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Posts posted by Apollo

  1. "Thats not good."

    *Schwartz said upon hearing what had happened to Sasha. Then she heard Rocketeer's question.*

    "Oh, that. You remember Riza, right? Well when she gets angry, or upset, or unable to deal with a certain situation, another side of her comes out. Its not her anymore, but another personality we have named Alpha. Riza was also captured by the Eastros government around the same time that my brothers and I were, and was taken to the same facility as us. She was shy and timid and over time, the Alpha personality was born in her mind to help her cope with the horrid experiments they performed on us. She and I, along with the boys over there,"

    *Schwartz pointed towards Markus, Dom, Baird, and Cole who were sitting at a table playing poker.*

    "We all escaped from there together. The five of us are the only ones that Alpha wont hurt. Well, she will hurt us, but only if she is exceptionally pissed. She gets tired fairly quickly though, and after about an hour she calms down and Riza takes control again."

    *Schwartz sighed and sat down next to Rocketeer.*

    "However, Alpha has been in control for about fifty-five minutes now and doesn't show the signs of calming down that she usually does at this point. Its troubling. I hope Alpha isn't gaining more leverage over Riza's mind."




    "Hmmm, I noticed that. It seems that your daughter's powers have decided that she doesn't deserve control anymore and have instead assumed control over her themselves. Its strange, but fascinating."

    *Jonah smiled. Mrs. Track seemed a bit frightened of this strange man.*




    *Lester nodded and focused on the chakrams. Each of the points on the blades of the ring weapons lit up with a small flame, alternating black flames and white flames.*

    "Okay, lets see what we can do with this. Im gonna try something I did before, yesterday it was with regular flames, but now, with these new flames, it could be very different."

    *Lester prepared to throw the chakrams off into the distance. He hurled them off. They spun rapidly and spiraled around each other as the flames grew larger and eventually formed into small tornadoes of black and white flame. They spiraled around and the flames died out and Lester caught them again expertly.*

    "Well! That was coo-"

    *Lester's vision blurred up and he lost his balance and collapsed onto the ground. Everything around him was spinning. His chakrams dissolved to give him enough energy to stay conscious.*

    "Ahh, shit. That doesn't feel very good."

  2. *A portal opened up in the Track household's living room, and out of it stepped Jonah Sleet.*

    "Good day Mr. Track. Is there something you need me for?"




    "Something important to me..."

    *Lester immediately thought of something. And he focused on it. Sasha. Thats what was important to him. He cared about her, and he hoped he would see her soon. He closed his eyes and focused on her face. When he opened his eyes again, the chakrams in his hands were ablaze with black and white flames. The flames died down, and once they had, the chakrams had gone feom their blank metallic color, to stylized black and white.*





    *Schwartz ran out of her room and quickly closed the door behind her and put her weight against it to hold it closed. Several rebels looked at her.*

    "Could one of you get something to jam this door with please?"

    *She asked the rebels. One of them handed her a cair, and she shoved it under the doorknob and planted the cair's feet on the ground, keeping the door shut.*

    "Phew, thanks."

    *She said to the rebel. He nodded and went back to what he was doing. Schwartz went out into the meeting room where Rocketeer was. She had an obvious bloody lip and sounded pretty tired.*

    "Hey, whats going on?"

  3. "Like clay, eh?"

    *Lester said. This was good, before being shipped of to be an enforcer, he had gone to an art school, and he was quite the sculptor. Maybe manipulating his powers will be similar to manipulating clay on the wheel.*

    "Well, the fire from my chakrams don't seem like normal flames. I don't know what it is about them, but its just..... they feel different."




    *Shadow Sasha crawled out of her hiding spot when she heard Eos calling her. She recognized the energy as the grey area she had seen earlier. The one that had felt so nice to be around. S.S. walked up to Eos and pressed her head against her hand and made a sort of a purring noise.*

    (Remember, she is kinda animal like now, so she looks kinda like a dog made out of shifting shadows with glowing white eyes.)

