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child of the night

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Posts posted by child of the night

  1. I really liked it, overall it was quite well done. Going into the future if you keep doing this you should definitely look into music sinking and changing the size of the image. Other than that you have the basics all down pat. Really well done!

    • Brohoof 1
  2. This is a really basic comment... I have a whiteboard on the door for my dorm room at my college. Currently its blank and since my roomate doesn't care i have full control on what goes on it. So does anyone have any suggestions on what shall go on my whiteboard?

  3. 4 hours ago, Fhaolan said:

    Long, long ago, I ran a tabletop RPG that has 20-some players. It... didn't work, got bogged down and fell apart rather rapidly.

    But apparently someon has figured out a way to make them work. Day-long tabletop games with up to *300* people in them on themes like alien invasions, zombie apocalypses, massive dungeon crawls, etc.

    So my question is, has anyone here done one of these? How did it go?

    I've seen videos on YouTube about them, but the videos seem to point out the bits to me that make me concerned.

    1) That's a lot of people, most of whom you don't know personally. So like MMO's it would be really easy for a small group of trolls to ruin the experience for everyone, or on the exact opposite end having a couple of people take it *so* seriously that it effectively does the same thing (On the renfaire/reenactment circuit these are called 'stitchcounters', because they actually whine about how historically clothing would only have x stitches per inch, not y stitches per inch like *your* outfit. I dunno if there's an equivalent term in gaming.) And because of the nature of the game, once the trolls/stitchcounters have done their work, that game is *done*. Your day is wasted.

    2) The games are bounded by a RL time limit (6-8 hours), so in many of the videos I don't see them reaching an actual resolution to the game. They just ... end with a time-out. And it's not like you can come back next session to continue it, once the game is over it's over. I dunno how I'd feel about that.

    So I actually did one of these mega games once and I have to say, setting them up is a nightmare but once they work they are quite interesting.

    What we had was a 421 person coordinated RPG world designed around the Dungeons and Dragons system. Everyone was divided up depending on their own basis but the main breakdown went like this:

    1. There was 1 world master (me) where everything was controlled to their own will. This person controlled natural disasters and had other major events.
    2. There are 20 country masters who each had control over the main countries, they made sure quests went out to player teams and they controlled smaller natural events
    3. There were 2-4 dungeon masters per country, they controlled the teams and basic game play of the matches in a similar fashion to D&D
    4. Lastly were the player teams which were separated into either 9-5 people based on the dungeon masters in their country

    The game basically played out as if it was it's own mini world which indeed it was. The players each started out in their own sections and after roughly 15 hours 2 countries had taken over the rest placing themselves at the dominate position. A couple of people had died in the game so they ended up getting to watch over the other players as they completed the story of the world. The game eventually ended with a peace treaty between the nations and a major war against the final boss of the game who withe their now full army they managed to beat.

    The game was freaking intense from start to finish and I must say I was extremely proud of it. I would probably do it again but it was hard enough to find the people much less coordinate the match

  4. I hate having my picture taken but I found a picture that looks exactly like me. The only difference between me and this picture is I am slightly taller and I have black hair. I even have the cat ear headphones which I love so much!


    (I know I'm flat chested give me a break T.T)

    • Brohoof 6
  5. Oh man is this a hard decision to make between the two of them... On one hand we have Snowflake Frostflame who is clearly set out to battle with their sword in one hand and flame (idk magic flame i guess) in the other. In the other corner we have JU88snow who has that kinda creepy look in his eye, he looks like the kind of one to have a sneaky kind of cheating plan. So from my point of view it's like a strong straitforeward fighter versus a secretive planned fighter. As much as I like frostflames image I am much more of a scheming person so I would have to choose JU88 as the winner!

  6. 35 minutes ago, Lance Shield said:

    Do you think we'll ever develop the ability to travel at the speed of light?

    I'm gonna go with the simplest explanation I can conjure up.

    Light is the fastest thing in the universe because it has no weight (mass). The harder it is, the harder it is. Since everything is "weighted down" by its own mass, it can not travel faster than something which has no mass in the first place (light).

    Here's another way of thinking about it; All massless objects travel at the speed of light, and anything with mass gets slowed down. This is just the way the universe works for some reason. Everything in the universe should be traveling at the speed of light, but adding mass makes an object slower and harder to move. The more mass something has, the slower it gets. If we put tones of energy into something to speed it up, it is still traveling as fast as it could possibly be since it still has a bit of mass slowing it down. That's why we accelerate and object to 99.999% the speed of light, but not actually reach 100%. Also, keep in mind that in that example we are accelerating little tiny particles which you almost in the mass in the first place. It would be waaaaay harder to accelerate something like baseball to those speeds because it weighs much more than a hydrogen atom.



    What type of female clothes goes best with wide shoulders?

  7. 6 minutes ago, Jeric said:

    Are you looking for a template that will help you flesh out the character traits and back story, with you completing the template? If that's the case I have a few that I've given to young authors in the past. 

    I"m really just looking for character descriptions, it is the one thing that I can't do when writing a story and thus I normally get another friend to help me with it. However due to college none of my friends are available :( so I am asking for help from people online. 

  8. Hey Mlp forums sorry to bother you with this but I'm kinda bad with names and such. Right now I am writing another book because I got an idea that I really like so I am going to ask you all for help in the area where I am somewhat lacking. As I said in the title I am in need of some character descriptions for the story I am writing because I have kinda run out. Normally I would use one of my classmates as a base but I have used them a bit too much so I'm coming for some help. If you have some time I would be greatly appreciative if you would post a character outline that I could use for my story.

    Guess I should probably explain what the stories base is... Basically its placed in an uper-class school where there are a large amount of clubs and other items of importance. Basically I need characters that are highschool-college level age and are either in a specific club with that interest or a character that isn't in a club.

    Thanks for even considering helping me... I don't know how to end this post so when in doubt end it mid wor

    • Brohoof 1
  9. You may have heard the story about the 1000 paper cranes and the wish that they grant if you fold all of them. I have always loved these stories even though some of the most popular ones have a very sad ending. In the end I have always wanted to fold the 1000 cranes myself but I haven't had the time or resources. Recently however I got my hands on 1000 sorted color sheets and some rolls of yarn so now the question is: What shall I do with the paper cranes while I am folding the rest. I can string them up in a rather nice form and as you can see from the photo I have a large selection of colors so if you have any suggestions I would love to hear it.


    • Brohoof 3
  10. My curiosity always seems to get the better of me so now the question stands: have you ever been given a nicknamed and if so why were you given it?

    My nicknames:

    1. Jarrodo: Not actually sure about why they chose this given it has nothing to do with my name but my lifelong friend started calling me this for a period of time...
    2. 57: yup I have two numbers as a nickname because my last name is heinz which is a popular condiments brand that also used 57 as the main logo
    3. Echo: People that meet me are told my name is echo by others because I would memorize everything I read and would know the answers to everything so I could repeat the answer to any question (I have mostly lost this ability though, still called echo)
    • Brohoof 1
  11. I wouldn't classify myself as a YD which stands for "yearn to do." This means that if I don't have any push for me to do it I try and avoid it as that thing would, acording to me, be a waste of time. This makes some people think of me as a lazy person which I won't deny simple because if I do deny it that makes them talk more with me and I don't like talking with people in real life.

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