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Doc Ginger

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Posts posted by Doc Ginger

  1. And on the complete opposite end of the spectrum: 





    I don't know about you, but I get a squad in every one of the ponies I would run a Mane 6 army. . . . . . 




    I've seen positive and negative cross-overs from just about every fandom out there, the key is just to ignore those that you do-not appreciate and enjoy the ones you find to be rather befitting of the shows awesome-ness. 

    • Brohoof 8


    I wonder if MLP stuff is going to be put on the list for banned items in barracks??? If it does get on the list I'm going to Cover the whole company with posters! /]


    Doubt it since they cant offcially segregate against it. I just ended up getting voluntold to do allot more than my fair share when my being a brony first came out. Nowadays though I am getting my revenge just dues since I'm proving myself allot more apt medic than my peers and going to Ranger's in July :P brony kid kicked their asses!

    • Brohoof 6
  3. @@MilBrony Right there with you man, We hadn't had a barracks inspection in several months so I figured it would be safe to hand a poster I bought from another member on here in my room and lone behold, next day a surprise Room Inspection by the CSM. Needless to say, he was not very thrilled or amused. 

    • Brohoof 4


    Hah, 'self control'? That just made me laugh.   NOT a single human in  the whole universe has such things as that control. First of all, the hormones lead the body, irregardless of how much you desire not to do something.


    True about hormones, false about the lack of self control. Self control is the ability to control yourself over your more basic desires and the like. And there are many that have complete sefl control, even entire societies that practice it. Samurai of the Sengoroku period and before? Most monks of European and Asian faiths, and others besides. Plus an individual's own mindset. I have what I would call complete self control and it was not hard for me to achieve it, but for a different reason than practice or meditation

  5. You'll definitely get one of me and my poster, potentially one with the unit though if they do gather round for a picture it will be without the poster :P they hardly tolerate me just watching the dang show lol. I can say regardless that this will be up in my room so it will get the attention and love it deserves plus however many cursory glances my roommates and random visiting the room. 

  6. AAHHHH! Sorry but since I was in the field I was unable to throw my name into this drawing until currently... Is there anyway my name can be added to the infamous box?


    I think its the least you owe me since you managed to hook me onto FlufflePuff during that drawing ;) (if you remember that conversation at least)


    Once again youve lived up to expectations with this canvas it seems :) Great work

  7. Do you want me to draw him as a pony with or without his clothes?

    I spent my childhood hating the rival from pokemon.

    Always interrupting and always had the advantage.

    Dang rival.

    I will surely take this request

    Thanks for requesting


    With the iconic trench coat I think would be very intimidating! But yes, I understand the feels bro lol. Those damn childhood enemies and rivals

  8. CNC4_Kane_Elegant.png


    mother fraggin Kane from the Command and Conquer universe. I spent my childhood HATING this man more than any other for manipulating me WHILE I WAS KILLING HIM in all of the older CnC games. To a pre-teen me there was very little that frustrated me more than playing the new CnC games to realize he was still alive and stronger than ever after I spent countless hours tearing apart his empire and finally killing him..... In every damn game lol. 

  9. I do like how reading this post, the vast majority of everyone's list includes their electronics as their PRIMARY worry and concern while traveling to FSKIN EQUESTRIA! Lol, is it just me or does anyone else find it a little sad/unfortunate that some people are so addicted to their tech that they couldn't leave it behind even to have a life in Equestria?

  10. Currently I am on an 'information book' sprint, most of the ones I have a bookmark in now are science or history related. Though for my favorite 'young adult' novels I must say.... Dan Abnett's "Guant's Ghosts" series. With Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" series trailing not too far behind. 


    But books for more mature/advanced readers it would have to be Murasaki Shikibu's "Tale of Genji" or James Fenimore Cooper's "Leatherstocking Tales" pentology, with "Last of the Mohicans" being the best.


    Usually I read about  2000 standard type novel sizedpages a week so my current favorite understandably changes but I think the aforementioned above are the standard fallbacks for myself. 

  11. 13425.jpg

    One of my favorite books to read ever, though you have to read the unabridged for it to be any good: granted that makes the English harder to understand in your first read through but the tale and depth of characters is well worth it as well as knowing your reading the earliest novel recorded (it was written in the 11th Century)

  12. Sorry for the long delay. But it's done! Here's the picture.


    Had fun drawing him! Even though I can't get his mane to look right... xD


    Anyway, I hope you like it!

    O.o Holiest of Holy Damns! Im really glad to hear he was fun because he looks astounding! im actually really impressed with it :P 


    And I cant help but laugh every-time I see him trying to be all fierce with that face! Its a phenomenal piece of work: so keep it up!

  13. I already updated the first post with the upcoming requests, and sadly the last official wave sad.png

    after that requests will be end officially and then I'll start picking random artworks. I'll be picking 6. Good luck, if you need to get prettied up your posts you are welcome smile.png

    Just got back from the field and saw Nyx: I must say I rather like it! Apologies for causing you no end of issues in my posting of him: but thanks you for not just skipping me and it is appreciated!

  14. @


    Nyx leaned foreword towards Cas, intrigued. If what this Cas said was indeed true he was more alike Nyx that he would have originally believed (not that he would admit it out loud- he had a fake pretense to keep up after all!) Maybe with time they could form an uneasy truce Nyx thought hopefully. Of course, the circumstances would be right, and they would have too trust each other.... Well, maybe Nyx didn't need an alliance that bad. 


    Instead, he relented, knowing that he at least had proven himself not a coward he wanted to get to the real business at hand. "Not a one of us Cas, we have been discussing it and no one has the faintest idea. May I presume you will share your received instructions with us?"



    Oh i have WAAAAAAAYYYY more than 4, the four in my signature, are just the four I use for Roleplay, I couldn't be bothered making a page for every single one, didn't really see the point if i wasn't going to use them on this site.


    .... Touche then my good mhuire! However if that's the case they must still exist in some substantial realm to be called a true OC, otherwise their just a background character you have for your own little take of Equestria!

  16. look, when you have fifty bajillion OC's, IT HAPPENS XD put it this way, at least i noticed myself, and didn't have to have someone else point it out XD

    4 is a Long shot from 50,000,000,000,000,000--(ya know what forget it) ;P


    However I can kinda see where your coming from there. But my only 2 is considerably easier to keep track of XD



    Thankyou for your suggestions, I think I will add a bit more to Pinkies mane, and also I may have forgotton to give Mist Chaser wings (AWKWARD!) so i may need to fix that as well...


    How does one forget what pony-type their own OC is >.< lol that's rich. But I look foreword to seeing it again once you touch it up then!  

    • Brohoof 1
  18. O.o my apologies to the as of now recently deceased Mist Chaser!


    All in all very good, I would say if you took a little more time making the wording even it would look muhc better because most artwork can look only as good as its worst piece. Past that the only thing I really have stick out to me is the lack of texture in Pinkies hair. A nice digitization to a nice piece of art! Kudo's to you and your friend. 

  19. @@Motion Spark


    The design on the tarot card being that pic i just uploaded. Maybe I'm not speaking articulately so I'm going to dumb it down for myself, and you can tell me where i'm confusing yo: I want the cutie mark to be the back of a tarot card, so a black rectangle and the design on so said card being a red Bridget's Knot (which is the upside down triangle picture, just red coloured.)

    Does that make any more sense or are we reading from two different books here???



    EDIT: Im really sorry I confuzed you, I didnt mean to be so cryptic and I hope I didnt cause any undue amount of stress or issues

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