  4. *Shadow Weiss' enhanced hearing from the more beast like form she was now in, heard the shot being fired and she stepped out of the way and the bullet missed her. She roared in the direction the bullet came from. Then Night Hawk ran up to her. She growled menacingly at him. There were too many people here for Shadow Weiss' comfort, so she ran. She ran away from the battlefield and back into the city to hide among the abandoned warehouses.*

    (Pinkie, have Eos find her so she can join the neutrals please?)

    (Also, Shadow Weiss is kinda animal like, so she runs and walks on all fours.)




    *Lester swallowed his nervousness and put his hand into the flame with a flinch, but was surprised when all he felt was a warm sensation.*

    "Its.... warm."

  5. *Shadow Weiss was getting confused. These strange people appearing out of nowhere, attacking each other. Then she looked over at the spec op. Suddenly, its inner alignment shifted rapidly, from dark shadowness, to more of a grey area. That alignment seemed more right than anything she had seen, and it was appealing to the new mindset of Shadow Weiss. She turned away from the spec op to face Gwen. She didn't know what to think of this one. It was much more confusing. She growled slightly.*





    *Lester spawned his chakrams and teleported him and Frey to where he had fought Damon, on the southwest (pretty far away from the battle near the warehouses.) outside the city.*

    "Lets begin then."




    *Mrs. Track was watching the news. She gasped when she saw the live report of the battle outside the city and saw her daughter transform into the shadow creature she had become. She was terrified and had no idea what to say or do.*

    (Remember, Weiss was wearing her street clothes at the time, and not her vigilante outfit.)

  6. *Weiss screamed with pain and fell to the ground when hit with the lightning. Tendrils of darkness rose up all aroubd her, one of them knocked away the enflamed operative. Weiss looked around at the tendris confused.*

    "Im not.....?"

    *Before she could finish talking, the tendrils began to cover her body, she screamed in pain and fear, she didnt have control of her powers anymore. There was a flash of darkness and when it died down, in Weiss' place was a creature of shadow. The crature roared, it was Weiss, but it also wasnt. Weiss was now being controlled ny her shadow powers. She turened towards her two remaining opponents. She ran at one like a feral beast and tackled it to the ground. She roared in his face, then began to tear him apart with her new shadow claws. Once the operative was dead, she turned towards the last operative and walked towards him slowly, growling as she did so.*




    "Heh, then lets get going, shall we?"

    *Lester said, he was quite excited to get training as well.*

  7. (Couldnt sleep, so im making a post before I try again.)


    *Weiss saw the lightning incoming and held up her hand, creating a shield of light that blocked the attack.*

    "I am in no mood for you fuckers."

    *Weiss said, loud enough for her enemies to hear.*

    "But you have left me with no choise but to kill you!"

    *She shouted. She then ran at the spec ops, her shield blocking all the attacks as a suit of light armor formed around her. When she arrived at the spec ops, she rammed her shoulder into one of them, bashing him into the ground. She then turned to another and roundhouse kicked him in the head. The third spec ops came up behind her and pushed her onto the ground. She landed on top of the enemy she had kicked. His helmet had been knocked off by her kick.*


    "Should've...... buckled........ helmet."

    *Weiss spawned a knife and put it up to his neck.*


    "Last mistake you'll make."

    *She said darkly as she ran the blade across his jugular vein, cutting it open and dooming the spec ops to a slow death.*


    "Charlie! No! You little whore! Ill kill you for that!"

    *The spec ops that haf pushed her down said. Weiss looked at him, her irises were now black, lost of all color, and completley emotionless.*


    "Just try it asshole."

    *Weiss said as she stood up.*

  8. "Dont worry Im good to go."

    *Weiss said with a fake smile.*

    "Come on, lets detonate this bomb and go kill some govvies."

    *Weiss said, ready to go.*




    *Jonah smiled as the janitors left after having cleaned up the puke from when Hunter had thrown up in his room. He sat down at his desk and began to work on his new project.*

  9. *Riza was pushed back. She looked very upset.*

    "I just want to help! Im not asking anything of you! What did I personally do to hurt you?"

    *She was starting to get angry and loosing her usual calm.*

    "I have done nothing but try to be kind to you!"

