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Posts posted by Sepia-chan

  1. MichaelxXxTrixie, on 23 Sept 2013 - 7:57 PM, said:Well what am I going to do to stop people from cross-dressing? How far have anti-gay activists gotten? I accept that there are them and I encourage them to do what they do but I still think it's stupid.
    There's not much correlation between gays and crossdressing. I CD, yet am attracted to girls. I know over CDers that still like girls.

    Nightmare Lyre, on 23 Sept 2013 - 9:20 PM, said:So guys, remember when we had a fun thread where people who were actually into cross dressing shared stories, pictures and other fun stuff and we didn't get into debates about Liberalism and censorship? Fun times.
    until the fire nation attacked. let's do some more of that, yeah? bump.

  2. Gen 2 is my absolute favorite. It's so good. They did so much right with it, the day and night cycle, Johto is by far the best region.. I really love GSC.

    Next would be Gen 5, which everybody seems to treat like trash behind their nostalgia goggles. I love the region and most of the Pokémon. If you hated Gen 5 I really want you to try Black or White 2. BW wasn't that great, but BW2 is much better, especially in the Pokémon choices.

    Gen 3 is next, which was my first.

    Gen 4 which I never really got into and only beat once.

    Gen 1 has aged quite terribly. The best part are the Pokémon, and the games were greatly improved on by the 3rd gen remakes.

  3. I honestly don't care, so long as Nintendo or some other third party buys the only Capcom IP's I care about, MegaMan, Ace Attorney and Monster Hunter. Capcom has made some really bad choices this generation and it would take them a miracle to become the well-respected company the were.

    • Brohoof 1

    Also, making a joke about a traumatic experience is NOT the same as making a joke about dying. Everybody dies eventually, but not everyone experiences sexual violence and molestation. But hey, in that case, if you're making a death joke to someone who's fighting cancer and knows they could die from it, how do you think they would feel? I doubt they would feel good about it. They might laugh it off, but they will feel terrible on the inside.


    Jokes like that do more harm than good and just ignoring it and moving on is not the way to go.


    I agree very much with this post.
    • Brohoof 1
  5. @sepia


    Yes, it's a university so things are run differently. The staff can actually be progressive about our culture.


    Nao that we're all here, let's get some questions going.


    If you were to crossdress/dress feminine right now using what you have what would be your outfit?


    For me, I have black rainbow striped ankle socks, blue striped briefs, black cargo shorts, vinyl scratch t-shirt, my purple striped armwarmers, a rarity silk scarf that I made, and a twilight sparkle canvas bag. If I needed a jacket I'd just use my soft purple zip-up hoodie. That would pretty much be the best I could do at this moment.


    Nao you guiz c:

    I wish I was cross dressing right now. It would be probably just be a skirt and a shirt, some tights or kneehigh socks, and some of them fluffy boots or high heels. And maybe a scarf or something. I also usually put a pink headband with a bow on it in my hair, makes it more feminine.
    • Brohoof 1
  6. Hmm... I don't know why I'd do this, seems kinda useless to me.

    I guess I'll stick with my normal clothes.


    Surprisingly, there's a lot of people doing this here lol.


    Hm. I don't quite know "why" I do it, just seems like it something some people enjoy and others don't, but I guess that can be applied to anything. 

    I own a few pairs of leggings/tights. My favorite ones are these.






    They're pretty, and they also look good under ripped skinny jeans. Double usage. :x



    lol interesting story sepia. It's pretty darn brave of you to be crossdressing while living with possibly unaccepting/misunderstanding parents. I'm only starting to crossdress now that I moved out to college.


    There's actually a drag show at my school around halloween and I could totes perform but I'd be too nervous to do that. Not nearly ready to present myself in show X3

    Thanks, and your school has a fuckin' drag show? My school would like picket it, because religion. Gotta love living in the Bible Belt.
  7. Seeing the interest this thread is getting this forum needs a drag show thread or something, who's up for it? X3


    I mean if I got a cute outfit together I'd totes post pics up lol. But then again we can use this thread for that but yeah.

    Getting people to post their cross dressing pictures was one of my original intentions for this thread :3


    On another note, I was once ALMOST caught cross dressing by my dad, which WOULD BE FUCKING TERRIBLE.

    So I was dressing up in the bathroom and I forgot to lock the door so my dad started opening the door and I pushed it back closed, so I'm like "gimme a second lemme put my clothes on I was pooping" and I threw my girl clothes into the bathroom closet (thank god he didn't look there) and then I left. I was fucking gasping for air for an hour, I was legit terrified.

  8. You should try women's socks. img-1823981-1-2lTPE.png

    Unlike men's socks, they're not made out of sandpaper and cacti needles. img-1823981-2-LxdwA.png


    Though I suppose you could say the same thing for every item of clothing.

    Women's socks are pretty great. I have a knee-high pair somewhere that I like to wear.

    Also, tights/any leggings are pretty great for when it's cold.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. @sepia (quote system is wierd on the browser on my tablet)


    I always wanted to crossplay as toph from avatar, because everyone told me I'd make such a good toph x3


    And thankiiii, I have a pic of me in my armwarmers I might post later :3c

    yes please please post it do it do it

    I might post some of my own cross dressing pictures if I can find a mobile app that can edit out my face.

    Edit; you posted it yay

    You're very cute and so are the arm warmers

    This is my professional opinion :3

    I think you could definitely pull off a skirt.

  10. So, some people mentioned cross play which I was actually wanting to mention something about but I forgot. That something is that my goal in life is to cross play as Hatsune Miku. Now you all know my life ambitions.

    Cross dressers in this thread, rock on! (God fucking "rock on" sounds like such an 80's thing to say)

    I loooove crossdressing :3c


    I've been making myself look feminine while wearing guy's clothing but now that I'm away from home and have my own mailing address to send stuff to I'm definately gonna partake in it x3


    So far I only bought myself a pair of striped purple armwarmers that I find myself wearing often, planning on getting a skirt to match it.

    Sounds cute!
    • Brohoof 3
  11. Only now do I realize how unclear my topic post was.

    I love crossdressing, for a few reasons, that have been mentioned in here. Since I've been a young kid I've always had interest in things "for" the opposite gender. I never thought much of it and never told anyone, only about a year ago I started acting on my tendencies by trying on a few clothes that my mother was giving to a Goodwill or something. It makes me happy, and girly clothes are hella comfy and cute.

    • Brohoof 4
  12. Due to popular demand (like 2 people) here it is. The cross dressing thread.

    Cross dressing is a boy dressing as a girl or a girl dressing as a boy(it rocks)

    So, do you cross dress? Think it's screwed up, maybe? Indifferent?

    Here, share your opinions, thoughts, whatever. (I cross dress, myself.)

    • Brohoof 12
  13. Yeah, everyone knows Batman is the best superhero. And the fact that he doesn't kill criminals makes him a lot more heroic and impressive in my opinion. He has to show such restraint and control all the time to not break his one rule.


    Gordon Ramsay is your hero for being so awesome all the time. I guess its as good a reason as any, right?


    Lol Hank Hill as a hero? Huh, never thought him that way...

    Well for the most part I was straining for the character limit, saw King of the Hill and just thought, "Eh I'll put Hank Hill down".
  14. Nope, not at all (that I know of). I put in a question/answer about this, but you are good to go. Consider those two hundred words a rough draft!

    It's a very, very early draft then. I was on like the third page of my notebook and had just started the first chapter.

    Either way, super excited for this, should be fun.

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