "Hunting is what I do best.  By the time we're done with these chests, this forest will have all its cases cracked!"

    "The thing about the chests is, they are hidden within different things in the forest. One of them is in a boulder, another is in a hollowed out tree stump, it takes more than just natural skill to find them, it takes points in your treasure hunting skill, so I advise you invest one or two of the skill points we just got into the treasure hunting skill. I know where they were in the beta, but I am sure that they moved them to avoid beta testers like me from just flying through without a care."

    *Malik opened up his skills menu and put two of his three skill points into treasure hunting, and one into heath regeneration.*

    "The rewards for this questline are well worth the investment of the points. Trust me, I know we will find them very useful."

  9. I will probably end up getting a 2Ds.

    I PERSONALLY, don't care about the appearance of the damn thing, so long as it is functional.

    As for the 3D? Thats why I want to get a 2Ds, its cheaper because of the lack of 3D, I don't want to pay more for something that I would never use. The 3D hurts my head, (or at least it has whenever my friend told me to turn it on when playing on his) so its a wasted function to me.

    The lack of hinges is both a good thing and a bad thing to me also.

    No hinges makes it more prone to scratches, but hell, we had handhelds without hinges for years until the gameboy advance SP came out, and we never complained about it.

    I want to play 3Ds games with my friends, but I cannot afford a 3Ds, so the 2Ds will be a much better choice for me.

  10. Looking over her shoulder at her armaments, the basic shield and her cheap dagger which were the only two instruments she needed in order to take on the world, she nodded to Malik.  "Yeah, I'm ready."  She smiled and stuck out her hoof triumphantly.  "Lets head out and take on this game!"

    (The next day.)


    *Malik woke up in the Half-Glass Inn. He had slept well, despite the knowledge that he was trapped in this game. He didn't fully mind, he liked games and spent most of his life playing them anyway. In fact, when the beta for SAO was out, he had spent a lot more time in the game, then in real life. The only real issue to him, being trapped in the game would cause him to miss his brother's wedding. That pissed him off quite a bit. Once he had fully woken up, he left his room and knocked on the door to the room next to his, where Truffletop was.*

    "Hey, time to wake up! We got work to do if we are to make any progress today."

  11. Truffletop grinned, happy at the thought of it.  "Sounds awesome!"  She paused for a moment to think while talking.  "Say, you seem to know a lot about this game.  You mentioned a beta test earlier.  Were you part of that by chance?"  She looked eagerly at Malik, curiously.

    "I was one of the beta testers, yeah."

    *Malik replied.*

    "My personal level I got to forty-four, and the beta testers as a group got to level sixteen. Out of the ten thousand people who managed to get into the the game so far, about a thousand of us were beta testers, we know more about the game so far than anyone else."

    *Malik said, with only a hint of boasting in his voice.*

    "But to be honest, they have probably changed a lot about the game since the beta test. Wouldn't want us to have too much of an advantage. We did get the game for free on release day though, so there is a plus."

    *Malik overheard someone complaining about not being able to log off. He quickly checked his menu and scrolled to the options, to find that his log off option was missing as well.*

    "Well, thats not good. Check your menu, it looks like the log off option is missing from the list."

    *He said to Truffletop.*

  12. Circling the boar, Truffletop waited for it to strike.  After a few seconds, the boar charged again.  Truffletop levitated her shield in front of her, waiting for the impact.  The boar tried to dodge around it to her side, but she quickly bashed it with her shield and pulled back her dagger.  Once it started glowing, she dashed at the fallen boar and slashed over its side as she leaped over it.  The attack took the boar down in one shot.  Putting the dagger back in place, she grinned with confidence as her reward counter ticked.  "I guess I showed that Pig who the real Bacon is around here."

    *Malik grinned.*

    "Who else would be bacon? I doubt pony bacon would taste any good."

    *Malik said to her joking.*

    "That was a nice show, were you in the SAO beta? Or new player?"

    *Malik asked as he walked over to her.*

    "Name's Malik, its nice to meet you."

    *He said with a smile.*

  13. *On his way back to turn in his quest, Malik spotted a player combatting a boar near the edge of town. A young unicorn with a shield and dagger. She appeared to be pacing around the boar. Malik sat down a little bit away to watch her fight, he was always interested in watching other players to examine their strategies and combat skills. It was something he did early on whenever he started playing a new online game.*

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