    *She put a hand on her head then ran out of the room. She ran over to Schwartz and hugged her.*

    "Alpha's waking up."

    *Riza said distressed.*


    "Come on, lets get you somewhere secluded."

    *Schwartz said. They went to Schwartz's room and locked the door behind them.*

  10. "So should we start now, or....?"

    *Lester turned to look at the screen. He thought he saw Maven, but as soon as the face was there, it was gone.*

    "What was....?"

    *He mumbled to himself.*

    "Whatever, lets get started. Anna, watch the house while we are gone."



    *Anna said, still immersed in the game she was playing.*


    (Also, Skull, did you see my post on the last page?)

  11. "Yeah, okay."

    *Weiss said dully.*




    "Just let me do this."

    *Riza said, she knelt down next to Carullo and put her hands over his wound. The wound began to glow and slowly began to close up. Once the wound was closed, Riza sat back and breathed heavily for a few seconds.*

    "There, all done."

  12. *Weiss walked into the rebel base. She walked over to the group in the meeting room and held up a detonator.*

    "The explosives have been planted in the government base. This detonator will set them off."

    *She looked like she had been crying, her eyes, instead of being their usual bright emerald greed, seemed dull and grey. Something was obviously wrong, but she didn't look to be in the mood to talk about what had happened.*

    "I heard some guards talking about an attack on the Sashiilian soldiers, so I sent King to go reinforce them."

  13. "Um, Im a medic."

    *Riza said. She turned to Carullo.*

    "I can heal that for you really quickly, If you will let me."

    *She said calmly. Riza hoped Carullo would let her heal him, she hated seeing others hurt and she always did what she could to help them. It was her job, and it was what she was best at.*

  14. "Thank you."

    *Lester said. When asked about a place to train, he thought for a moment.*

    "Normally, I would say the stadium, but unfortunately I just burned that place to the ground."

    *He said sheepishly.*

    "The place where I fought that Damon guy could work, it was quite a bit outside the city."


    (Ill be back in a bit, gotta shower.)

  15. "I guess I have some training to do then."

    *Lester said. He opened a drawer next to the couch and took out a Nintendo 3DS and handed it to Anna. She squee'd and opened it up and immediately started playing.*


    "Thanks Lester."

    *She said with a smile.*


    "No problem."

    *Lester turned back to Frey.*

    "You are a demon too, aren't you? Think you could teach me how to use these powers I got out of nowhere?"

  16. "Why's that?"

    *Lester asked Frey.*

    "I mean, yeah he's a creepy and odd guy, but what about the war would make him mad?"

    *Anna walked into the room and fell on the couch face first.*


    "Im booorrreeeddd!!! There isnt anything to do here!"

    *Anna said loudly through the couch cushion her face was buried in.*

  17. "I.... Im sorry, Im just following orders."

    *Riza said sheepishly. She looked around for a few seconds then took the cell's keys off the wall and unlocked the cell's door and opened it.*

    "You didn't do anything wrong. If you want to leave then you should get to go. I don't know why you two were brought here, but it was obviously against your will."

    *Riza looked over to the door to the other room.*

    "That big guy, he seems mean, he shouldn't have just locked you up like that. It wasn't right."

  18. (Sorry Koenma, im not so great at synopsis' and yeah, Frey is still at Lester's house, I havent done anything with them since you left.)


    *Scwartz nodded at Tartaros. She said something to Riza in their native language, Riza nodded then went off to the cells.*

    "Well, first of all, that was Riza. She is our medic, messenger, our best at hand to hand combat, and also my second in command. She looks timid and harmless, but she is actually very fast, and very dangerous."

    *Schwartz then walked over to the four large Sashiilians, they were all over 7 feet tall.*

    "This is Dom, Markus, Cole, and Baird. Yes they have the same names as Gears of War characters, and yes, that is just a coincidence. They are our heavy lifters. If something big needs moving, its their job. They are also very proficient at unarmed combat, though Baird is also quite knowledgeable on the topic of firearms."

    *Baird smiled.*

    (These guys are all NPCs.)




    *Riza arrived at the cell Olivia and Carullo were in. She looked at them blankly for a second. Then she spoke.*

    "Um, h-hello. My name is Riza Fither. Yani told me to check and see if you have any injuries for me to heal. Please let me help if you do."

    *Riza said softly.*

  19. *Riza tripped on her own feet and stumbled backwards and landed hard on her butt when the sides of one of the boxes exploded outward. Schwartz moved into a position to draw her sword.*

    "W-what, or who is in those boxes?"

    *Riza said, sounding a bit scared.*


    "I dont know, but we are about to find out."

    *Schwartz said.*


    (Ninja'd, ignore this.)


    *A small group of tall, heavily muscled, and slightly beast like Sashiilians looked over at Wesley and Illium as they left. They took a single glance, then went back to their casual conversation.*

  20. "Dont worry about it, it will get cleaned up in no time."

    *Jonah said with a smile.*

    "Now, I believe its time we got you home to your wife. And I recommend you don't mention your new discovery about your daughter to her. Trust me, it wouldn't go over well."

    *Jonah opened up another portal and the two of them went through it, arriving in front of Hunter's home.*

    "Goodbye Mr. Track, stay safe, we will be contacting you again soon."

    *Jonah went back through the portal, leaving Hunter alone in front of his house.*

  21. "Why thank you."

    *Jonah said and took the bottle of wine. He uncorked it and sniffed. His face scrunched up with displeasure.*

    "My friend, Im afraid you may have been duped. This bottle contains not wine, but highly concentrated rat urine. I know the smell, before I was recruited by the government, I was practically living in the stuff."




    *In the middle of the standoff, a girl wearing gold-steel armor ran into the base past Wesley. Her Short hair was a pure snowy white, but her most prominent feature was her large, partly armored bluish grey eagle wings. She ran up to Schwartz and began to speak in a soft innocent voice, that contained a strong Sashiilian accent.*

    "Yani, we managed to get nearly all the troops into the city through the secret entrance you found. The only ones who didn't get in are the more heavily modified soldiers. They are waiting outside for further orders."


    "Good job Riza."

    *Schwartz said and patted the shorter girl on her head.*

    (Riza is actually not very short at 5'11", Schwartz is just much taller at 6'6")

  22. "Im surprised you hadn't believed in supers before. Our superiors use them all the time. Im a super, the president himself is a super, didn't you know all this? Or are you really just the nieve ignorant man that everyone says you are?"

    *Jonah asked him.*

    "And our superiors are not exactly saints themselves you know. I was a mass murderer once, but then I was employed by the govenment. They gave me the power to become immortal."

    *Jonah walked over to one of the chambers in his lab.*

    "I use the DNA from several subjects of mine to create artificial bodies that I transfer myself into. An alchemically created artificial body called a homunculus. Thats what I am. And it is brilliant. I couldn't ask for a better way to live than this. Being a super, a superior human being, is wonderful."




    "Yeah, dont I know it."

    *Sasha said sadly before she and King went on their way back to the rebel base.*

  23. "And who are you?"

    *King asked Dyn. He was not in a good mood.*


    "Come on King, we need to get back to base. I screwed up, big time."

    *Sasha said disappointed in herself.*




    "Dont worry Mr. Track."

    *Jonah said, closing the portal behind him.*

    "I wont hurt her one bit. Not that I could. The rebel Weiss is known for her healing factor. Didn't you see her scar? She was shot in the face recently."

  24. "Oh I have nothing planned for her."

    *Jonah said casually.*


    *He grinned and laughed maniacally.*

    "Come along Mr. Track, you have a lot of explaining to do to our superiors."

    *Jonah snapped his fingers and a portal opened around Hunter, forcing him through it.*



    *Sasha shouted. Jonah laughed again.*


    "Ill be back for you later little Weiss. And thank you too Mr. King, for revealing yourself as a rebel. Im sure your sister will be... elated."

    *He laughed once more and stepped through the portal, which closed quickly behind him. King looked terrified.*


    "Kelly! No!"

    *He said. King's sister was in a coma at a local hospital. She had been for a few years now.*



    (Sorry Pinkie, I didn't know Dyn was talking to this group and didn't see your post before I made this one.)

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